"I also have to let my son go and bring the servant at home. This opportunity is too rare."

Everyone is gearing up, a pair of be eager to have a try.

Just like they are participating in a basketball game.

Seeing this scene, Li Shimin was overjoyed.

How enthusiastic the officials are, it shows how heavy the competition is.

Seeing the constant noise in the Imperial Court, Little Gui'zi hurriedly yelled with a hoarse voice: "Everyone is quiet."

When the voice fell, the officials stopped arguing. Back to the original position.

At this time, Liu Hongwen, the dean of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning, stepped forward and said: "His Majesty, the minister wants to lead the students of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning to participate in the competition. Please His Majesty's approval."

Before Li Shimin could reply, Institute of Great Culture Hall Master Ouyang Kai also came out. He cupped the hands and said: "His Majesty, the minister also wants to lead the Institute of Great Culture scholars to the competition, please His Majesty is gracious."

"Minister has this heart, I am naturally gracious."

Li Shimin waved his hand and immediately agreed.

Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic, he is not in a hurry when he is happy, how can he dare to refuse?

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong in the audience exchanged glances with each other, without speaking, the two immediately understood.

They stepped forward one after the other, and said: "His Majesty, the minister wants to lead the soldiers in the army to compete, please His Majesty's permission."

"His Majesty, the minister Yes, please His Majesty."

With the leadership of the two military attachés of Cheng Yaojin's Yuchi Gong, the generals who stood on the side immediately couldn't bear it and stepped forward to ask for orders.

"His Majesty, the minister also wants to lead his family to the competition."

"His Majesty, so does the minister."

In fact, when Li Shimin just said it , They wanted to step forward, but they were one step ahead.

Now that there are two big men stepping forward, they naturally can't hold back.

Basketball can now be said to be a national sport. It can not only strengthen the body, but most importantly, after the students who enter the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, they can bring Zhang Feng's papers into the DPRK. Or go to the Ministry of Works.

For the generals who rely solely on military merits to be promoted, this is simply a great temptation.

Although they can't participate, there is still a child in the family. It is also great to give the child a chance.

Of course, not only these military commanders but also civilian officials have this idea. He also wants to find a way out for future generations. After all, the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning is recognized by His Majesty.

The dean Zhang Feng is even more famous. He is known as a ghost, and there must be nothing wrong with participating.

"His Majesty, please participate in the basketball game."

"His Majesty, the minister seconded."

His Majesty, numerous officials are like a unified good It's the same, all please.

Li Shimin has a big head. He didn't expect that there would be so many officials.

I just said that, I just want the officials to respond, and come out a few representatives.

Na Cheng thought of coming out so much, almost all officials are asking for orders.

Except for a few elder stubborns, now the great hall is full of numerous officials calling for orders. It really feels like if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

However, after all, this matter is beneficial to the country and the people. No matter what, you have to set an example.

If there are more people, I believe that youngster can handle it.

He is full of heart, and his face is still quite plain: "I understand what Ministers play, and you are okay."

"many thanks His Majesty."

The officials bowed.

After going down, numerous officials hurriedly went back to prepare for the game.

The military attache rushed to the barracks, selected the best soldiers and generals, and started training.

The civil servants began to draw servants at home and accompany Noble Son to prepare for the competition.

Even the Imperial Palace was practicing. Li Shimin drew a lot of strong maids. The guards circled a large area in the palace and started training.

On the other hand, White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, the main venue, is also not idle.

Since Zhang Feng came back, he began to prepare for the basketball game.

Everyone at the Academy also knows the importance of this basketball game, and they spontaneously lead them to play on the basketball court, and they are about to win the first place.

In this way, the reputation of the basketball game was spread out quickly. Now Cháng'ān Street can be heard everywhere about basketball games.

After a few days of preparation, the basketball game is ready to kick off.

White Deer Academy of Classical Learning basketball court.

The auditorium was full of people, not only the children of Rich Merchant but also many poor people.

They all came to watch the news when they heard the news, so the grand event cannot be missed.

There are also some senior officials in the front row. Many of them are not eligible to participate and can only wait and see here.

Among them are the Imperial Family children, such as Li Zhi, Li Kuan, etc. They are still young now, just holding their heads up and looking at all the doubts in front of them.

There is a great character like Li Yuan beside them. He heard about the basketball game this time and was the first one to clamor to come.

Looking back on the court, Zhang Feng was standing in the middle of the basketball court. This time he was not participating and was the referee.

Because these guys have a little knowledge of basketball, they need him to guide them.

Zhang Feng gestured to everyone on the court to show that he was warming up.

The first stage is against Cheng Yaojin team and Taishiling team.

When he was drawn to fight Cheng Yaojin, Tai Shiling almost cried.

Who doesn't know that Cheng Yaojin is the rogue of make one's mark, even if he loses, he can tell himself that he wins.

Moreover, he still has the identity of National Duke, who dares to provoke him.

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