Zhang Feng is not the first day to have such an idea. He had such an idea a long time ago, but because of certain things, he has not decided until now.

Until today, Zhang Feng has not really determined.

Today, the secret mastermind did not move, and there is bound to be a bigger move. This is what Zhang Feng is most worried about. After all, if this grandson should really make a moth come out, That is really troublesome.

Zhang Feng is not afraid of trouble, but he is also afraid of trouble.

Rather than waiting for others to come, why doesn't Zhang Feng take the initiative?

Go and take the initiative to bring this black hand out?

But Old Ma didn’t know this, and didn’t even know what the special forces meant, so he asked hurriedly: "Dean, what do you mean by special forces? What's the use?"

Zhang Feng knew that Old Ma would ask this, and said: "In fact, this special soldier is also a type of soldier. This type of soldier is actually capable of joint operations and rapid reaction, but in the case of individual soldiers, it can also To complete a thousand-mile raid alone, or to detect an enemy camp at night, is a type of military unit that requires very strict physical fitness and endurance of soldiers. As for tactics and combat, I don’t know much about these. It's up to you, but the best is the best."


Old Ma was instantly embarrassed.

"The dean, the ones you mentioned can be found in the barracks, but if you find them among the retired veterans, they are really... just look at the current Academy and the manpower in the mansion. , You can get a maximum of 30 people, but if you are looking for some people who have been screened out by the army because of some things, this is no problem."

"But, don’t report too much. Hope that such a person is hard to find!"

Zhang Feng raised his brow and asked: "There are very few such people?"

"Not very few, but fundamental No!"

"As long as those who came out of the army, as long as they are better and have no disabled people, most of them go to the homes of those wealthy merchants to be nurses and guardians, and the rest can be left. Do you think there are a few others that can be obtained?"

Zhang Feng has really forgotten this.

People in the army, although ordinary people are very disgusted, but for the wealthy and the Great Family, such people are the most suitable for nursing homes.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Feng suddenly thought of Old Ox. When this batch was not in Lantian before, did it attract hundreds of escorts?

Presumably, the people who can show them all should be good hands, right?

Moreover, he also promised Chen Tieniu and the others to build the four of them. At this point, it seemed that it was time.

"Old Ma, your people will not consider it for the time being, I ask you, what do you think of Iron Ox, Big Fool Wei, Sun Chong, and Yu Baolin brothers, Gao Kan? "

So. ,

Old Ma also remembered, these Little Brat could not help but eyes shined and said: "These guys, if they are in the army, they will definitely be a tiger general. Do you want Take them..."

Zhang Feng nodded.

Old Ma's face changed in an instant, and he asked suspiciously: "Dean, do you really know the identity of Iron Ox?"

Zhang Feng was taken aback and asked: "What identities do they have?"

Old Ma knew Zhang Feng’s expression instantly. Zhang Feng didn’t know the true identities of Cheng Iron Ox and the others. This would be easier, Wan If Zhang Feng really knows their identities, then there is a problem with Zhang Feng's arrangement. ,

After all, the fathers of these guys, except Gao Kan, are National Duke. Let them do this at this time?

If it weren't for the dean to have discussed with several National Duke in advance, that would be a strange thing.

In the Cháng'ān barracks, Zhang Feng had invented the set of training methods. In fact, he had known for a long time, let alone training, even when he heard it, he felt his scalp numb.

I carry dozens of kilograms of big rocks on my body every day, and I can’t even sleep peacefully...

This is simply the devil’s training method.

In the Cháng'ān barracks, there are at least 50,000 garrisons. Those who can stay in the Cháng'ān garrison are basically the elite of the elite, but those who can pass the training method have even five thousand. Nobody has it!

This will show how terrifying it is.

But once you get through this level, it will really be just like Zhang Feng said. It can hit ten, nothing difficult. Besides, I won’t give you any tools, food, or even fire folds. I won't give you one, let you go to the Qinling Mountains and fight the wild beast for ten days. The person who can make such a training manual is either crazy or a god.

Originally, Old Ma sighed that this thing was made by the abnormal general, but when he learned that this thing was actually made by Zhang Feng, the whole person was stupid. .

With Zhang Feng's body like a seedling, can he make this thing?

Now that Zhang Feng said so, he suddenly realized that this thing was really made by the dean!

Is it just for this moment?

Old Ma listened dizzy.

This is the thing that I think about the most.

Zhang Feng talked for a long time before realizing that Old Ma was in a daze. He couldn't help but asked silently: "Old Ma?"

"Old Ma?"

"Hey, Old Ma, do you want a wife?!"

After hearing the words "wife", Old Ma finally reacted.

Zhang Feng rubbed his head and said, "You can go down the mountain tomorrow morning. Jia Daoren called up. Those guys have bad personalities. You two will be responsible for their training from now on. Find some youngsters for me."

Seeing that Zhang Feng really intends to train Cheng Chumo and other young Sir Duke, and he will train a few of them in the future. Old Ma’s scared legs are all It's soft, and he said busyly: "Good... good..."

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