Zhang Feng was taken aback.

In an instant, his expression changed and said: "You went to my Dongyuan?"

Li Shimin shook his head again and again, pointed at Niu Jinda and said: "I don't know, you ask him !"

In one sentence, Niu Jinda was completely sold.

Niu Jinda is so depressed!

But who is His Imperial Majesty?

No way, Niu Jinda had to brace oneself said with a smile: "Well, last time, I saw that the tiger’s legs were a little better, so I clamored to go and thank you, but you know, we listen Saying that you went down the mountain, I thought you were at the mansion, so I went to visit the mansion, but I don't know what gifts to bring, so I brought you a set of calligraphy and painting."

"The youngster is looking for it! I couldn’t sit still, I had to wander around in the courtyard, saying I had to breathe fresh air, and finally wandering around, I saw the old man at the entrance of Dongyuan..."

Niu Jinda knows, this is something. He couldn't help it, and he also wanted to know what that thing was, something that even the imperial physician didn't recognize, showing how precious this thing was.

Everything has happened, what can Zhang Feng say?

Niu Jinda stared silently: "I said Old Ox, this thing is really not hidden by me, it is actually an experiment, I don’t know if it can be done. , And the seed of that thing, judging from the current situation, there are only a few of us around Great Tang. As for whether there are other places, it is not known. In short, I am from a Western Regions merchant. I received it from here, and I heard it floated from the other side of the sea."

At this time, if Zhang Feng's history is true, the magical species of potatoes should still be in America.

And to float over from the sea, there is only one place.

That is from the strait of Shiwei, from North America all the way across the ocean, or it was blown over because of a typhoon.

The explanation now can only have this one.

Then they were obtained as treasures by these merchants.

But this thing was born with bitterness, so everyone didn't know what it was, and it flowed all the way to Western Regions.

In the end it came to Zhang Feng's hands.

It takes so many chances to have such a magical thing happen.

What if this thing is soaked in sea water?

What if this thing is germinated on the way?

This is the most amazing thing.

After a series of coincidences, it was in Zhang Feng's hands. It is strange that Zhang Feng could not treat him as a treasure.

Zhang Feng explained: "The scientific name of this thing is Tudou. It is a rare baby. As for how precious he is, I don’t know for the time being. In short, when the time comes I I will give you a surprise!"

Seeing that Zhang Feng is reluctant to say, Li Shimin has no choice but to treat him as a treasure.

The thing that can be so cherished by Zhang Feng, it must be a treasure.

But as for the extent of the baby, it is not known, but Li Shimin, this thing, no matter how precious it is, it will not be like this, right?

I didn't take it seriously either, shook his head and said, "What kind of potato, also uses this phosphate fertilizer?"

Zhang Feng nodded: "Have you seen all of them? Now that I have seen it, why do you still ask me what I did? Okay, don’t ask, I said that the phosphate fertilizer thing is useful, but it is really useful. If nothing else, I’ll go and experiment now. Try to get this thing done in a short time. By the way, Old Li, did you find the factory I asked you to find?"

Li Shimin met Zhang Feng and put the problem on the right path again. He sighed: "Take care of it, isn't Old Ox the phosphorite mine found at the southern foot of Mt. Longshou? I plan to build a factory there, and behind that place is the Imperial Family Farm, and further south is Chang'an City The Great Ming Palace, this is also the place where Cháng'ān is most closely guarded."

"Under normal circumstances, there will be no setbacks. For the factory building, I have already found someone to build it, but ...The place is deserted and there is no water. Where are you sure to put it|?"

"No water?"

Zhang Feng was taken aback.

Water is an important key step in the extraction of phosphate fertilizer. If there is no water, it will be a big trouble.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and wanted to ask: "I remember, isn't there any water on Mt. Longshou?"

"I have a map here, you can check it out first. !"

Li Shimin took out a map from his arms.

This is a detailed map of the entire area from the Great Ming Palace to Mt. Longshou, but this is also a map redrawn after Li Shimin deliberately removed some important military advisor stations.

Zhang Feng looked at the Congshan gully on the map and couldn't help being slightly frowned.

The map is very detailed. The names and directions of the mountains above are clearly marked. The area where there are phosphate mines in the southern foothills is not big. It is just a mountain extending to the main peak Imperial of Mt. Longshou. Family Country Estate.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the fertile soil and water that His Imperial Majesty chose to build the Imperial Farm here, right?

As for the location of the phosphate mine at this time, although it is a stretch of slope, there is no one after another river, not even a canal.

This may be why this place is obviously more fertile. His Imperial Majesty’s Imperial Family Estate did not choose this place, but chose another place instead. ,

This is difficult.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel a little sad.

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