On the mountain.

Zhang Feng is very anxious and depressed at this time.

He had heard the horn sound just now.

However, this damn Old Ox has been following himself since he came, even in the last hut.

This makes Zhang Feng very depressed. ,

I originally wanted to visit the mountain.

It stands to reason that if there is no emergency, the horn will not sound, although he does not know what it means.

But at the moment when the horn sounded, all the security guards on the mountain, plus those on the mountain, gathered nervously for an instant, and then ran to the mountain gate.

Zhang Feng knew that there must be a major event at the foot of the mountain.

Today he has been restless, but he can't tell. At this time, there is an Old Ox behind him. How can this not make him more upset?

At this time, Zhang Feng is going to visit Yu Shinan and the others and ask what is going on.

Since the sound of the horn sounded, none of these people have been seen. Li Chengqian and the others hid in the mountain, while Sun Simiao sighed after seeing Zhang Feng and went up the mountain. In name, they were taken to familiarize themselves with some medicine ingredient habits, but the ghost knew what they were doing. ,

At this time, Zhang Feng wanted to go out, but when he saw Niu Jinda squatting at the door, he simply returned to the bedroom.

Jing Shu also saw Zhang Feng's worries, and she heard the horns down the mountain, and seemed to understand something, but when Niu Jinda was there, she couldn't say anything.

Seeing that Zhang Feng was so anxious at this time, after Jing Shu whispered in Zhang Yuyao's ear, Zhang Yuyao widened his eyes and said, "This works?"

"Yuyao elder sister, just believe me once 1"

Zhang Yuyao hearing this, look at Zhang Feng, then bit his lip and went out.

As soon as he went out, Zhang Yuyao looked at Niu Jinda and said, "Big brother!"


Niu Jinda is a big boss, for women In terms of women, especially the brother's women, they have always been fearful like snakes and scorpions. At this time, seeing Zhang Yuyao about to go out, she hurriedly let the door open and said, "Sister Yuyao, where are you going?"

Zhang Yuyao pursed his mouth and said, "Noble Son originally wanted to go to the mountain to pick some herbs for the calf Noble Son, but today I don’t know what’s going on, so I’m upset, so he simply gave me a prescription and asked the little girl to find the Divine Doctor. Sun, ask him to help pick some, but the girl doesn’t know much about the situation in this mountain. Could you bother your big brother to take the girl down?"


If yes In normally, he waved his hand to call a guard over, but now it doesn't work, the guards are all gone.

At this time, he definitely can't go.

Seeing Niu Jinda hesitating, Zhang Yuyao whispered: "Noble Son Zhang is asleep. If you don’t believe me, go and see?"

"no no no."


Niu Jinda waved his hands again and again.

It's a good thing that Zhang Feng can sleep. He still doesn't want Zhang Feng to sleep until night.

Also, Niu Jinda did not doubt Zhang Yuyao's words. After all, Zhang Feng must go to bed at this hour of the day. No matter what day it is, he can't move.

But out of caution, even though Niu Jinda said he didn't look at it, he still took a look at Zhang Feng, and saw that his hu hu was really sleeping, and he was relieved.

"Never mind! Then let's accompany you, but I will only accompany you. I'll wait for it to be delivered but I will come back!"

Niu Jinda has long wanted to Go to the mountain to see how things are going on.

But no matter what, he has a mission.

Not allowed to go.

But Zhang Feng fell asleep at this time, he went down the mountain to take a look, should he be okay?

And if Zhang Yuyao is not sent at this time, it will inevitably make them suspicious. Moreover, Zhang Feng has never used any medicine for Niu Jianhu’s legs. This sudden medicine, It also made Niu Jinda hesitate unusually, wanting to see what medicine ingredient he was going to make.

This simply found a mule, personally pulled the mule, and hurried away in the direction where Sun Simiao and the others were headed.

After the two of them left for a cup of tea, Zhang Feng, who was sleeping sweetly, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jing Shu and asked: "Go?"

"Let's go!"

"You are really my good wife!"

Zhang Feng sipped on Jing Shu's face excitedly, hurrying on the boat with boots and clothes, anxious Going out hastily.

As soon as he went out, Zhang Feng searched for a while and found Shiva and Gao Kan from Sun Simiao’s villa. They were surprised to see that the two were squatting in a medicine stove, but the stove never made a fire. Zhang Feng couldn’t help asking in surprise: “What are you doing?”

The two of them are Zhang Feng, and he hurriedly said: “Divine Doctor Sun asked us to look at the medicine furnace and said Waited for him to soak for an hour, and couldn't let the contents escape."

Zhang Feng was stunned.

What is this?

What medicine?

Under curiosity, Zhang Feng uncovered the medicine jar, but found that it was a loach that was jumping in the medicine jar for a few days. Zhang Feng suddenly thought of a lot.

I could not help but think of the mountain, and the abnormal state of these people today, shouted loudly: "Not good! Quickly accompany me down the mountain! Something happened at the mountain!"

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