For an instant, those who were already vacillating, once again missed the sight.

And the woman yelled again: "Look, look, the man at the mountain gate has already inquired about, there are only less than thirty people! How many of us? We are enough There are hundreds of people! Even one person can give him a spit..."

"Bitch, shut up for me!"

"Dogdan, call someone !"

The guard exploded.

I have seen arrogant, but I have never seen such shameless.

Originally, they wanted to calm the matter down, first to see if it was exactly similar to the old village chief, but now it seems that this fucking thing is still worth seeing?

These people want to kill!

They have been in the military for so many years, what scenes have they not seen?

At this time, when I look at the situation, I already understand half of them.

The headed man, who was in his 30s and 40s, took a step forward, and then pinched one of the younger looking men in the middle, and instantly four of the five people , Formed a battle array, and the younger person appeared among the four.

The old village chief and Old He also appeared in the middle of the four.

The guy, staring at the people slowly approaching with cold eyes at this time, said: "You dare to go one step further, it is to be an enemy of my White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. If you stop now , Lord Dean of the Academy, I will definitely give you an answer!"


While the man headed was talking, I didn’t know where he came from. Turning his head, he instantly hit a man's forehead, next moment, the group broke out.

"Dang! Your uncle! Kill them for me!"

"Today, we have no way out. If we don’t kill them, the people in the barracks will come. If we ran before, none of us would survive, and the brothers would kill them!"


This moment.

The man already understands.

This group of people really came to look for things.

And it's not a normal job hunting!

At this time, how can he take care of that many?

While avoiding the bricks, while the baseball bats in his hands flew up and down, one by one he tackled the surrounding people.

But this group of people seems to be crazy, and it's the ruffians and hooligans that have gone crazy, and they have used all kinds of indiscriminate methods.

In a short while, even the old village head guarded by Old He was knocked out, and one of the five men still failed to charge ahead.

At this time.

I hit the gap of a few people again, the head guard glanced at everyone coldly, and then pointed at the mountain gate and shouted: "Break through the mountain gate and kill you!"


At this moment, everyone once again returned to the state they had in the army in the past when they were in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Although they have long been admonished, they are not ready to take action against ordinary people, especially the people of Great Tang, but at this time, this group of people is no longer human.

They want to deal with Academy!

Moreover, each of them is a killer, even though they have been experienced, but at this time, there are still many colors on the body, and even the arms of two people, Dara is already weak and collapsed.

The group of bastards are also terrified.

But the more fearful they are, the more they want to live at this time, and the only way to survive is to stop these people from telling the news, and then give them a chance to escape!

"Guys! Take a look, this is the so-called White Deer Academy of Classical Learning! Have you seen their true colors? Where are they Academy? This is simply a training ground. !"

"Where is the Academy where there will be such thugs?"

"Don't look at it! Conquer a few of them, let's go up the mountain and ask that in person Bastard Zhang Feng who kills thousands of knives, see what he wants?"

"Also, you should have heard of what this bastard is tinkering with in the mountains, so that we can produce poison for thousands of catties of grain per mu. Don’t you guys want to take a look?"

At this time, I saw the attack for a long time without any success, and there were a large number of casualties. These people were terrified.

They shouted and shouted for helpers in front of the foreign merchants who were onlookers, but the more they shouted, the fewer people onlookers. There were even many people who saw Qian Wanli they abandoned on the ground, and they were sure After checking whether Qian Wanli was alive or dead, he hurried to the mountain gate.

This one.

These people are even more frightened.

A more frantic and chaotic attack on those who want to go up the mountain, for a while, the entire Street Market belonging to the Foreign Merchant was messed up.

And the noise here, plus the five people have been here long enough, at this moment, the guards were finally alarmed.

One after another, while guarding the mountain gate, twenty people were sent to move towards here.


The guards who stayed at the gate of the mountain all sent out their horns together. The melodious and rapid sound of the horns instantly made everyone besiege this place. The five guards trembled physically and mentally.

It's over.

Now, it’s not good!

Everyone stopped their attacks for a while, anxiously looking for the young surnamed Tang, but where can I still see the young man's shadow at this time?

Now, they finally panicked.

Throwing away the blood-stained guys in their hands one after another, pretending to lose one's head out of fear as passers-by, fled one after another.

But just now.

The sound of boom~ boom~ horseshoes, and the sound of neat armor hitting, made everyone look ashamed.

In their horrified eyes.

People of Yuchi Gong, here comes!

To be precise, he is the number one fighter under Yuchi Gong, Jia Erhu!

Jia Erhu was riding a red horse, the spear dripping blood in his hand swept everyone away, his eyes were cold and angry shouted: "Everyone kneels on the spot, and after three breaths, everything People who stand, kill without mercy!"

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