
Everyone is hearing this and can't help but suck in a cold breath of air.

Everyone didn't expect that Li Xiaogong would actually bring such a fate.

The common people are hearing this, they are more screaming for His Imperial Majesty long live, and then yelling well, and Tang Hao is stupid.

Looking at Li Xiaogong, I kept shouting indiscriminately: "Impossible, His Imperial Majesty impossible would say that! Li Xiaogong, do you dare to pretend Imperial Edict, what crime?"

"I'm not convinced! I want to face saint!"

"Zhang Feng, you dare to kill me today, you know, how can I not know that you will kill me today, but you know, if you are Killing me today is bound to make Turkic and Tuyuhun a lot of things, Dabai in the world! When the time comes, if the world is turbulent, can you afford this responsibility?"

"Zhang Feng, you will pay for it!"

" Keep on saying is to benefit the people of the world. You are simply letting the people of Great Tang fall into the loss of life!"

"Surnamed Zhang, you...you... let go The old man, the old man has something to say!"

Zhang Feng Li was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he bowed to Li Xiaogong and said, "Lord Li, what he said is true?"

Li Xiaogong briefly told him what His Imperial Majesty said today and the information His Imperial Majesty received today. Zhang Feng heard this, and instantly understood what Tang Hao was using as a barrier. It was simply Just die!

I thought he would have some awesome reliance, it turned out to be frantically testing on the edge of death!

These individuals, this layout, since His Imperial Majesty can think exactly similar to his Zhang Feng, this thing is equivalent to his Zhang Feng’s strategy, he can think of so much, how can there be no back hand?

Can he still think that he can use some of the little clues discovered by his Tang Family to become a means to blackmail His Imperial Majesty?

It's just...

It's really an IQ basin!

Li Xiaogong also seems to know Zhang Feng’s plan, so he couldn’t help but ask: “I heard that this plan is exactly similar to what you guessed? If this is the case, what do you plan to do?”

Zhang Feng rubbed his forehead: "Today, I am here for my brother. Even if there are other big things, let's talk about it another day!"

Hearing this, neither does Li Xiaogong Fortunately, what was said, a fist, and hurried away. ,

It seems to have gone to return to life.

As for Zhang Feng.

For such murders, I have never liked it, but if I dare to provoke him, there is nothing to say.

At this time, Gao Kan took the people and rushed in. Niu Weili also rushed in with a large number of Bailiff and the security guards of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, leaving only Zheng Tufu. One person, Hu is around Zhang Feng with Shiva glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Those people surrounded Tang Hao and sent them all the way to the side of the canal on the side of the road. Before Old Ma could do anything, Tang Hao was already dying by the hammer.

And Old Ma also followed the shed blood.

The angry Old Ma tied Tang Hao to the Willow Tree by the side of the canal and stood aside.

Now, where did those crazy and angry people wait?

One after another, you fisted, I kicked, while beating, while crying, and some people went straight up and hugged Tang Hao and gnawed down.

In an instant, Tang Hao, who was dizzy, woke up from the pain, mournful scream said: "Zhang Feng, you bastard, you have the ability to give me a happy one"

"Please let my wife and children go, I will tell you everything!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The moment Zhang Feng turned his head, he saw an old woman with a crutch fiercely piercing Tang Hao's eye socket. In an instant, Tang Hao struggled for a while, and there was no movement. Zhang Feng looked depressed.

And Jieqi,

busy yelled: "Don’t smash his head, wait for ten thousand li to pay homage!"

" ……"

Here at Tang Mansion, things are going very smoothly.

Moreover, the culprit has been put down, Zhang Feng did not want to continue to kill, anyway, this Tang Family is not clean, leave it to Niu Weili and the Ministry of Justice people to toss.

Tang Hao’s head was packed in a torn sack by Old Ma and handed it to Zhang Feng.

But it is still dripping blood.

Zhang Feng raised the head without evasiveness, and once again took Ma Zhou and the others with his pale face, moved towards Qian Wanli's mansion.

Zhang Feng took a look at Ma Zhou and asked: "Do you think I've passed a bit?"

Ma Zhou and the others watched with a little horror that it was still dripping Bloody heads, and excited people with firecrackers to applaud, nodded.

"Honored Teacher, the students feel that such things should be best given to the government..."

Zhang Feng took a look at Hao Chujun and the others and saw them After thinking about it with Ma Zhou, he couldn't help but sighed: "You haven't learned enough!"

"This matter can indeed be handed over to the government, but you know that the one who died is you Your brother, you and ten thousand li, are both my Zhang Feng’s brother!"

"Today’s things, if I don’t do it myself, in the future, do you think my Academy can still be born?"

"No, because those who have unpredictable hearts will feel that the people of our Academy are bullies! Today’s things will happen again, as for who is next, I don’t know , But I don’t want to lose one of you!"

"This is the main reason why I shot today!"

"One, is to ask for an explanation for ten thousand li, The second is to tell the world that my White Deer Academy of Classical Learning is covered by my Zhang Feng, whoever dares to make trouble will pass my Zhang Feng first!"

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