Tang Hao hearing this.

eyes slightly narrowed.

"Vengeance? You are not afraid of the government? You just despise Wang Fa like this? You are worthy of being called the Great Confucian, or the head of a court?"

Zhang Feng ignored Tang Hao, but patted Gao Kan on the shoulder and said: "Gao Kan, Iron Ox said just now, who is calling me?"

"It's him!"

Gao Kan yelled at the middle age person angrily.

Zhang Feng nodded said: "Then, you go!"

"You dare!"

"Zhang Feng, this is Tang Family, how can Allow you to kill people here?"

"Come here! If anyone dares to step forward, kill!"

And Old Ma hearing this, directly raised his arms and exclaimed: "Protect Dean, who dares to come close and kill!"


In an instant, there were more than 60 people wearing white short shirts embroidered with the four characters Bailu Baoan on their chests , One after another stood in front of Zhang Feng, surrounding Zhang Feng behind him.

How can these imposing manners be comparable to these miscellaneous nursing homes?

When all the people saw this bitterly, they regressed again and again in a bit of amazement.

Gao Kan Zhang looks like an iron tower. Naturally, the head is one point higher than ordinary people. At this time, the five big and three thick robust man servants of the Tang Family, in front of Gao Kan, are just as strong as Zhang. The same as the little lamb.

How can you stop Gao Kan?

In addition, Gao Kan has trained in the military for a month. Although he is not good at equipment at this time, even with his bare hands, it gives people a feeling of oppression force.

"Zhang Feng! You bastard, what are you going to do?"

The middle age person and Tang Hao yelled almost at the same time.

However, Zhang Feng didn’t hear it. He turned around and rushed to the people behind him, clasping his fists, saying: "Everyone, Zhang Feng is here to seek justice for the brother, take revenge by the way, and hold His Imperial Majesty’s Imperial Edict came, but the Tang Family refused to cooperate and spoke insults with me. It’s all that’s all. But just now, I heard that some people accused the Tang Family of corruption and perverting the law, but it’s strong. These years have caused many evils!"

As a villain, Zhang Feng, as the Viscount of Mt. Kui, should share my concerns and solve problems for His Imperial Majesty. Today, Zhang Feng is ordered to investigate and deal with it. , And you guys have also seen it. This Tang Family not only prevents the Ministry of Justice Assistant Minister Feng Ang from entering the investigation, but also wants to use military force to intimidate me! what is this? This is the crime of treason! "

While speaking, Zhang Feng unfolded the Imperial Edict. In an instant, all the people and all the people knelt down.

Zhang Feng held up the Imperial Edict and said: "Today, His Imperial Majesty gave the Imperial Edict to Zhang Feng to handle it impartially. Anyone who was oppressed by the Tang Mansion in the past can come to me for a memorial report! Today, Zhang Feng, I will redress for the people! "

"Wow! "

For an instant.

All the people were shocked.

Although everyone witnessed with their own eyes, this Tang Family, known as the Imperial Family Related, so until now, someone has been reprimanded, but still only dared to say in the crowd, not dare to be grandiose, I am afraid that at this time, the Tang Family people settle accounts, it will really be dead.

But now...

"Ah----! "

At this time.

With a mournful scream sound.

Everyone was shocked and looked towards the place where the screams were made. .

I saw that the thin-mouthed Tang Family middle age person who abused Zhang Feng before was lifted high by the man, and the necks on the left and right were unnaturally bent to the side. At that time, everyone could still hear the sound of cracked bones and the constantly stretched torso of the body.

For a while.

A chill, in the Tang Family and Suddenly spread out in the hearts of the people.

When Tang Hao saw this, he asked sadly in an instant, "Zhang Feng! My Tang Family and you have no injustice in the past, and no ugliness in recent days, you... Why do you need to kill to the last one? "

"kill to the last one? "

Zhang Feng sneered said: "Recently, if Qian Wanli hadn't reported with his name, the person who killed to the last one recently was from your Tang Family 1! ? "

Tang Hao complexion changed, hurriedly said: "Today's matter, the old man said that it has nothing to do with my Tang Family! Why are you so overbearing! "

"Am I overbearing? "

Zhang Feng pointed to the direction of the Academy and said: "I think Zhang Feng has never offended anyone, and I don’t want to offend anyone. On that far away from right and wrong Mt. Kui, I just want to get something. Academy teaches and educates people and lives in peace, but what did your Tang Family do today? "

"Anything that Zhang Feng made, I think I have no reservations, and they are all used by many people. I would like to ask you Tang Family, the purpose of today is not that of phosphate fertilizer. ? Isn’t it just knowing the method that can more than double the output and wanting to take it for yourself? Don't rush to deny it, because there are a lot of people at Mt. Kui today, and the little bastard of your Tang Family has already told me the truth! "

"hmph! What's the point of imposing sin?" "

"My Tang Family and need to do this?" This is just the result of your severe torture. Whatever you want to say at this time, and need to explain to me"?

"Don’t be hypocritical, Zhang Feng, say Well, how do you want revenge to be satisfied? "

"Are you going to kill my Tang Family to give up?" I, Tang Hao, also told you that this matter was indeed instructed by me. Where do these lowly people deserve to have such a thing? They are also worthy? "

"Let’s tell you the truth, it’s not just about this. In fact, my Tang Family has been planning for you for a long time, and this time it’s just a trial of that’s all, you think it’s Is only my Tang Family participating? I tell you! What you think is too simple, think of the person who wants your life, you can't afford to offend it! "


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