Kong Yingda was a little trembling with excitement at this time, and a little trembling all over.

He really didn’t know that this thing came so easily, what is it?

, this is his chance to comeback at this time!

At this time, he even thought of his angry expression after His Imperial Majesty saw all this, as well as those National Duke, hidden things behind him, as soon as this thing came out, His Imperial Majesty still Wouldn't it be unexpected?

Now. When he was thinking about it, the old village chief had already taken out a mysterious and secretive oil paper bag the size of a sea bowl under the bed.

After cautiously opened, a pungent smell instantly changed Kong Yingda’s expression. The old village chief said hehe said with a smile: "Duke Kong, don’t panic, although this thing tastes It smells a bit pungent, but this thing is really not poisonous!"

Hearing this, Kong Yingda is cautiously approaching. After looking at the snow-like crystal clear thing, I feel more confident in my heart. Thought, but still asked again: "Old Sun, this matter is very important, you must not frame me!"

The old village chief made a stern face and swears again, but At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and it was the job that brought food.

The old village chief hurriedly wrapped the oil paper bag, handed it to Kong Yingda and opened the door.

Kong Yingda got the evidence at this time.

Where is there any mood to stay?

Hurry up with a fist and said: "Old Sun, it’s not early, and the old man has to go back to teach the students. I will consider what you say. After all, although the old man has been admired for a long time on the mountain, But you have to bother Old Sun to deal with me! After all, I am at this age......"

The old village chief is hearing this, which is great happily said: "Where, where Don’t you go up the mountain with me now? It won’t take long! And Feng'zi, the youngster likes to make friends..."

"No, the old man is really something, so don’t pass it. !"

Without waiting for the old village chief to finish speaking, Kong Yingda hurriedly walked out of the room.

By the time the old village chief came to feel free to come, Kong Yingda had already disappeared at the door.

The old village chief looked at the table full of dishes and hurriedly went out and shouted: "Duke Kong, you can eat a bite of rice before leaving!"


At the same time.

Yuchi Gong personally took the people, and he has already searched through the Mt. Kui Street Market and everything around, but still did not find any clues about Kong Yingda.

At this time, Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin stood in a daze at the gate of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning.

"I said Lao Yu, do you think this old fogey will go up the mountain?" Cheng Yaojin said with some uncertainty.

After all, what happened at this time has basically not alarmed Zhang Feng.

Once this matter is made known to him, if Kong Yingda jumps over the wall in a hurry and directly exposes everyone's identities, it will be troublesome.

So since last night, starting from Chang'an City, Cheng Yaojin and the two have carried out a carpet search. Basically, the turf within ten miles from the city gate to any place I've ploughed it all over, but I still can't find a clue.

Up to now, more than 3,000 elite soldiers have not even blinked their eyes.

And just now, they learned from the guards that an old man took the Imperial College of Supreme Learning papers to the mountain last night!

Kong Yingda, as the Court Academecian of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning, naturally has this ability, and the seal of the customs clearance document is on him!

In other words, last night, when everyone searched the periphery, did Kong Yingda go up the mountain?

The most important thing is that last night, no one knew that Kong Yingda would be so fast, and a message was sent back from Cháng'ān back to the Imperial Palace, and His Imperial Majesty ordered again...

Such a toss.

The guards here change shifts every three hours. That is to say, when Cheng Yaojin arrives, the guards have changed shifts, and Kong Yingda is also in the hands of the guards who changed shifts last night. Put it in.

However, they didn't know until just now when the group of guards baffled again...

At this time, the two hesitated looking at the gate.

In order to beat the grass to scare the snake, we basically checked everything except the paper mill at this time.


At this moment, a spy hurried over.

"Returning to the two masters, last night, when the Inn of Street Market was about to close, there was indeed an old man staying in. Although it looked worn and worn, the shot was extremely generous. An old man left before dawn today, and even his mule is still in the hands of the store!"


The two of them were hearing this, and couldn't help but get one. shock.

I glanced at the direction of the paper mill and the mountain again.

At this time, only these two places have not been checked.

Yuchi Gong asked uncertainly: "Old Black, why don't you go to the paper mill if I go up the mountain?"

Cheng Yaojin hearing this with the rattle on the waist of the head general.

"Don’t go, you don’t know that old village chief is a bully, every time we go, only let in for a long time, normally no outsider is allowed in, you think he will let Kong Yingda, go in?"

Thinking about this, Yuchi Gong also feels reasonable.

At this time, Kong Yingda's purpose of going up the mountain is very clear. It must be to go up the mountain to find something. It must not be going on a scenic tour, and although the paper mill is magical, it is only for the papermaking. , As for this paper mill?

Then only paper is paper, will Kong Yingda come here?

Thinking about it, I feel impossible.

In the end, the two clenched the teeth and said almost at the same time: "Then we two go up the mountain?"

Cheng Yaojin stroked his beard and waved his hand: "Enclose the entire Academy, I Let’s go up the mountain and have a look first!"

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