hearing this.

In an instant, the entire Qian Mansion was completely plunged into grief.

The sound of sorrowful crying directly caused all the onlookers to cry.

At this moment, an old Madam wearing a gray robe with white hair was tremblingly from the depths of the Qian Mansion under the support of two little maids.

Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling Du Ruhui are also standing in the courtyard with dignified faces.

Where is my grandson and my son, Madam trembling as he walks: "Where is my grandson?"

"Where is my grandson?"

Meet people Just ask, but who dare to tell her?

The old Madam seems to be up to eighty, with all her teeth falling out. At this time, seeing Zhang Feng at the door, she seems to have seen the last hope, and tremblingly touched Zhang Feng’s arm. , With a face full of wonder: "young man, did you see my grandson?"

"They said my grandson is gone, this...is it because they deliberately coaxed me into this old woman The old woman was still choosing his grandson wife yesterday. He also visited me yesterday. How could this be..."

More and more.

The louder the crying and whimpering of everyone.

Zhang Feng's body is also trembling uncontrollably.

In that world, he also has a father mother, and a grandfather...

He didn't even know that they were the same when they saw that they were gone?

Zhang Feng's eyes were also moisturized, and he put his arms around Old Lady, trying to say something, but couldn't say anything.

How can he dare to pierce this dream?

"Grandma, I am your grandson! Look at me, I am your grandson!"

Zhang Feng finally shouted out.

In an instant, the Old Lady hearing this, tremblingly touched Zhang Feng's cheeks, hair bun, arms, and even chest.

In the beginning, Zhang Feng and Qian Wanli’s body shapes were similar. Now, coupled with Old Lady’s dim eyes, although the sound is a little different, but in all aspects of the body shape, it still has several points of similar.

Old Lady touched Zhang Feng's cheek, sometimes frowning, sometimes surprised.

The people who watched couldn't help covering their mouths and crying.

Old Lady touched Zhang Feng's cheek and said, "No, grandson, why do you grow your beard? Did your brother treat you badly?"

"It's still papermaking The work in the workshop is too heavy? So are you. You don’t need to freshen up and dress up when you go home? What if any girl likes you, what do you look like... Don’t follow your father, I’ll do it as soon as I see him Come and get angry, walk around, grandma will comb your hair, let me tell you, yesterday a grandma personally dated you with a girl, that family..."

"Mother! He is not Your grandson, he is... he is..."

Qian Tong broke down and burst into tears.

The old lady glared and guarded Zhang Feng behind her, scolded: "talk nonsense! When grandson went to the Academy, you locked him in the house. Don’t think I don’t know how to drop it now. You don’t recognize your own son anymore."

Zhang Feng hearing this, couldn’t help crying, and put his arms around the old lady backhand and said: "Grandma, I am your grandson, from now on, I It’s your most beloved grandson, can I listen to you everything, OK?"

The old lady was hearing this, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and she touched Zhang Feng’s cheek affectionately: "It's my grandson! Go and walk, is there a visitor in our house? Why are you all dressed so white? Go and go, Tonger, these may be my baby grandson's schoolmates, not fast A quick treat? Wait for me to dress up grandson beautifully, in..."

"Grandma, grandson has a major event to do today, Lord Dean, and four Great Confucian and Divine Doctor Elder Sun is coming to our house. You go back first and wait for grandson to entertain him personally, okay?"

The old lady hearing this, her face suddenly changed.

"Yeah! Which Zhang Feng are you talking about, your brother? And Divine Doctor Sun, what about Divine Doctor Sun's people? When grandma was young, she saw him with her own eyes Now! By the way, the four Great Confucian......"


Zhang Feng resisted the tears and interrupted the old lady, Qian Tong’s Steward saw it, This hurriedly said: "Old Madam, please go back to the back room. Elder Sun will be unhappy if you see it!"

The old lady hearing this, and then the reaction came over, hurriedly on crutches, Urging the maid to go back, while walking, she did not forget to order more firecrackers to be released.

This is the time to bring honor to one's ancestors.

However, at this time, this will only increase the grief of the people in the Qian Mansion.

After sending the old lady away, Zhang Feng came to Qian Tong and said respectfully: "Lord Qian is Zhang Feng's fault. I didn't take care of the ten thousand li, and I hope to redeem it!"

These words completely shattered Qian Tong’s last hope. At this time, he looked at Zhang Feng and asked: "How did he... go?"

Morning Before Zhang Feng came, three people in a row came with a secret order from the Ministry of Works, which roughly meant that he was given a job posting and suspended.

But if he knows that these are in exchange for his son's life, he would rather not!

He refused.

Because he still has a glimmer of hope.

He hopes that in the end, all of this is a lie by his son.

Although he has never seen Zhang Feng, he can appear here at this time, then his identity is self-evident, and that also means that my son is really gone!

In an instant, Qian Tong broke down and burst into tears.

After crying for a while, Qian Tongcai grabbed Zhang Feng's hand and asked: "Dean Zhang, where is my ten thousand li? Where is he?"

Zhang Feng Hearing this, waved his hand and said: "Please come back ten thousand li brother's coffin!"

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