Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 409: Claiming Sovereignty

"How did you find me?"

After taking a deep puff of the cigarette, he threw the cigarette butt under his feet and stamped it out. Akai Shuichi immediately calmed down a little.

However, he didn't understand why Qingmizu Koji could recognize him at a glance and set his sights on him early as he was still in disguise.

There are no private surveillance cameras or anything like that around here.

"Aren't you scared before you ask this question?"

Shimizu Koji gently pushed Masamune's sword forward a little further. He looked at Akai Shuichi's poorly disguised face with some disdain from the bottom of his heart.

Akai Shuichi was relatively calm, or he knew that he had no choice but to remain calm.

He just saw something, that is, Shimizu Koji was willing to chat with him and did not kill him immediately. After all, he was still a young man. There was a high probability that he was just unhappy.

Akai Shuichi had some misunderstandings, but it was almost the same. Shimizu Koji really didn't intend to kill him, at least he wouldn't do it.

Because Shuichi Akai is actually Akemi’s cousin

When he learned this from Belmod a few days ago, Koji Shimizu was shocked and angry.

Because this means that Shuichi Akai is not only a scumbag undercover who cheats on his feelings, but also a harmful person who deliberately deceives girls.

Although Mingmei may be willing to help Akai Shuichi infiltrate the organization for this reason, this does not exonerate Akai Shuichi at all.

Akai Shuichi was silent for a while. He didn't know how to answer Shimizu Koji's question in order to satisfy Shimizu Koji.

Although he is calm on the surface, deep down in his heart, he is worried about a young and energetic young man like Shimizu Koji. He is really worried that if he says the wrong thing, Shimizu Koji will get him as soon as he comes up to him. This is not the case in the United States. Quite common.

Based on the experience of being beaten last time, Akai Shuichi did not dare to risk his own life on Shimizu Koji's temper.

He just knew that Koji Shimizu probably knew a lot of things now.

This can be seen from the fact that Koji Shimizu specially disguised Miyano Akemi and hid her at home.

Therefore, in fact, if Koji Shimizu doesn't come to him today, he will still take the initiative to talk to Koji Shimizu after a while.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." No matter what, it's always right to bow your head and admit your mistake first.

Shimizu Koji's eyes were playful, and he did not continue to plan to embarrass Akai Shuichi, because his time today was very valuable.

"How I found you is not important. What is important is, what do you want to do?"

"You were the one who pretended to be the insurance salesman last time, right? You've recognized it, right? So, what do you want to do? Get back together with Sister Mingmei? Or do you plan to continue to use her to deal with that mysterious person? What does the organization do?”

Akai Shuichi obviously didn't expect Shimizu Koji to be so direct, because in fact, he hadn't thought about these things thoroughly for a while.

At first, he wanted to directly incorporate Akemi into the witness protection program, but this idea was quickly abandoned by himself, because he probably knew what the witness protection program was. As a former member of the organization, Miyano Akemi, It's not a victim, there are too many people watching.

If he does this, Mingmei will fall into a place of eternal destruction.

As for what Koji Shimizu said about getting back together, Akai Shuichi had also thought about it, but it was just once, and he didn't dare to think too much, because he also understood what he had done. The shame and guilt made him unable to dare at all. Make this request to Miyano Akemi.

However, Shimizu Koji asked this

Akai Shuichi kept thinking in his mind. He still knew a little about Shimizu Koji, but it was not difficult to see that Shimizu Koji really cared about Miyano Akemi.

And he seems to regard himself as his younger brother.

As for Mingmei, she should still remember and care about him.


"I actually want to have a good chat with Mingmei. If possible, I would like to take her to the United States——"

"No, it's impossible."

Koji Shimizu's voice was calm and cold, directly interrupting Shuichi Akai's rare shy speech.

Akai Shuichi was stunned, and as soon as he showed a trace of confusion, Shimizu Koji continued: "You are really thick-skinned. If I were a fool, I would not go back to Japan in the first place."

"Well, I just wanted to avenge Mingmei at that time."

"Oh——? You mean, you single-handedly want to get rid of the organization that chased you all over the world and killed you a few years ago?"

Akai Shuichi fell silent for a moment.

"Besides, don't you feel ashamed? If it weren't for Mingmei's sister, she would probably be executed to death by the organization on the day you left Japan."

"If it weren't for me, some time ago, she would still be a traitor, squeezed out of the last bit of value in that organization's plan, and then die miserably."

"What qualifications do you have to come back here and appear in front of her again?"

Shimizu Koji's voice was calm, with no special tone, but it was like a burning flame scorching the heart, and every word was severely torturing Akai Shuichi's few consciences.

Akai Shuichi has no way to refute, because he also understands these truths

"Ahem -" Maybe it was because he had been silent for too long, but Akai Shuichi couldn't help coughing slightly as soon as he spoke, "Well, I want to know how Mingmei's sister is doing now, do you know...?"

"It's probably dead. I haven't seen it."

Although it is a bit bad to say this, it is impossible for Shimizu Koji to reveal any information about Haibara Ai.

Mingmei is actually okay. If anyone else knew that Miyano Shiho had become Haibara Ai, and such a miracle of rejuvenation appeared in this world, I am afraid that all the rich and powerful people would be crazy about it.

And this is one of the important reasons why Shimizu Koji is now determined to become bigger and stronger in the organization. He has to protect himself and his woman, and these are no longer able to be completely controlled by extraordinary abilities, unless his ability can evolve infinitely.

But in this world where spiritual resources are almost exhausted, Shimizu Koji is not sure whether he still has the possibility to move forward. The jar of spiritual wine treasured by Kisaki Eri can only be said to be a rare and precious opportunity.

Akai Shuichi sighed a little dejectedly. He wanted to light a cigarette again, but it was obvious that Shimizu Koji would not give him this opportunity.

"Sorry. Can you give me another chance? I want to do something for Mingmei."

Akai Shuichi was frank and sincere. He tried to influence Shimizu Koji. It had come to this point. No matter what, he wanted to see Mingmei again.

But Shimizu Koji's attitude did not waver or soften.

With a cold smile, Shimizu Koji retracted the blade.

And the words that followed were much more lethal than the cold edge of the blade, "No, Miyano Akemi, now, you are my girlfriend."

"We are now officially living together." After a pause, Shimizu Koji added lightly.

"So, you, Akai Shuichi, better disappear from here forever."

"If you can't do it, I won't give you another chance-"

After Shimizu Koji finished speaking, Akai Shuichi only felt a flash of sword light in front of his eyes, and the tuft of wavy curly hair on his forehead, which had experienced countless wars and smoke, and was proud of, fell down in an instant with the sword light.

The pure white snow was quietly stained with black spots, which were particularly eye-catching.

Shimizu Koji left, cleanly and neatly, while Akai Shuichi stayed where he was, looking at the black spots on the snow in front of him, silent for a long time.

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