Cheng Chumo still has a loud voice as always, and his excitement makes his voice a little hoarse.

Because he knows the pros and cons of this, if he can really go to heaven, would the fucking attack on Turkic still take so much effort? Go directly to the sky and drop a few bombs below, so do you forget the fate of those turtles and grandchildren?

Furthermore, if you ride this thing to heaven, is it possible to be immortality?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. Instead, he threw the question to Zhang Feng. He fixedly looked at Zhang Feng, his hair standing upright.

"Feng'zi, where is the one you said? Could you show me?"

Cheng Chumo looked at Zhang Feng with excitement, almost kneeling down Up.

"It seems that there is no problem, but it is almost silk now."

Zhang Feng glanced at the crowd and laughed.

He originally wanted to get some silk from these guys, but he was afraid that they would not agree. Now it’s fine. These guys seem to be very interested in this hot air balloon. But I'm not afraid.

"Hurt, isn't it just silk? I'll get it for you."

Cheng Chumo patted his firm chest and fully agreed.

"Yes, we still have a little silk in our textile factory."

Zhangsun Chong also quickly agreed, he didn't want to be eaten alone when the time comes.

Du Gou, not to mention, I promised again and again, for fear of not showing myself the same.

Seeing the three people agreeing, Zhang Feng was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can get some silk after the wine is finished."

After that, he picked up the wine bowl and started to deliver it to his mouth. Cheng Chumo on the side was unhappy. He snatched the wine bowl over and hurriedly shouted: "Also drink a fart. With this thing, it's not as good as drinking wine. Huh?"

"Yes, Feng'zi, would you not delay the time on purpose?"

Zhangsun Chong also instantly felt that the wine in his hand was not fragrant, and he looked questioningly. With Zhang Feng.

"Why? I don't think you guys will come here easily, this good wine can't be wasted."

Zhang Feng smiled and said he would take Cheng. The wine bowl in Chumo's hand.

You can watch the hot air balloon anytime, and you can't run away. The wine has already been taken out, but one sip is less.

Cheng Chumo quit, put the wine bowl aside, and pulled Zhang Feng up: "Feng'zi, stop drinking, Dang! Find silk for you, and then take us to see you Ascend to heaven."

After speaking, he grabbed Zhang Feng's arm and ran out of the door.

"Iron Ox, you fucking, can you wait for me to finish the drink?"

Zhang Feng tried to break free with his hands and feet, but it didn't help. This guy is too strong .

"Walk around, first go to the textile factory to find silk."

Zhangsun Chong also ran out holding a wine bottle.

Du Gou followed with a plate of unfinished braised pork, and ran to the textile factory closely behind him.

They don't care what Zhang Feng feels, as long as they can see the thing that can ascend to heaven.

In this way, Zhang Feng was framed by this group of bandits and ran towards the textile factory.

The textile factory is also built on Mt. Kui, halfway up the mountain, not far from the Academy.

The entire group soon arrived at the destination. Cheng Chumo let go of Zhang Feng and smirked: "Feng'zi, now the textile factory has arrived. You can choose whatever silk you want."

Zhang Feng shook his wrist and glanced at the rude guy. If it weren't for the hot air balloon, he was about to beat him up. Although he might not be able to beat him, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"Okay, go and have a look first."

He replied unhappily.

After looking towards the textile factory, I walked into the textile factory and saw a large piece of cloth greeted my eyes. There are countless machines in operation. There are more or less two people standing next to each machine. They use tools to pull Take the fabric that has just been processed, and then hand the fabric to another group of people, who will color and dry it.

Looking at the side, a pile of cotton neat and tidy is placed there. Three or five workers are stuffing the cotton into a cylindrical cloth with their hands, which looks exactly similar to the pillows in later generations. Next to them, there is a group of machines that are also processing something. They put the fabrics neatly in, and soon some handicrafts with patterns come out. After a closer look, this damn properly is a four-piece set on the bed.

"Feng'zi, just take whatever you like, the silk has already been taken."

Cheng Chumo has his hands on his hips, a rich and imposing look.

This makes Zhang Feng a little bit uncomfortable. Damn, if I didn't hand over the textile factory to you back then, would I be able to show off in front of me now?

"I'll take a look first."

He glanced at Cheng Chumo, and walked to the cloth alone to select it.

Zhangsun Chong followed Zhang Feng, posing in an imposing manner, just like saying, pick whatever you want, these are all from my family.

For these, Zhang Feng chose to turn a blind eye, each minding their own business's selection of fabrics.

"It's not good, it's too easy to breathe."

"This thing is too heavy and it's not good."

He took a piece of fabric and looked at it, disgusted Put down.

Although I came here for silk this time, it does not affect other fabrics. Maybe there is something more suitable than silk.

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