This one. ,

It was beyond the surprise of the young surnamed Tang.

I originally thought that this thing could be used to win a round, but he didn't expect that he actually came here because of His Imperial Majesty's permission!

And he will actually be Zhang Feng's bastard's book boy.

At this time, there are some things he can't handle.

But he immediately thought of a way: "Are you trying to deliberately lure me to wait? I am waiting for today’s issue of this phosphate fertilizer, and I have no interest in your business!"


"youngster, since you said that you are responsible for refining this phosphate fertilizer, well, have you witnessed with your own eyes that this thing can really double the income of the dealer?"

"Why has there been no record of this thing in any book since ancient times, or in the wild history?"

"Don't be silly, if there is one, then Doesn’t it mean that Zhang Feng deliberately didn’t take it out, but waited for this year’s locust plague and food shortage. He did all these things deliberately?"


"Lao Tzu early I found something was wrong. Why is his little Tavern, how much money can he have, and he can hoard that many food before things happen?"

"This is clearly a conspiracy!"

While speaking, people in several houses are angry.

Raised arms and shouted: "You folks, you see! This man is so vicious! Why didn't he take it out early in the morning when he had such things? Why did he wait to take it out until now?"


"This shows that this youngster has long known about the locust plague and the food shortage! All this is the youngster's conspiracy! He wants to cheat me into waiting 1"

Everyone was in an uproar. .

Even those onlookers, and those who still believe in Zhang Feng at this time, and those confronting the ruffians and rascals, are a little confused at this time.

Why at first, they haven't heard of it?

And why didn't Zhang Feng talk about it before the food shortage started?

Do you have to wait until now?

The most important thing is, why does Zhang Feng collect grain?

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be deliberate!

This is a conspiracy!

But at this time, Tonghui Street and those Cháng'ān who were beaten by these people became angry. ,

"You fart!"

"Even if I told you early in the morning, can you believe that the food shortage is real?"

"If Noble Son Zhang told you early You are now, will you believe it?"

"Idiots, idiots, you're just a bunch of thankless wretch! If it wasn't for Zhang Feng to get it, you would die of food, I am afraid you would have starved to death. !"

"Can you still be with you?"

"You are looking at these bastards, what did they do when there was a shortage of food?"

"They deliberately raised food prices, even if His Imperial Majesty ordered them to help the victims, what did they bring out? It was rotten rice bran!":

"You group Bastard, are you still here to count money after being tricked?"


This dispute lasted for two hours.

Until Sun Simiao came out angrily, it was finally stopped.

And those Great Clan, after seeing Sun Simiao come out, they even fly into a rage out of humiliation.

After all, if Sun Simiao didn't show up, they would still be able to do something, but at this time Sun Simiao showed up, how dare these scumbags make trouble?

"Elder Sun!"

A middle age person of the Bai Family who was about fifty years old came forward to Sun Simiao and bowed for a series, but Sun Simiao didn't seem to see him Generally, coldly snorted, after returning to Zhang Feng, he said, “In the old man’s Medicine Garden, the phosphate fertilizer is used. You said it’s poisonous. You were blind the past two days? Didn’t you go to the East Market?”

"old man remember that you all saw it at the beginning! And the purpose of your coming today is actually to force Zhang Feng to hand over the formula that's all, why is it so high-sounding?"

"But The old man puts the words here today. If you want this thing, you will pass the old man level before you say it!"

The Bai Family's faces can't hold it anymore.

At this time, seeing Sun Simiao saying this, I had to bite my neck and say: "Elder Sun, you were deceived by this youngster!"

"This youngster obviously has a big conspiracy. Didn’t you see it?"

"Shut up!"

"You bastard, I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes, what kind of conspiracy does your teacher have? You just talk about it. Look!"

"I think it's your bastard jealous thing!"

"Today, the fucking guy here killed my brother, phosphate fertilizer. It's easy to say, before we talk about this, let's talk about how to deal with my brother's affairs!"

At this time, Cheng Chumo and Wei Shuyu Zhangsun Chong could no longer sit still.

They all jumped up.

This time, I told a few things that I didn’t want to do. Some of them couldn’t help but feel a little flustered. Looking at Sun Simiao and Yu Shinan and the others, I wanted to find breakthroughs from them, but they found out These people still stepped back and looked at Zhang Feng. At this time, Zhang Feng was playing with an unknown object in one hand and a dagger in the other.

This time, everyone understands. ,

After saying so much, to put it bluntly, they just didn't plan to let them go!

At this time they wanted to leave, but when they turned around, they saw that, I don’t know when, the densely packed Cháng'ān defenders have surrounded all here, and there are even more than a hundred of them. Soldiers in golden armor.

golden armor!

This is Jinwu Guards!

Is it, His Imperial Majesty...

This one.

The people of Tang Family Bai Family Mijia Gao Family panicked.

"Zhang Feng! Everything is a misunderstanding today! What do you want?"

"Little friend Zhang Feng, I have nothing to do with this matter today, just happen to go up the mountain that's all , I’m waiting for this to go down the mountain, today’s matter, how do you deal with it, that’s all your business, I will never say a word to the outside world 1"

"Dean Zhang, this It’s a misunderstanding, I can’t wait..."

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