Several people yelled wronged.

Zhang Feng feels nothing.

The big thorn turned over and looked at the golden rabbit, and slowly took out a few bottles and jars from his arms. In an instant, Li Chengqian and the others' eyes lit up. Zhangsun Chong asked in astonishment: "Does your youngster also come to make this game?"

"Do you think Lao Tzu is as lazy as you are?"

Zhang Feng rolled the eyes: "I came to have a major event, who would be like you? The chicken is tired of eating and secretly carrying me to engage in game?"


Cheng Chumo quit.

He pushed Yuchi Baolin and said, "It's all this youngster. They said that they are going to give you a meeting gift. They came to grind a few of us early in the morning, and finally Li Qian, the youngster, spoke, we Then I thought for a while and felt that your youngster lacks nothing but deliciousness. So I asked a few people to inquire and found out that the hares here are good, so I came to get you youngster to get hares for you. It’s okay for you. Come..."

"Iron Ox, it's my fault. I didn't say hello to Feng'zi in advance. This is the brother's fault. Since the Feng'zi brother is not happy, then I will go down the mountain."

"Come on, you guys, stop acting, you are not that piece of material."

Zhang Feng looked at the clumsy acting skills of a few people silently: "I'm here this time, it's really not for this thing." , Otherwise you saw me get up so early?"

Several people were not ashamed to see Zhang Feng dismantle them, but curiously asked: "Then why did you come here? "

Zhang Feng tore off a piece of rabbit leg, and said while chewing: "Do you still remember when I was looking for a carpenter?"

hearing this, Li Chengqian's eyes flashed: "Are you talking about the carpenters that your Sir people found for you?"

Zhang Feng wanted to explain, but he didn't bother to explain. Anyway, these people won't believe it, nodded said: "It's them, haven't you noticed that there are a group of people in this forest who are also doing carpentry work?"

When a few people heard it, they thought about it, and they really remembered it.

In this forest, a group of mysterious craftsmen came. They didn’t cut down the trees every day. Instead, they wandered around in the woods. Finally, they carried a few weird trees about the size of arms or It's the root of a tree, I got into a bamboo forest, and I don't know what Dao Child is playing with. As long as there is a stranger, he immediately quit and hides the things he made like treasure.

It turns out that these people are the youngsters Feng'zi found?

A few people could not help but approached and asked: "What are these people doing? Anyway, I heard that it is quite mysterious."


Zhang Feng smiled: "Wait for you to know it!"

While speaking, Zhang Feng greeted a few people to eat and drink together. After the food and drink were enough, Zhang Feng gave a long speech. With a breath and a wave of hands, everyone was smoking cigarettes, and then under the leadership of Zhang Feng, they slowly walked into the depths of the jungle.

The pine forest is very deep.

But because of the logging, the trampling roads extending in all directions and the squashed trees have revealed a large area of ​​land that has not seen the sun for a long time.

The person Zhang Feng is looking for.

It's in a place called Yaoziya.

After half an hour of climbing, everyone can faintly see a dense bamboo forest, with bursts of smoke rising up.


The arrival of a few people obviously made the people on the cliff notice.

With a shout, Zhang Feng waved his hand quickly: "I, Feng'zi!"

Hearing this above, there was no movement for a while, but there was a rustling sound. sound.

When a few people climbed the cliff, the top of the cliff was extremely spacious, with hundreds of squares.

And these craftsmen, using these dense bamboos to tidy up a bit, became a place for people to live. At this time, they were more than 30 years old, about forty or even seventy-eighty years old. All the guys stood respectfully beside the only mountain road that could climb the cliff.

When Zhang Feng and the others went up the mountain, a forty-year-old man headed by him hurried forward and said: "Little Zhang Wei, I have seen my uncle!"

Zhang Feng After a perfunctory sentence, he asked: "I'll come here today..."

"Uncle, the younger one knows what you are here to do, everything is ready for you, please see!"

While speaking, Zhang Wei will lead Zhang Feng to see the things moved out by them. Instead, Zhang Feng waved his hands: "These people are all old craftsmen from the Ministry of Works who were recruited from Longyou Road. "

"Uncle Hui, it is!"

Zhang Wei pointed to an old man standing behind him and said, "This is the old craftsman of the Ministry of Works. It’s just the previous dynasty."

The voice of Zhang Wei’s previous words is still normal, except that only Zhang Feng can hear the voice behind.

hearing this, the old man shook his hand at Zhang Feng: "Old man Cao Jun has seen the dean!"

"These people are Cao's family."

When Zhang Feng saw this, he hurriedly bowed: "It turned out to be Lord Cao."

Where did Cao Jun have seen Zhang Feng? He helped Zhang Feng, but he was afraid that Zhang Feng would be tied up with the calluses on his hands, and he scratched his ears and cheeks.

Zhang Feng bowed before looking at the humanity behind the old man: "these all are Lord Cao’s family? Then why not see the daughters of Lord Cao’s family?"

Cao Jun hearing this pointed to Shanxia: "Thanks to Lord Zhang's kindness, there are more than 30 young and old in the family, and now they are all placed in the food factory under the mountain to work."

Zhang Feng hearing this, this gave up. .

The king cripple beckons with the hand rushing behind him said: "Lord Cao, the youngster asked me before, is there any eyebrow?"

"You are ashamed!"

A humiliation flashed across Cao Jun’s gully face: "These things are too sophisticated, so the little old man didn’t rush to produce the first batch of prototypes until last night, didn’t expect Lord Dean Coming in person is really a little old man's negligence."

"It's not bad if it can be made in a hurry. I thought it would take at least one month of weather to make this thing, didn't 't expect Cao Lord, the weather has been all right in the past half month?"

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