If the two were not brave and replaced by someone else, they would be scared to death.

Yi Ming has become a tiger, said ill-humoredly: "You are waiting here, I'm going to report to the dean. After all, it's too early, we can't be the lord."

"Okay, bother the little brother ran away."

Huzi laughed, and quickly took out two white Momos from the load, and handed them to them: "The two little brothers have not eaten yet, right? Come."

Yiming swallowed saliva and said, he was actually hungry long ago. He glanced at the tiger and found that there was nothing unusual. He took the white Momo and took two bites. Chu said: "You wait here, Dang! Notify the dean."

After that, Yi Ming held Bai Momo in one hand and ran towards Zhang Feng's residence.

Not long after, he has come to Zhang Feng's residence.

"The dean, dean, something happened at the door."

Yi Ming yelled loudly, panting.

In the room, Zhang Feng was sleeping with his head covered, and was suddenly awakened by a roar.

He pressed the quilt tightly, but the roaring outside still didn't stop.

"The dean..."

Zhang Feng finally couldn't help it. He pulled the quilt away and yelled behind the door: "His mother, that bastard is arguing. I'm sleeping? Don't kill me?"

After that, he got up from the bed suddenly, opened the door of the room, and walked to the door quickly.

"You'd better give Lao Tzu a reason."

Zhang Feng pointed at Yi Ming and shouted.

Yi Ming was a little aggrieved, he lowered his head tightly: "Dean, I know it’s not good to disturb you to sleep, but something really happened. A lot of Cháng’ān people came from the Academy, saying they’re coming. Watching the basketball game."

"What did you say?"

Zhang Feng's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "Why did they come so early when the fuck was still Mao? "

Yi Ming still lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhang Feng: "They said they would take a good position, otherwise when the time comes too many people."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng frowned.

Come here so early, it means there are more people behind, when the time comes White Deer Academy of Classical Learning can it accommodate so many people?

Furthermore, there are not that many seats.

Hey, it's really not good, only some people can stand and watch.

Just as he was thinking, Yiming’s voice came again: "Dean, these people are still outside the Academy, should you let them in?"

hearing this , Zhang Feng looked towards the door of Academy.

Sure enough, countless lanterns are swaying on the mountain, and there are many at the gate of the Academy.

One person, one lantern, there are so many fucking people.

I can’t blame others for this, I can only blame my own basketball game for being so attractive.

Since it’s all here, you can’t leave people outside.

"Let them in."

Zhang Feng secretly sighed and looked towards Yiming: "In addition, you go and inform the students who are still sleeping, and let them get up. Assemble for the basketball game."

Yi Ming was nodded and ran to the door.

At this time, Zhang Feng has no sleep at all. He returns to the house and puts on his clothes, looks towards the basketball court and walks.

The basketball court is already full of people, not students, but Cháng'ān people watching the basketball game.

Some of them carry baskets in their hands, some carry picks, and only a small group of people don't have anything in their hands.

When he saw this scene, Zhang Feng was already dumbfounded, he had a faint hunch.

What the hell is that? Did you come to the Academy to watch a game or eat?

Zhu'zi had sharp eyes and spotted Zhang Feng in the bright sky. He hurried forward and said with a smile: "Dean Zhang, didn’t expect to see you so soon, come, A whole bowl of glutinous rice."

After that, he turned around and opened the jar behind him, scooped out a bowl of boiling glutinous rice, and handed it to Zhang Feng.

As Zhu'zi's voice came, the surrounding people also gathered around.

"Hey, this is Dean Zhang."

"My mother, I finally saw a living person today."

"Dean , Come, eat the eggs laid by my old hen."

"Dean, eat my, my family is a two-and-a-half-year old hen."

"You can't do it, I'm chicken soup, dean, eat my."

Zhang Feng was still confused, his ears buzzed, and a bowl of glutinous rice suddenly appeared in front of him, a little confused. "Are you?"

"Dean Zhang is really an honorable person, so forgetting things."

Zhu'zi smiled slyly: "I'm Zhu who often sells glutinous rice on Tonghui Street. 'zi ah, you have drunk my glutinous rice before."

In this way, Zhang Feng has a vague influence. After all, there are too many people selling things on Tonghui Street, and he knows who is who.

"Zhu'zi, how did you get the glutinous rice to the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning? Also, are these people who bear the burden the same as you?"

Zhang Feng pointed to the people behind Zhu'zi with bottles and cans.

"Dean, don't you know how beneficial your basketball game this time is to us."

Zhu'zi said with a smile on his face.

This makes Zhang Feng even more confused.

Isn’t it because of the original commitment to hold the basketball game, and by the way, to promote this activity, have a relationship with you?

He asked in a puzzled way: "What good is the basketball game for you?"

Zhu'zi raised his mouth, a little proud: "You hold a basketball game, those who play basketball You always have to eat. Although you don’t need food at White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, my own family’s is not bad, so I just take a little and sell it and earn a little by the way."

At this point, Zhu'zi lowered his head, a little ashamed.

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