Zhang Yuyao was stunned.

Although Jing Shu was a little lonely, she quickly concealed her past. After all, she was only showing a pair of eyes at this time, and no one could see what she was thinking.

She was alone all her life.

Since I became strong with Zhang Feng, I also naturally curled my hair up. I lived deep in Zhang Feng's Cháng'ān University and opened a female class.

At this time, the Princess in the palace and the female relatives of the noble family are basically studying in the female class of Cháng'ān University.

These are all arrangements by Zhang Feng.

Although she is busy every day, she is extremely enriched, and she does not need to be the same as before, all day long thinking about how to deal with those gangsters.

But since following Zhang Feng.

Every bit of Zhang Feng's body is so fatal to attract her, this is the reason why she must come to Zhang Mansion every day.

Because here, there is also a woman who is like her, waiting for Zhang Feng’s news. The most important thing is that many servants of Zhang Fuzhong went to Mt. Kui to help, and they were with Tonghui Street. Adjacent, if there is any news, this is also the first to know, and the female class now does not need her to worry too much.

Three female officials in the palace came, and she had nothing to do for a long time.

At this time, after learning that Zhang Shan had let Zhang Yuyao go up the mountain, it was obvious that Jing Shu was a little lonely.

And all this, where can I escape Zhang Shan's eyeballs?

At this time, Great Tang’s custom is polygamy, so when I saw Jing Shu, I naturally regarded her as Zhang Feng’s wife.

If this is in modern times, you can try it.

If you don't kill you bastard, it is your ancestor's blessing.

Zhang Shan laughed on a cigarette and looked at Jing Shu and said: "Young Lady Jing Shu."

"Zhang Lord."

Jing Shu salutes, said Wenwen classic dictionary.

Zhang Shan said with a slight smile: "You also go up the mountain with Yuyao. The old man knows that there is nothing to do in this female class now. Besides, the youngster will go up the mountain all day. Like a clay figurine, there are some distinguished guests on the mountain, and the youngster has no etiquette, and my Yuyao is really inferior to you in this respect."

"Zhang Lord, what are you saying, Noble Son Zhang Being human..."

"Don't talk to that youngster, it's all men, I save it."

Zhang Shan was also a little speechless.

What kind of ecstasy is this youngster pouring these two?

I haven’t done anything yet, all of them are facing him?

"Let’s talk about other things, the youngster’s temperament is wild and the road is wide. It is inevitable that you will meet some women. Since both of you are the wife of Feng'zi who is about to pass the door, so this time I also want you to go. Accompany him on the mountain, lest the rumors are unpleasant, when the time is right, you are not..."

"Father! Are you ashamed!"

Zhang Yuyao can't listen anymore , Blushing.

Mother Zhang is here after all. As soon as she rolled her eyes, she understood what Zhang Shan meant. She tapped Zhang Yuyao's forehead with her finger and said, "Oh, you die Missy, your father is all for you. Good! The youngster Zhang’s put on airs, didn’t you fail to hear the servant say, when you go down the mountain, those women will pounce on like flies that smell the smell, don’t look at it, when the time comes, you two cried Time!"

"Men, you have to be careful, don't you think there are more than a dozen free-eating women in the house before the door?"

Zhang Shan has a headache , Hurriedly interrupted Mother Zhang, who instilled poisonous chicken soup for the two girls, and said: "Actually, it is not that serious. Now that the youngster and the washing and stacking of quilts on the mountain are not taken care of, you two go up the mountain, one of the masters, give the youngster out. Come up with ideas, this Young Lady Jing Shu has to work hard, and he will be groomed in the Lord. Don’t be like a muddy leg all day. You have to remember this matter, Yuyao."

"Man, you have to pay attention. Face, daily dressing, you give me attention, clean him up, your face also has light?"

"But, dad——!"

Zhang Yuyao At this time, the blushing is the same as a kind of fruit produced in Qinling, flushed red.

"But what does it look like for a daughter to go up the mountain like this? After all...After all..."

Mother Zhang glared at the hesitating Zhang Yuyao: "Dead Missy, wait longer." , Do you want to see other women go up the mountain first, don’t you?"

"Hurry up and show me that youngster, so he can recruit bees and butterflies for you outside?"

During the chattering of Zhang's mother, Zhang Shan had to push Zhang Yuyao out.

As soon as the two women went out, they got a pair of eyes, and their faces turned red in an instant.

"Jing Shu Younger Sister, let's go up the mountain like this, then...the people on the mountain will look at us like that!"

"It's really ashamed."


Where does Jing Shu know?

Now she is excited, looking forward to, but also a little entangled.

She is no better than Zhang Yuyao. As soon as Zhang Yuyao enters the door, Mistress exists. What about her?

People are marrying Mingzhong, but she is...

With a sigh, Jing Shu can only hug Zhang Yuyao, who lost one's head out of fear, and said: "Good elder sister, Don't worry, wait until tomorrow to go up the mountain, don't you want to go up the mountain every day?"


"Who said that?"

"Let's go and see what needs to be prepared. Didn't you make a shirt for Noble Son Zhang? Don't forget."

The two women chirp chirp twitter twitter after talking for a while.

Zhang Yuyao jumped up again.

Breaking my fingers, I counted the items one by one.

And she didn't notice, her close maid had already taken Momo to the Zhang Mansion to show off everywhere.


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