This feeling made him very comfortable. He half-squinted his eyes and recalled the conversation with Old Scholar today.

Old Scholars are actually single thought old people. Although they say that Jiangnan is not good there, but they still understand Jiangnan's power and status as irreplaceable.

I have to help Xie's family in Jiangnan this time, which can be regarded as repaying Old Scholar's grace to solve the doubts.

Thinking about it, he held the cigarette in his mouth again, took a sharp sip, and glanced out the window by the way. At this time, the sky was already full and the moon was high, and the night was unconsciously.

Zhang Feng spit out a puff of smoke, got up suddenly, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, trampled it out, turned and looked towards the bed and walked around. There is no entertainment at the Academy at night. Everyone goes to bed early. He No exception, of course, except for some naughty guys who like to play basketball.

He took off his clothes efficiently, lay on the bed and counted the stars. After a while, a slight snoring sound came from the room.

The next day, a long yawn came from the house. Zhang Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened them slowly, glanced at the messy clothes beside the bed, and began to put on clothes subconsciously.

After putting on his clothes, he jumped off the bed, washed his face with the water he had prepared, and became sober. Then, he took out a cigarette from his waist and held it in his mouth. The fire-folder rose, took a sharp breath, spit out the smoke, and made a gesture of satisfaction.

"It's another day."

He was enjoying the impact of the smoke with a smile on his face.

After that, Zhang Feng opened the door and walked to the Academy, ready to go around. This is what he is used to doing every day after returning to the Academy.

Wake up early in the morning to see the students' learning situation, stop by and see if those guys are not lazy, it's a bit like the meaning of the next generation of the Director of Academic Affairs lying on the window.

Before he walked to the door of the classroom, he heard the students' high-pitched reading for a while.

"The wise man must be far-sighted and observant, ignorant, and cannot be private; a man who is capable of law must be strong and strong, not strong, and cannot be adulterous!"

Zhang Feng secretly nodded, this voice is a familiar taste.

He did not approach, but glanced at the classroom. It turned out that it was Old Scholar teaching inside. The student shook his head while holding the book, while squinting his eyes, he kept reciting in his mouth. text.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng was satisfied and nodded, and moved to the playground. He was going to see if that guy was lazy.

As soon as I walked to the playground, I heard cheers.

"Quickly pass the ball to me."

"I'm going to shoot a three-pointer."

Zhang Feng gently pushed away the block in front of him Leaves, glanced at the playground.

I don’t know. I was shocked when I saw it. It turned out that a few guys were secretly playing basketball here, and they were still playing very vigorously.

Among them, Yunping and Yiming Two youngsters. These two guys guarded the school gate during the basketball opening ceremony and called themselves to get up. They are usually naughty. However, I didn't expect these two guys to be so courageous that they would dare to come out to play basketball during class time?

Playing basketball is a good thing in itself, it can keep fit, but playing basketball in class not only violates school regulations, but is also irresponsible to himself, so he decided to teach these guys a lesson.

In the past, he himself did not study hard and suffered a great loss in finding a job. Although there is no such restriction in Cháng'ān, as the dean, how can he watch these guys fall for themselves. ?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng burst into anger spontaneously, and loudly roared toward the playground: "Who let you play basketball here?"

hearing this, those few on the playground This guy was taken aback for a moment, because they knew that only the dean could come to the playground at this time. The students and teachers were in class. They slowly put down the basketball and glanced at Zhang Feng's position.

They hit a shivered and turned their heads to look at each other. I don’t know who said: "The dean is so far away from us, don’t you remember what we are like?"

If you don't say this, you will immediately arouse everyone's thoughts.

Yes, so far away, the dean simply can't see us.

Now if you take the opportunity to run away, then there will be nothing left.

They looked at each other as if they had a heart-to-heart, and then nodded, as if they had made up their minds, they ran away in one direction.

With the first one to take the lead, naturally there will be a second one. The rest of the life is afraid that Zhang Feng will be caught upright by Zhang Feng, and he ran towards Number One Person like a wild horse.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng complexion changed, and he became angry in an instant. He started yelling with his throat: "Yiming, Yunping, if you two bastard run again, they won't be used for class tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and hurried to catch up.

When Yiming and Yunping heard these words, their hearts suddenly shook.

The dean knows he is?

Then what's the point of this fucking running away?

Don’t you want to be punished by the dean?

Maybe the punishment for being caught will be more serious?

The two of them were crying, and stopped subconsciously.

This doesn't matter. The students behind them all fell a big somersault, and even they staggered to the front.

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