"You tie these blue bricks with hemp rope, remember to connect them together and don’t spread them out."

Zhang Feng turned his head and looked towards Hao Chujun, Said with a serious face.

"Yes, Honored Teacher."

Hao Chujun nodded, started the action in his hand.

Zhang Feng turned his head and glanced at everyone, and said: "Now everyone starts to let go, but not all of them. I am going to tie a rope on the silk, and wait to connect the blue bricks, otherwise everyone I can't let go, understand?"

"Yes, Honored Teacher."

Ma Zhou nodded, said in deadly earnest.

Other people also echoed with their mouths. This is their divine object. They dare not neglect, otherwise there will be no place to cry.

Zhang Feng was satisfied and nodded, and gently let go of the right hand. The silk shook a little, but did not rise. Upon seeing this, he took a rope from the table and began to wrap it around the silk hole. .

"Iron Ox, gently send the right hand, wait for the rope to go around, and then grab it again."

Zhang Feng the rope goes around Cheng Chumo's right hand, one The face warned earnestly, this guy is playful, and he has to be serious.

"Okay, just come on."

Cheng Chumo nodded, he knew the seriousness of the matter, and he did not dare to neglect, gently let go of the right hand, the silk shook violently. , Everyone pulled it down with all their strength.

Zhang Feng didn't hesitate when he saw it, and slowly stretched the rope over. After everything was done, he said again: "Now use the right hand to hold the silk first, and lift it up with the left hand."

Cheng Chumo nodded, I did it again according to the previous action. Except for the violent shaking of the silk, no accident happened. Then the rope successfully circumvented Zhangsun Chong, Du Gou, Ma Zhou and the others, Zhang Feng once again The rope is held in the hand and a slipknot is tied, and everything is considered as successfully accomplished.

"Everyone, don’t let go, wait until the blue bricks are tied."

Zhang Feng glanced at everyone, then fixed his gaze on Hao Chujun: "Hao Chujun, you will Tie the rope on the silk with the rope on the blue brick. Remember, don't tie the knot."

After speaking, he threw the hemp rope in his hand to Hao Chujun, motioning for the other party to tie the knot.

Hao Chujun stretched out his hand to take the hemp rope, moving very swiftly, and quickly tied a knot.

"Honored Teacher, it's all right."

He looked up towards Zhang Feng with a look of respect.

Zhang Feng nodded, glanced at the rope, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, let go first. Seeing that the silk showed no signs of rising, then looked towards everyone: "Everyone can let go now, remember, One by one loose."

The voice fell, and everyone began to let go, first Cheng Chumo, the silk shook a little, then Zhangsun Chong also let go, the silk began to rise, the hemp rope began to tighten, Du Gou When Ma Zhou and Ma Zhou let go of their hands, the silk suddenly floated up, and the hemp rope became tighter and tighter. Until the whole hemp rope was straight, the silk stopped floating and floated in the air.

"Feng'zi, now this thing is finally finished, right?"

Cheng Chumo clapped his hands and looked at the silk on the top of his head.

"Well, I'm basically done, just wait for the experiment."

Zhang Feng squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the silk, and was happy in his heart. With this thing, a hot air balloon Can truly be called a hot air balloon.

"Then we can experiment now, right?"

Zhangsun Chong rushed to Zhang Feng with a look of joy, but he was a little impatient. Cheng Chumo was already on Once the day passed, I and Du Gou both watched it. This is a bit unfair. If you think about the heavenly benefits Feng'zi owes you, you can’t just let it go.

"The experiment must be done, what are you anxious for?"

Zhang Feng gave Zhangsun Chong a blank look, said ill-humoredly: "I am still worried that I will cheat you."

"That's not it, I'm impatient."

Zhangsun Chong scratched his head and smiled.

Zhang Feng ignored this guy, but stared at Silk and thought.

There is no problem with hydrogen now, but how to control the direction and height?

The hot air balloons of later generations use the gas in the sphere to control the direction and height, but now there is not that many hydrogen, and it cannot withstand consumption.

However, the height is often linked to the weight, and weight should be able to control the height. Once the height is controlled, the direction is much easier.

He kept repeating in his heart, and finally determined, and then looked towards Ma Zhou: "Ma Zhou, you immediately go find ten pockets, each with ten kilograms of sand and bring them to the playground."

Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun looked at each other and were a little puzzled. It was not what Honored Teacher was going to do, but they responded to each other and walked out the door.

"Iron Ox, Dabing, Chong'zi, do you want to go to heaven?"

Zhang Feng turned his head and glanced at Cheng Chumo and the others, faint smile.

"Of course, Feng'zi, are you willing to let us go to heaven?"

A fierce man from Cheng Chumo stepped forward and shook Zhang Feng's shoulder for a while.

"Stop, shake again and die."

Zhang Feng waved his hand to try to stop this guy's thing.

"hehe, Feng'zi, sorry."

Cheng Chumo laughed, retracted his hands and rubbed it, looking at Zhang Feng expectantly.

Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou also gathered around, looking at Zhang Feng expectantly. They are people who look forward to going to heaven more than anyone else.

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