on the mountain.

As soon as Yu Shinan got into Zhang Feng’s living room, they didn’t care about the deadly attractive cigarettes. As soon as they sat down, they asked: "youngster, the person outside is the Crown of Cambodia. Prince?"

"Yes, it's him, but now..."

hearing this, Ouyang Xun slapped the table lightly saying: "I don't care what you do, but old man He is not allowed to go up the mountain!"

Zhang Feng's eyes stared out.

"What's the matter with this? Isn't it just a student? I am not a slave or a businessman. I am a serious Prince. If we turn away, it will damage our Academy's reputation! "

Zhang Feng defended.

Just kidding, Shiva is one person, and he can’t even get out of a bubble on the mountain. One more pair of chopsticks that's all.

The most important thing is that if you teach him, it will be an inexhaustible little treasury!

Where did Zhang Feng give up to this small treasury, the big local tyrant slipped through his eyelids?

Furthermore, now people have agreed to that many things. If they refuse now, wouldn’t it be the same as wasting everything I said before?

Is this a trouble?

So I'm busy, so I have to post money to play with you?

When I run out of money, you still can’t take pictures and leave?

"Several Honored Teachers! The Tao of Confucius and Mencius has one of them. People are not distinguished from high or low, regardless of their education. Even the old man of Confucius once said that education for everyone, irrespective of background, we have mentioned before I have come out, and Li Yuan of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning simply inherited the education for everyone, irrespective of background from Kong’s old man. The students don’t know what’s wrong, and I hope a few Honored Teachers can enlighten me."

Ouyang Xun was choked by Zhang Feng for a long time and had nothing to say, his face flushed, apparently Zhang Feng was irritated by him.

Yu Shinan immediately patted Ouyang Xun on the shoulder and said: "youngster, what you said is correct, but what does this education for everyone, irrespective of background represent, I think you should Clearly, let me ask you, non-my races must have different hearts, don’t you understand?"

"The things in your youngster's head are all your business. After all, this is for the benefit of my Great Tang. I will be happy to help you, but now you want to pass it on to foreigners. Obviously it is impossible. If you talk about this in ten or twenty years, old man will not bother to care about you. , I believe that when the time comes, even if you don’t say it, His Imperial Majesty will issue such a will."

"But, not now!"

"Look Your Academy."

Yu Shinan pointed out the door, his face solemn: "The Academy is not open yet, so you can bring Foreigners here. What do you think the others in the Academy think? Stare here. What will happen to the people of the renegade?"

"Do you want to betray the crime of the traitor?"

Zhang Feng eyelids twitched, this has something to do with the traitor ?

You really think that Zhang Feng has never seen the world. This time the Cambodia Prince is here. I don’t know what he is here for?

This is nothing more than to become a minister. If you are so digging and searching for your subjects, it is really difficult to become a capable person.

Zhang Feng also understands the thoughts of several people, but if it is such a value one's own old broom, then where does the Great Tang period of prosperity come from?

"Several Honored Teachers, youngsters think that what you said is a bit exaggerated. In fact, this matter is not as serious as what you said."

"Is it serious? "

Ouyang Xun's fiery temper came up again, stood up with a chuckle, and stared at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng ignored him and said: "Xinben Honored Teacher, you don't be impatient first, can you let the students say one, two or three? How about Fan?"

"Brother Xinben, please calm down and see what the youngster is going to say, and then, how about it?"

Yu Shinan and Sun Simiao also hurriedly persuade After a while, Ouyang Xun said angrily: "If you want to say it, just say it."

Zhang Feng hearing this, then said: "Actually, you should have seen it too. Now I Great Tang’s national power is getting stronger and stronger. It used to be as strong as Turkic and other countries. At this time, I can only engage in small moves to test my Great Tang."

"And this kind of temptation, youngster thinks, it will continue. For a long, long time, and like Tibet all acknowledge allegiance to become a vassal of my Great Tang, let alone a small country around it? For example, Goguryeo Shiwei, Huiyu, etc."

"For example, It’s like a bandit’s den. Does the bandit leader just care about his own enjoyment and not..."

"Forget it, let me change the analogy."

Zhang Feng wants to kill people in Ouyang Xun Shrinking his gaze, he hurriedly changed one and said: "For example, a wolf pack. The strength of a wolf king does not mean the strength of the entire wolf pack. The strength of a wolf pack depends on how the wolf king does it. Evenly distribute the food."

"If the wolf king in the wolves pack always cares about himself, then there will be fewer and fewer wolves around him, until in the end, he will be alone. Fight hard, when the time comes, even if you see abundant prey, no matter how good hunting opportunities, it will only sigh."

"Although my Great Tang is now strong, but still People who just live in a spouse and are attached to my Great Tang expect to learn something while being sheltered. Then when they become stronger, my Great Tang will get more rewards, thus forming a huge network of interests. If you do, then I, Great Tang, who else can be the enemy?"

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