Speaking of this, he smiled and ignored Li Shimin's other advantages. Only one is reliable. Also, there are really few reliable ones except His Imperial Majesty. people.

"Feng'zi, you recently had a good relationship with Mr. Li. He is a businessman. When you go to Jiangnan, there may be some place to help you."

Chu Suiliang looked serious. Although they didn't like Li Shimin, they had to admit the status of each other.

Once Feng'zi arrived in Jiangnan, his foundation was unstable and he would definitely need help, and Li Shimin was the best help. At the same time, this was the result of the four of them deliberating.

"Yes, Honored Teacher."

Zhang Feng nodded, looks like a teacher.

"Feng'zi, you can find their help, but don't rely on them, remember?"

Yu Shinan's eyes flashed a trace of bright light, he didn't want it Feng'zi is too close to these, but help is still possible.

Zhang Feng frowned, I don’t understand.

Seeing this, Xue Ji quickly added: "Feng'zi, they are businessmen. There are more things than plot against. You have to go too close to them, and be careful that you are too deep. , You are the dean of the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, you must know your identity."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that the four Honored Teachers were worried that they would be plotted against by these guys. , I am who, can I be plotted against by them?

Speaking of this identity, does it matter?

Although he thought so in his heart, he impossible to say something against Honored Teacher.

"Students remember."

Zhang Feng replied respectfully.

Yu Shinan stroked the gray beard, quite satisfied: "Well, you can rest, we will leave first."

After that, he stood. Standing up and walking outside the door, the other three glanced at Zhang Feng and followed closely from behind.

Honored Teacher wants to go, Zhang Feng naturally can't sit, he stood up, sent everyone to the door, and bowed: "Honored Teacher, walk slowly."

Look at The four of them hobbled further and further away, and he slowly got up and returned to the house, half lying on the chair.

To be honest, he likes to talk with four Honored Teachers and Old Scholars very much, because he feels that he can learn a lot of knowledge, but these red tapes are a bit cumbersome, for his good youth in the 21st century In terms of it, it is simply suffering.

He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. He couldn't help but remember what the four Honored Teachers had just said.

Allow yourself to find Old Li's help, but don't go too close and don't rely on it.

Honored Teacher seems to be afraid that Old Li and the others will take advantage of him. For Honored Teacher's affectionate look, he can't help showing a trace of sadness on his face.

Yes, the Master in the world doesn't care for his dísciple.

Speaking of dísciple, he remembered the Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun he had just met.

Did you just reprimand the two of them a bit too much? After all, the mouth is on someone else, how they call them two, they can't stop it.

Furthermore, in front of that many people just now, I reprimanded them. Will they make them feel embarrassed in front of other students?

After all, people are shameless, and there is a reason for their innocence.

that's all, let's go and see them.

He took a puff of cigarette, slowly got up from the chair, and walked out the door, ready to go to the laboratory to see Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun.

The laboratory is not very far from the Academy. Zhang Feng walked leisurely in the courtyard while smoking, and arrived at the laboratory in a short while.

At this time, a large group of people gathered on the playground, surrounded by a circle, not knowing what they were doing.

Now it’s class time, are these guys skipping class?

With such thoughts, Zhang Feng strode towards the crowd and shouted: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go to class?"

hearing this , Everyone turned their heads together, and when they saw Zhang Feng, there were joyful smiles on their faces.

This makes Zhang Feng even more angry. These guys not only don't go to class, but they also have a smiling face when they see themselves. They really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth.

"Speak, what are you doing here? How about Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun?"

Tone barely fell, two silhouettes emerged from the crowd, it is Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun, they greeted him hurriedly, a little flustered. It seems that they have not gone over what happened just now: "Honored Teacher forgive me, we are studying hot air balloons."

They are a little uneasy, for fear that Honored Teacher will return Thinking about things in the morning.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng's gloomy face finally showed a smile. It turned out that he had blamed them, but it seemed that they were unhappy because of what happened in the morning.

"so that's how it is, how is your research?"

He looked at the two with a gentle smile.

After all, he knew that he couldn't blame both of them for what happened in the morning.

Seeing Zhang Feng doing this, the two of them finally showed a smile on their faces.

Ma Zhou took a step forward, laughed, and said: "reporting to Honored Teacher, the improved hot air balloon is much better than last time, we are experimenting."

"Really "

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect the two of them to make improvements so quickly. Some were overjoyed: "Go, take Dang! Take a look."

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