"Well, we can start."

Zhang Feng nodded, then looked towards Ma Zhou: "You two tied the wire to the silk, and the basket Tied under the silk, ready to take off."

Ma Zhou and the two are nodded. These jobs are already familiar to them. There is no difficulty, and they are completed efficiently.

"Honored Teacher, it has been completed."

Hao Chujun said while holding the wire.

Zhang Feng nodded, he went forward and pulled the wire vigorously. After confirming that there was no problem, he glanced at Cheng Chumo and the others: "You can go to this basket, and put five sandbags to try."

Sandbags are used to control the weight of the hot air balloon and make it easier to control the direction, so you can't be careless.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Cheng Chumo jumped three times at zhang high, and jumped up with a sudden jump. If it weren't for the basket on the ground, I really doubted it would Let him smash a hole.

"Let's come too."

Du Gou and Zhangsun Chong went crazy, rushing to the basket for fear of falling behind.

As soon as the three guys got into the basket, they were like a rare treasure. They kept jumping in the basket, as if they were trying to see if the basket was strong. How could the poor rattan basket hold this? The ravages of the three guys made screams.

"Fucking, what are you guys doing?"

Zhang Feng couldn't see it, and hurriedly spoke to stop him, fearing that these guys would ruin the basket.

"Feng'zi, let's just try if the basket is not strong."

Cheng Chumo smiled hehe on his face, his feet were still moving.


Zhang Feng yelled, a little annoyed: "Even if this basket is strong, it will be useless if you step on it so hard."

After hearing this, everyone stopped and stood still, but Zhang Feng's reprimand did not extinguish the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts.

"Feng'zi, hurry up, I can't wait."

Cheng Chumo rubbed his hands, a trace of bright light flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Feng gave Cheng Chumo a white look, and did not answer. Instead, he walked up to the basket and stood with the three of them, and then looked towards Ma Zhou and the others: "Please check again and confirm that there is no problem. , Untie the hemp rope tied to the blue brick."

The two of them were nodded, and then they started to check and found no problems.

"Honored Teacher, everything is normal."

Hao Chujun replied with his head held high.

"Okay, then you guys untie the hemp rope now."

Zhang Feng was satisfied and nodded, holding his hand on the wire.

"Yes, Honored Teacher."

Hao Chujun bends and begins to untie the twine. Because it is a slip knot, the twine is easily opened.

At this moment of opening, the hot air balloon swayed slightly. Fortunately, it was on the ground. Otherwise, the four people in the basket might have to stagger, and the hot air balloon began to rise slowly. Very slow, you can feel the oncoming cold wind and chill.

"Raised, raised."

Du Gou waved his hands with excitement, making him look like he had never seen the world before.

This is the first time he has gone to heaven. He is full of novelty and beauty in front of him. Of course, there is a trace of pride. In the eyes of others, he is a famous dude in Beijing, ignorant and incompetent, tyrannize, Every day he only knows how to spend a lot of time and wine, but now, he has accomplished things that others can't do. Although it is in the light of Feng'zi, it does not affect his feeling of ostentation at all.

Of course, he is not the only one who has this kind of thought, and Zhangsun Chong, he is lying on the edge of the basket with his fingers far away, and his face is full of excitement: "Yeah, yeah, look there."


"Look at the underground, those guys in Ma Zhou are like ants, hahaha."

Cheng Chumo looked down at the underground, burst into laughter, and swept the crowd from time to time. At a glance, but this feeling disappeared soon, because he remembered one thing, he was the first person to go to heaven, how could he be as ignorant as these guys, his right hand clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed slightly. Sound, deliberately pretending to look like a big brother: "Can you two stay calm, I would have let you up."

tone barely fell, and slapped it up.

"Why are you arguing?"

Zhang Feng gave Cheng Chumo angrily and gave Cheng Chumo a glance: "Don't be afraid of bouncing your teeth when you speak big words, day by day."

It's not the first time he has been in a hot air balloon, so he is nothing new to this stuff, but it's really annoying that these guys look like they have never seen the world before.

"Feng'zi, I am not talking alone."

Cheng Chumo felt a little aggrieved. If he were on the ground, maybe he would fight back long ago. But now it's in the sky, here is Feng'zi who knows hot air balloons. If there is something good or bad, everyone has to finish the game, so he dare not fight back.

"I know you are not the only one."

Zhang Feng replied casually, and then looked towards Zhangsun Chong: "You two guys give me peace of mind, don’t be here Here make a fuss about nothing, or wait and throw you down."

After saying that, he didn’t watch the reaction of the two of them. He sat in the basket and took out a cigarette from his waist. He was planning to When I took out the fire-breaker and lit a cigarette, I remembered that hydrogen is relatively flammable, so I put down the cigarette and enjoyed the beauty of in the sky.

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