Zhangsun Wuji lowered his head: "His Majesty, Feng'zi didn’t know where he got the broken line music, and he was going to play in the basketball game. Rehearsals have already started these days. "

The words fell, Li Shimin no longer smiled, the expression on his face became serious, he took a puff of cigarette, let the smoke irritate his whole body.

Prince of Qin was originally a battle song that accompanied him on the battlefield. It was not rewritten until after defeating the rebel Liu Wuzhou and became the current Prince of Qin.

Whenever he hears Prince of Qin’s bursting music at the sacrifice, he will think of the brothers who have died on the battlefield. On the battlefield, he saw with his own eyes those brothers who died under the sword of the enemy. There was nothing he could do, and his heart ached when he thought of this.

Who said that since ancient times the emperor is the most ruthless, the emperor is also a human, there will also be Seven Emotions and Six Desires, but it will not be revealed to others.

Li Shimin took another cigarette and cleared up his mood, looking towards Zhangsun Wuji: "Why is Feng'zi overflowing with this music?"

"Feng'zi said, this The whole Great Tang people will pay attention to this basketball game, and they must get something that can calm the court, and this break-up music is the best music and dance."

Perhaps I saw Li Shimin’s feelings , Zhangsun Wuji kept his head down when talking.

He was very careful when he spoke, because he knew that Prince of Qin’s music is for royal use, and outsiders can’t use it casually. Now that Feng’zi uses it, it’s somewhat disrespectful to the Imperial Family. the meaning of.

Li Shimin carried his hands on his back, facing the direction of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, with a lot of emotions: "Well, Feng'zi said something of a truth. I really need to calm the place. In fact, I also want to see What kind of music and dance can the array of music be performed outside the palace, especially in the hands of Feng'zi."

tone barely fell, Zhangsun Wuji, as if possessed by a demon, froze in place.

At first, he worried that His Majesty would blame Feng'zi for this incident.

After all, not everyone can play Prince of Qin.

Now it seems that His Majesty doesn't mean to blame at all, but there is still some expectation.

Actually, not only did Li Shimin look forward to it, but he also looked forward to it. Prince of Qin’s break-through music can only be seen during sacrifices and banquets. It’s hardly visible at ordinary times. For this music and dance, he He had been looking forward to it for a long time, and now that Feng'zi was about to play, he was already happy in his heart.

"His Majesty, Feng'zi wants to be full of break-through music. It can't be done without handsome flags and equipment, don't you think?"

Zhangsun Wuji looked towards Li Shimin with slanted eyes , All the equipment of Po Zhen Le is in the Imperial Palace, and His Imperial Majesty must speak before it can be transported out of the palace.

"You are right."

Li Shimin nodded, looked towards Little Gui'zi on the side: "Little Gui'zi, you immediately arrange for someone to send the equipment to White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, it is said that it was sent by Lord Zhangsun."

Seeing this, Zhangsun Wuji hurriedly said with a smile: "His Majesty really loves the people, and the music has been performed in the palace. It has never been performed outside the palace. If it is performed outside the palace at this time, numerous officials and the people can see it, and it can demonstrate His Majesty's kindness and universal celebration."

"haha... "

Li Shimin was in a good mood after hearing this, and he grabbed Zhangsun Wuji: "Minister, go, and play with me."

Zhangsun Wuji complexion slightly changed, but I still pay said with a smile: "His Majesty, the minister is forgotten, the minister has old bones and can't stand the toss."

Indeed, his body is not better than Li Shimin, so he dare to play Such a difficult exercise.

But Li Shimin didn't care about so much, he took his hand and rushed into the basketball court.

I saw Little Gui'zi turning behind him and screamed: "His Majesty, His Majesty, you haven't undressed yet."

After a while, the basketball court There was a scream.

At the same time, in Mt. Kui White Deer Academy of Classical Learning.

There are a total of 3,000 students from the Academy standing on the basketball court. They wear armor and hold swords in their hands and form a neat team.

They have put on the armor that Zhangsun Wuji sent just now. Originally, Zhang Feng wanted everyone to wear the school uniforms of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. Zhangsun Wuji sent someone to send the armor. It's even better.

After the past few days of rehearsal, everyone has broken Prince of Qin into Full Mastery.

And today is the time to test everyone, as long as there is no problem, the basketball game can be held at any time.

On the sidelines of the audience, a group of people sat. They were all students who Zhang Feng called to watch the Prince of Qin exercise.

Of course, among them are Chu Suiliang, Ouyang Xiu, Xue Ji, and even Yu Shinan rushed over when they heard the news that they were going to rehearse. They sat on the chairs, holding tea cups in hand, and they were very uncomfortable.

Zhang Feng stood in front of the team, holding a flag in his hand, with a big Qin written on it, which was very dazzling.

On the left of Zhang Feng, Jing Shu sits upright, with an ancient zither in front of her, and is testing the sound, Zhang Yuyao sits on the right side of Zhang Feng, she holds a lute in her arms and looks forward .

Behind the two women, there were ten women sitting around them. They were holding ancient zither and pipa respectively. These were the two women’s deputies. Not only these, but also drummers, flute players and Xun players. There are a hundred people in total, be eager to have a try.

Prince of Qin is a huge music and dance of an Engineering Project. At the same time, the score is also mottled and complicated. It requires five instruments to be played at the same time. The piano and pipa are the main ones, with drums, flute, and xun as a supplement. Otherwise, the essence cannot be played.

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