I don’t know if it was an illusion. He decided to wait a while and stay on the sidelines. You know, literati is no worse than a general.

The basketball was thrown high, Bai Fei took advantage of his height to receive the basketball first.

Hou Qiuping is also defending very well. The two teams just attack and one defense, playing very well.

Zhang Feng also felt that he was worrying too much, so he relaxed his vigilance and prepared to drink a bowl of mash.

However, before the glutinous rice was eaten, I heard shouting loudly on the court.

"Bo Fei, what the hell are you doing, can you play in that place? If you break the kick, you will kill off your children and grandchildren."

As soon as this is said, there is still Zhang Feng there Thinking of drinking glutinous rice, quickly put down the bowl and ran to the court.

There were a lot of people on the field, Zhang Feng quickly pushed away the crowd.

I saw Hou Qiuping lying halfway on the field, his body curled up like an earthworm, and his face was sweating like rain.

"Bo Fei, what the hell did you do to Hou Qiuping?"

Zhang Feng glared at Bai Fei who was watching the show next to him.

Bai Fei is a little frustrated, but still pretends to be calm: "What can I do to him? Just kicked him. Then Cheng thought that this guy is so weak, so he was lying on the ground. Now."

Zhang Feng doesn't want to talk nonsense with this guy, anyway, he is not afraid: "Hurry up and take Hou Qiuping to the infirmary for treatment."

After that, Zhang Feng looked towards Bai Fei, sternly said: "If something happens to Hou Qiuping, don't take part in this game."


Bai Fei's face changed color at the time , Hurriedly begged for mercy: "Dean Zhang, I didn't mean it, I don't know that guy would be like this, at worst, I let me kick back, can you not deprive me of the qualification to participate?"

However, Zhang Feng didn't want to listen to this guy's nonsense, but walked into the middle of the arena, loudly said: "There was an accident just now, and now I invite the next team of contestants to play against Duhu.

while Speaking, the two teams came up.

The two teams are also generals, but they are obviously better than the first two teams. They come up as a fist.

This is what Zhang Feng Don’t worry, at least, these guys won’t have punches and kicks from the first two teams.

However, to be on the safe side, Zhang Feng stood not far away after throwing the ball to the opponent. As long as something happens, you can stand on the stage.

Fortunately, the two teams have been playing in a civilized manner without any accidents.

They are all soldiers. In Military there is strength. Any dunk drew a burst of shouts from the audience.

And these shouts are like Catalyst, making the brave people run on the court.

In the end, the guards won.

During the game, the attendants were very polite and held each other's fists.

I have to say that the quality of the team cannot be generalized.

Zhang Feng stepped onto the field very satisfied and held high again. Microphone.

"The first half of the game is over, now the intermission, please enjoy me bringing my cotton-padded clothes show. "

The voice fell, and the audience on the field was dumbfounded.

They know the cotton-padded clothes, but what is the cotton-padded show?

I have never heard of it.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng with suspicious eyes, very puzzled.

Zhang Feng did not speak, but faintly smiled and waved to the audience.

After a while, dozens of students in big red cotton-padded clothes stood on stage one after another, men and women.

They stood on the basketball court, walking back and forth one by one, and stroking the cotton-padded clothes from time to time.

Everyone's eyes lit up in an instant. This is simply a visual feast.

For these people, cotton-padded clothes are invaluable, and they are usually reluctant to wear them.

Nacheng thought that Dean Zhang could arrange these cotton-padded clothes for display today.

Today’s game was so worth seeing, not only Prince of Qin’s break-in music, but also A Laugh From The Vast Sea, there is more cotton-padded clothes show.

numerous officials are even more cheering excitedly. They are usually used to watching singing and dancing. They suddenly watched a cotton-padded clothes show today, which directly feels a whole new look.

Seeing everyone watching happily, Zhang Feng hurried off and came to Academy Cafeteria. There was a notice before that, during the intermission, Cafeteria will provide free food.

"Boss, come two steamed buns, come again A bowl of mutton soup. "

Zhang Feng loudly roared to Cafeteria Boss.

Boss really wanted to yell at him, his mother, who disturbed Laozi watching the cotton-padded clothes show, but Zhang Feng hurriedly greeted him. Smiling face trot up: "Yeah, Dean Zhang, why are you still driving to my shop today, what do you want to eat? I treat you. "

Boss patted his chest, his words were sonorous.

Zhang Feng laughed, so I didn’t hear a word just now, just watching the cotton-padded clothes show: "No need for you Treat yourself to two steamed buns and a bowl of mutton soup. "

" Come on, please, please. "

Boss eagerly ran away.

After talking, Boss brought steamed buns and mutton soup, and added a bit of braised mutton.

"Dean Zhang, you are here to eat first, call me if you have anything, this braised mutton is for you, no money. "

After finishing talking, before Zhang Feng could reply, the Boss went to the front to watch the cotton-padded clothes show.

Zhang Feng shook his head and ignored them, each minding their own business Eating and drinking.

At this time, a guy in the audience saw this scene and walked over with a rickety body.

"Dean Zhang, are you eating? ? "

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