"dísciple rules, Saint rules.

First filial piety, second sincere faith.

Pan love for the people, but benevolent.

If you have enough energy, you will learn essays."

A burst of clear reading sounded from the classroom.

Zhang Feng stood at the window and glanced at it, and found nothing unusual before leaving with his sleeves.

At this time, there was a feeling of hunger in his stomach. He touched his stomach and found that he hadn't eaten.

Without hesitation, he walked towards Cafeteria quickly.

"Boss, let's have a bowl of braised pork noodles."

He found a seat at will, and turned loudly roared toward the Boss.

When Boss saw that the dean was coming, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and within a moment he served a bowl of steaming braised pork noodles.

Zhang Feng efficiently solved the deliciousness in the bowl, and also burped a full burp.

After eating and drinking, he lit a cigarette again, unconsciously thinking of the Forge.

Last time I took Old Li to experiment with firecrackers. Unfortunately, the firecrackers had too many drawbacks. Not only did they make a loud noise, but also emitted white smoke when they shot. This damn person hadn’t been killed yet. I was discovered by the enemy, how to play?

When I left, I told Alkinnon to improve the firecrackers. I don’t know how this youngster is doing?

However, even if this youngster is made, the sound of the firecrackers is still very loud. If the firing pin firearms of later generations are studied by Alkinnon, the effect may be much better.

With the mind of Alkinnon, I must not let myself down.

Thinking of this, he quickly got up and walked towards the mountainside.

Forging Workshop and White Deer Academy of Classical Learning are in the same Mt. Kui. The difference is that Forging Workshop is in a cliff cave on the mountainside.

So, the two are not very far apart. After Zhang Feng walked less than 5 minutes of time, he saw a huge cave, which was the entrance of the forging workshop.

Zhang Feng went straight into the cave without hesitation.

The cave is still the same as before. Just stepping into the cave, I smelled a pungent odor.

This peculiar smell is not other, but the smell of gunpowder and various smelting materials mixed together, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Walking inside, the temperature gets higher and higher, and the environment becomes more and more muggy.

It feels like taking a bath in boiling hot water. In such an environment, most people can't stand it.

However, there is no alternative. To forge steel, it must be under high temperature.

He had to give a thumbs up to the guys like Alkinnon. It’s so damn good. It can persist in such a hot temperature. It shows how much they love forging, and it also proves that he didn’t read it wrong. people.


There were waves of metal tapping.

Zhang Feng knew that he had arrived, he quickened his pace, and what he had seen before him was the scene he was familiar with.

There is a table in the middle of the cave with many messy parts and some weapons that have failed to be smelted. There are also a dozen oil lamps next to it, illuminating the cave like daylight.

In the mountain wall, more than a dozen large holes were cut out, and each hole was filled with oil lamps and water. These oil lamps allowed the smelting people to find a glimmer of light in the dark.

Not far away, there is a huge furnace. Shirtless men are surrounded by the furnace. They are sweating, holding metal instruments in their hands, and constantly throwing things into the furnace. Look carefully, they are all weapons that have failed smelting or deformed metals.

They slowly took out the metal smelted in the furnace with tongs, and the shirtless man next to him immediately surrounded him, and kept beating the metal equipment just out of the furnace with a hammer in his hand. There were still people underneath constantly adding Charcoal fire, there are several big men not far away are collecting weapons on the ground, including Mitsubishi army thorns, seedling knives and so on.

They are all red from the fire, and there are not many, not many black scars on their faces. Sweat is constantly dripping on the swords, and the sound of'zi zi' is heard, as if for The sword is generally hardened.

One of the big guys picking up weapons, Yu Guang, glanced at Zhang Feng without any comments, and criticized out in surprise: "Dean? Why are you here?"

"Alkinnon Are you here? I'm looking for him."

Zhang Feng glanced at the crowd and asked.

"He developed firecrackers in Second Layer."

The big man replied.

Zhang Feng nodded, look towards Second Layer and walk.

After the forging workshop has been developed, there are now a total of 6-Layer, with different weapons and smelting materials.

Second Layer, Zhang Feng just walked to the entrance of the cave and saw Alkinnon thinking about something with a firecracker in his hand, and there were many people around him.

"Alkinnon, how is the transformation of the fire gun?"

Zhang Feng walked quickly to the crowd and asked Alkinnon.

Alkinnon just came to the reaction and turned around quickly, but he did not answer Zhang Feng's question, but frowns.

People around me quickly said to Zhang Feng: "Dean Zhang, the firecrackers are already in mass production. I believe that these firecrackers are shipped to the north, and the war in the north will be guaranteed to be worry-free."

Zhang Feng nodded, then looked towards Alkinnon, he didn't understand, why did Alkinnon look upset? Isn't all the fire guns ready for mass production?

"Alkinnon, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with Huobang?"

This is the only question Zhang Feng thinks of.

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