Qian Tong's words immediately caused everyone's uproar.

No one knows what Qian Tong thought. After all, at this time, his son died because of Zhang Feng. At this time, it is not too much to ask for it.

But, Qiantong, why give up?

This is very unreasonable.

Moreover, the purpose of everyone here today is for this matter. At this time, what Qian Tong said, does that also mean that their plan has come to nothing?

In an instant.

Everyone's minds became alive.

Some people even started to feel angry and anxious because of this.

"Big brother, you are confused!"

"Think about it, this is what Zhang Feng owes our Qian Family. If it weren't for him, ten thousand li this child How could you die?"

"We did this for you!"

"Big brother, if you don’t think about yourself, then think about it. Ah! What if, when the time comes, what will Chuaner do after a hundred years of you? Who is he..."


Qian Tong's angry loudly shouted .

In an instant, in the entire Qian Mansion, there was no more sound. Even the money Madam was crying to burn paper for Qian Wanli, he stopped crying suddenly.

"What are you yelling at? You sisters, they quarreled as soon as they met. After several decades, hasn’t it been enough? It’s rare that the child’s fellow of ten thousand li came to our Qian Family as a guest today. , How can you elders make people laugh like you?"

At this moment, the angry voice of the old lady Qian sounded from the backyard.

In an instant, the look of Qiantong and the others changed slightly.

Qian Tong hurriedly came to the old lady and said: "Mother, what are you doing here? It's windy here, please help the old lady back!"

The old lady was a little dizzy, eyes It seemed as if it was covered with a layer of mist, but at this time, he stubbornly slapped Qian Tong's hand, and said in doubt: "Tong'er, what are you doing? Why are you wearing white clothed? Isn’t it a nonsense? It’s ten thousand li today......"

"Mother, ten thousand li is dead @!"

A woman who is similar to Qian Tong by seven points People couldn't help crying.

Qian Tong, hearing this, hurriedly scolded: "Qian Xiu'e, if you dare to talk nonsense in front of the old lady, believing or not I will beat you out today?"


Seeing this, the old lady hurriedly interrupted Qian Tong's words, staring at a liar and muddy eyes, carefully identifying and saying: "Goose, what do you think ten thousand li? Already?"

Although the old lady's eyes are dizzy.

But she is not confused.

At this time, she was wondering, why this is not in the new year, why are all coming back, and all wearing mourning clothes, what is this?

Qian Tong glared at the crowd, and then hurriedly said: "Mother, you have heard wrong, ten thousand li that child is going to worship the ancestors. He said that he got the gift of His Imperial Majesty and gave us Qian Family county male’s Nobility Rank, so, I called them all back and prepared to worship their ancestors."

Qian Tong said nonsense.

Finally, the old lady calmed down, but the old lady was really not confused. At this moment, hearing this, she asked more suspiciously: "Where is ten thousand li? Where is ten thousand li?"

"What about ten thousand li?"

"I want to listen to ten thousand li, ten thousand li, the child won't lie, ten thousand li, where are you? Come to grandma! "

Qian Tong was hearing this, and tears welled up in his eyes as soon as he brushed his eyes.

That Qian Madam even lay directly in front of Qian Wanli's coffin, crying silently.

The people of Qian Family finally realized that something was wrong at this time.

Hurry to discourage the old lady.

The more dissuaded, the more suspicious the old lady felt. Regardless of everyone's obstruction, the old lady waved a cane and asked the two little maids to help her walk to the front of the hall.

And when everyone mistakenly thought that things could not be kept secret, Zhang Feng's voice appeared in time.


After hearing this voice, the old lady finally calmed down, following the voice in surprise, she was about to come to Zhang Feng, and Qian Family Everyone in Zhang Feng was shocked looking at the bloody sack in Zhang Feng's hand at this time.

Qian Tong hurried forward, trying to say something, but was blocked by Zhang Feng, and said: "This is the sacrifice I just went to Tang Family to ask for."

while speaking, the old lady has already come to Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng grabbed the old lady and said: "Grandma, go, let's talk in the backyard."


The old lady quit, she shook her head repeatedly and said: "I heard you got the reward of His Imperial Majesty?"

Zhang Feng nodded: "Yes! Our old Qian Family is now developed! So are we! There are people with Nobility Rank!"

"Well, let’s go and pay homage to the ancestors of the Qian Family. If there is no blessing from our ancestors, we Qian Family, where would you be? A good seedling?"

"Oh! Walk around, let’s go to worship the ancestors!"

Qian Tong’s tears have never been dry, if he stands here at this time It's his son, that's great!


"Mother! There are still guests in the front yard, ten thousand li should go to the front yard too!"

As a reminder, old lady Only then did I remember the important thing, and hurriedly pushed Zhang Feng: "Yes, our old Qian Family, thanks to your Lord Dean, you have to greet Lord Dean well, don't leave others in the cold! "

"By the way, Tong'er, for such a big thing, we must not be reluctant to spend money, we have to invite all the neighbors in the neighborhood to lively and lively!"

Zhang Feng suddenly From the words and deeds of the old lady, I saw what she looked like when she was admitted to college, and she said in her heart: "Grandma, grandson wants to speak with you."

"No! So many guests ......"

Zhang Feng took the old lady's hand and said: "It's okay, Lord Dean said, we must take filial piety as the most important thing. If we respect grandma, the dean will only praise us, and Ah, I miss grandma too."

hearing this, the old lady's smiley face opened up and she hurriedly pulled Zhang Feng to her backyard.

At this time, Qian Tong and the others looked at the direction Zhang Feng and the old lady were going away, and then looked at the sack still dripping with blood in his hands. You don’t need to think about it. Heads.

Being brought here by Zhang Feng like this, then besides the head of Tang Family Tang Hao, who else has it?

Qian Tong sighed and looked at Zhang Feng's back and said: "It should be here, after all, it will come!"

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