Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 431 The speechless policeman

Before the door was opened, almost everyone had already confirmed that Maori Kogoro was in Ritsuko Usui's room. However, no one expected that when they turned the doorknob and opened the door, there was no panicked screaming of a woman, nor was there an embarrassed hiding of a man. All they could see was Ritsuko Usui lying motionless on the ground through the crack of the door.

Her face was pale, her eyes wide open, and she stared at the people outside through the crack of the door.


"Miss Usui?!"

It was Saku Hoshi and Conan who opened the door, and their faces changed instantly.

Conan pushed the door hard, but it only made the anti-theft chain straighten. Seeing this, Saku Hoshi's eyes were slightly flustered, and he quickly grabbed Conan, "Let me do it!"

Behind the two of them, Xiaolan, the waiter she called, and Shiozawa Kenzo were all still in a state of confusion, until Saku Hoshi suddenly broke open the door, and they all saw the situation in the room clearly.


Ran screamed, and Shiozawa Kenzo sobered up in an instant, and rushed in with Saku Hoshi and Conan.

The waiter was even more confused, his face pale, and he turned around and ran downstairs.

At this time, hearing Ran's scream, Kisaki Eri and Shimizu Koji, who had originally planned to take a detour separately, rushed out directly, and then appeared at the door of the room at lightning speed.

After Ran screamed, she opened her eyes and suddenly saw her mother and Shimizu Koji in front of her. She fell into a blank state again, and then hugged Kisaki Eri's arm, "Mom!"

Shimizu Koji did not stop and went straight into the room, "What's the situation?"

The three people around Usui Ritsuko all looked very ugly. Conan raised his face and shook his head gently, and the lenses of his glasses glowed with a mysterious white light again.

"The person is dead, Xiaolan, go call the police."

"Ah!?" Xiaolan exclaimed again, and Kisaki Eri's face became serious this time, and she patted Xiaolan's arm, "Xiaolan, call the police."

"Oh, oh, I know."

Xiaolan understood and let go of Kisaki Eri's arm, and Kisaki Eri walked into the room. Everyone stood in front of Ritsuko Usui's body, and then, in a sudden moment, several people looked up at the big bed covered by a sheet.


The thunderous snoring shook the whole room, and everyone looked at Maori Kogoro who was sleeping soundly under the quilt in silence, and no one spoke first to break the silence.

The two lawyers turned their eyes quietly to Kisaki Eri, and Conan had already walked around the room with small steps.

And Kisaki Eri was not surprised that Maori Kogoro was here, but even so, she couldn't help twitching at this moment.

Koji Shimizu was in a strange mood, but more of a puzzlement. If he remembered correctly, about two hours ago, Maori Kogoro returned to the room with Usui Ritsuko, and judging from their state at that time, something should have happened between them, right?

But unexpectedly, when they met again, Maori Kogoro was actually sleeping soundly, and the originally very angry Miss Usui had already turned into a cold corpse.

If the two people were not dressed in good clothes, he could not help but guess whether Uncle Maori played some exciting game and accidentally killed someone.

"It's a murder in a closed room."

After checking the room, Conan said softly to everyone in the surprised eyes of Saku Hoshi.

"That's right, Mr. Saku, if it weren't for you knocking the door, we would have no way to get in here now."

"Ah, yes, that's right"

Saku Hoshi's reaction was normal and did not attract the attention of others.

However, when the two of them finished their conversation, Xiaolan, who had called the police, had already walked to Kisaki Eri with a complicated look on her face, "Mom, if it was a murder in a closed room, then Dad would not be..."

"Wait for the police to come."

"Xiaolan, don't worry, Uncle Maori is definitely not such a person."

Kisaki Eri patted Xiaolan's hand in a gentle tone, while Shimizu Koji turned around and comforted her with a smile.

His somewhat overstepping behavior also surprised Xiaolan a little, but she still nodded seriously and thanked Shimizu Koji softly.

As for Kisaki Eri, she no longer had the mood and energy to roll her eyes at Shimizu Koji, who wanted to be a father~.

No one said anything more, and no one moved the things in the room. Although they were not police detectives, lawyers were at least related practitioners, so although the time was very sudden, they still had basic qualities.

Everyone just silently waited for the police to arrive, and no one even woke up Maori Kogoro who was still sleeping soundly. Even Xiaolan was no exception, because she was at a loss now. On the one hand, her father was caught cheating by her mother, but on the other hand, it was a murder case. She didn't know what to do, so she simply chose to remain silent and not let her father wake up to face such a miserable reality.

About half an hour later, the police arrived, but the person who came was not the familiar Officer Megure, but a sharp-nosed and monkey-faced policeman who looked a little not very smart.

"Officer Yamamura--"

Conan stared at the policeman who led the team from the corridor, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Oh? Do you know him?" Shimizu Koji looked at him curiously.

Conan's frowning brows could no longer relax, and he gave Shimizu Koji a headache look. Conan didn't know how to explain to Shimizu Koji for a while, "Uh, anyway, it's very troublesome."

"Oh, hello, everyone, are you the first to discover the scene of this case? There are so many?! It seems that this case is very serious!"

Yamamura Cao hadn't even approached, and the excitement and excitement in his words were a little bit uncontrollable.

Shimizu Koji was still a little confused about Conan's words, but suddenly he understood most of it, and couldn't help blinking, "Why does he look quite excited?"

Shimizu Koji is now almost mixed in the black and white worlds. He thinks he has seen too many kinds of humans, but Yamamura Cao has once again broadened his horizons.

The other people also had strange expressions on their faces. Hibiki Eri couldn't help but frowned. Only Xiaolan seemed unaware and even took the initiative to stand up and say hello, "Officer Yamamura!"

"Ah!! You are Xiaolan?! Wait! That means!"

Yamamura Cao was still seven or eight steps away from the crowd. Suddenly, he moved his short legs and ran over. The police behind him were stunned for a moment, but Yamamura Cao didn't think there was anything wrong. He looked at everyone carefully, then suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiaolan again,

"Miss Xiaolan, why don't you see your father, Mr. Mori?!"

"Uh, that."

Xiaolan immediately showed a look of embarrassment, but what was coming would always come. She raised her hand and pointed to the room, but before she could say anything, Yamamura Cao rushed in like a crazy fan.

This time, everyone was completely stunned.

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