"hahaha, good Younger Sister, you really gave Elder Brother a big surprise!"

"Come, sit down Sit, sit down."

Yuchi Lan'er blinked and winked, then chuckled his head lightly.

After a few people were seated for the guest and the host, Yuchi Gong waved his hand and said, "Come on, are you ready for the banquet?"

"Go back to Lord, I'm already ready!"

hearing this, Yuchi Gong got up and said: "Lan'er Younger Sister is fatigue all the way, let’s go, Elder Brother has prepared a banquet for you, let’s eat and talk?"

Yuchi Lan'er actually knew about coming to Cháng'ān for a long time.

, although Yuchi Lan'er disdains it.

She has his dream.

But when I heard that it was Zhang Feng, Yuchi Lan'er couldn't sit still.

Which one of Zhang Feng's Bring in the Wine has caused a sensation among the talented and beautiful women in Jiangnan. All women are obsessed with Zhang Feng's poems.

Even if a poem of Zhang Feng is introduced into Jiangnan, it will cause a sensational snatch.

Although Yuchi Lan'er is not so exaggerated, but...

Already heartfelt promise.

After learning about coming to Cháng'ān from the father, how can Yuchi Lan'er take care of that many?

After learning that Zhang Feng actually has a marriage contract and a Cháng'ān number one beauty Young Lady Jing Shu, where can she be indifferent?

Three people are seated.

Yuchi Lan'er asked: "Sister-in-law, Madam, two nephews, why didn't they see?"

"The two of them have already been on the mountain."


hearing this, although there have been speculations, Yuchi Lan'er was still a little shocked.

"I heard Crown Prince and the others..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound.

"Just know some things. Also, did your father tell you about this?"

Where does Yuchi Lan'er know that, about this, Yuchi Gong will be so cautious, busy and nodded, and his face solemnly said: "I can save it."

"That's good, come, come, let's eat, eat, these things, you shouldn’t have eaten them. Well, these things are all good things!"

While speaking, Yuchi Gong pointed to the braised pork on the table, as well as the chicken, as well as all the dishes Zhang Feng made, a little fluttering.

Yuchi Lan'er looked down now.

After a while, Yuchi Lan'er covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Did my cousin forget a sentence?"

"Cháng'ān beat the drums yesterday, and the lantern season Jiangnan Wen?"

Yuchi Gong hearing this, although he doesn’t understand these things, but he can understand the meaning of them. It seems that people have already eaten a table of carefully prepared delicacies. .

Said with a smile: "didn't expect Old Brother, I thought I could give you a surprise. Forget it, after you go up the mountain, the youngster will have a lot of things, so I asked him to do it. I'll eat it for you!"


Yuchi Lan'er covered his mouth and smiled.

Yuchi Madam saw that the topic was brought to this point, and waved his hand: "Come on, let's get the jar of wine that Lord hid."

"Woman, obviously it is Are you hiding it? I'm still wondering where my jar of wine has gone..."

"If I don't hide it, today, what would you do to entertain Lan'er?"


"Come on, Lan'er, let's eat and ignore him."

Yuchi Madam pours Yuchi Lan'er while asking, "Lan'er, if my sister-in-law doesn’t If you remember it wrong, you are already eighteen years old this year?"

Yuchi Lan'er is really the first time I have seen this kind of clear water, but it smells sweet and fragrant. Surprised, but when I saw my sister-in-law Madam asked, she gave a faint smile: "Sister-in-law Madam is really memorable."

Yuchi Madam hearing this, the one who is smiling at Yuchi Lan'er is a bit older than a normal person. Bei glanced at his chest, nodded satisfied.

"Come on, let’s drink. This thing is only available in our mansion for the time being. It’s hard to say whether there is any in other National Duke Mansion and Imperial Palace. Don’t you know, this wine, too It comes from Zhang Feng's youngster!"

"Isn't it...I said he made the beer before? This..."

"Hey! When is that all? It’s a matter of time, wait tomorrow, let’s go up the mountain, Old Brother, I will tell you Zhang Feng this silly youngster."

"Come on, let’s eat first, finish the meal, and then talk about that youngster. The meeting is something you can’t even think of. This time, Old Brother, I’ve said it to you, but if one thing can be achieved, it still depends on you. Now although the youngster is only a viscount, it’s still White Deer Academy of Libation Chancellor of Classical Learning."

"But Old Brother dared to make sure that the youngsters staring at the youngster can just line up from here to Mt. Kui!"

Yuchi Lan'er still believes this.

But at this time, I have a little more knowledge of Zhang Feng's talents, and I can't help but want to see more urgently, Zhang Feng, who are you.


At this moment, one was about to enter the living room in a hurry, and then whispered softly in Yuchi Gong's ear.

In an instant, Yuchi Gong's face suddenly changed.

"Not good!"

hearing this, Yuchi Lan'er and Yuchi Madam also turn pale with fright.

"What's the matter?"

After Yuchi Gong waved away and retreated, he said solemnly, "Remember that youngster's soulmate, right? His fiancee, now these two Little Missy actually became sisters, and tomorrow the Old Scholar from Cháng'ān University will ask them to go up the mountain to take care of Zhang Feng’s daily life!"

hearing this, Yuchi Madam also Anxious.

He took Yuchi Lan'er's hand and said: "Go, let's go up the mountain now!"


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