Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 297 Aigang Bay

2nd harbor

When spending time with Haibara Ai, if you forget what happened before tonight, it will really, really make Shimizu Koji feel comfortable.

But how could such a thing be forgotten? However, at the moment, it was just forced to be buried in the bottom of his heart by Koji Qingmizu, and only wisps of guilt kept emerging in his heart.

The atmosphere between the two of them in private was quite warm. At least Haibara Ai made no move to resist. She just blushed and let him rub her. However, Shimizu Koji felt more and more that this was not enough.

Not enough, of course not enough, he is probably not clean anymore.

But this little person in her arms, this Haibara Ai who has now turned into his shape, in her heart, apart from Miyano Akemi, there is only a place for him.

His eyes swept over everything in the room, and Koji Shimizu's eyes finally stopped at the vase placed on the coffee table. Very good, this way, he didn't even need to get up.

Leaning forward slightly, Koji Shimizu reached out and pulled out a white lily from the vase. It seems that Miyano Akemi bought this? But I can’t control that much.

"for you."


Hui Yuan Ai's eyes were blank, and then she saw clearly what Qingshui Koji handed to her. While she was shy, she couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

"You, what do you do?"

"I always feel like I owe you something. Well, let's make do with it for now."

".These are the flowers my sister and I bought together."

Haiyuan Ai rolled her beautiful eyes and said so, but she still took the flower branch from Qing Shuihao.

"I feel like you're acting weird today."

This sentence was said to her by Koji Shimizu just now, but now, she said it back to Koji Shimizu.

"By the way, just now, that Yukiko and Kudo's mother left?" Haihara Ai suddenly changed her words, catching Shimizu Koji off guard.

"Ah, yes, she left and said there was an emergency over there in the United States."

"Are you in such a hurry?" Hui Yuan Ai just complained casually without going into detail.

Qingshui Koji's thoughts were spinning. When he said this, he suddenly remembered something. He glanced at the calendar on the wall, and then turned back to look at Haibara Ai seriously.

"What's wrong?"

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you before. It's summer vacation the day after tomorrow, and I may have to go abroad."

"?? Going abroad?"

Hui Yuan Ai's voice couldn't help but get louder.

"Well, it's with the Iron Lady, you know."

When Koji Shimizu said this, although his eyes were very serious, he still couldn't help but feel a little hot. Unknowingly, he could actually tell lies without changing his expression...

"is her--."

Haibara Ai's expression changed. Tetsume Michiko left a deep impression on her. Later, Shimizu Koji also explained to her the relationship between Tetsume Michiko and him.

It was obvious that Haiyuan Ai wanted to ask for specific details, but she still held back. Her eyes changed several times, and finally turned into firm.

Haibara Ai raised her head and looked directly into Qingshui Koji's eyes, "I know that you are very confident in your own strength, and that woman is also interested in this, but no matter what, you still have to be careful. At least, you must Keep yourself safe.”

"Is this concern?"

Qingshui Koji's heart felt warm. Looking at Haihara Ai's serious eyes, he lowered his head and touched her forehead lightly.

And even though they were suddenly looking at each other at such a close distance, with each other's warm breaths intertwining, Haiyuan Ai rarely showed any shyness or avoidance in his eyes. Instead, he looked extra serious.

"Well, so if there is a dangerous situation, don't force it."

"Okay, I will."

In fact, there is no need for Haihara Ai to say that Qingshui Koji must ensure his own safety. However, it is completely different to say this from others, from the current Haihara Ai's mouth.

Although Michiko Tetsumi was unknowingly blamed by Koji Shimizu, it didn't matter because she wouldn't know it anyway.

"Ah~, what should I do? I don't want to let you go back."

Qingshui Koji's mood also changed rapidly, and now every time he looked at Haihara Ai in his arms, who looked serious and calm, the more he wanted to tease her and make her blush.

And as expected, his senseless sigh made Haiyuan Ai stunned for a moment, and then his face quickly turned red again.

"You haven't fulfilled what you promised last time." Shimizu Koji added.

"Last time? My sister is back now, so of course she can't count."


Qingshui Koji made a slightly disappointed sound, while Haihara Ai's evasive eyes also flashed a hint of sly rejoicing when she saw this. Fortunately, luckily she still remembered the excuse Qingshui Koji used to deceive her.

"But do you think you can still run away now?"

The sudden whisper in her ears was like a shocking thunder. Haiyuan Ai froze on the spot, her face turned pale, but her neck and below were obviously red, while Shimizu Koji silently and meaningfully smiling.

Although, Haihara Ai is really fun!

Although some terrible conjectures can be drawn from Yukiko's reaction and the abnormalities in him tonight, did those things really happen?

Shimizu Koji had no feeling at all, and he had no impression at all. He did not feel happy or joyful at all. On the contrary, he even felt distressed, dizzy, and depressed.

And with Yukiko leaving, he was unwilling to keep himself awake tonight over this matter.

And Haibara Ai happened to appear at this time, chatting and getting along with Haibara Ai. Although the two of them could not go further due to their physical condition, to be fair, now, Shimizu Koji really feels happy, interesting, and ,Comfortable.

"Come on, come upstairs with me."

After Qingshui Hao finished speaking, he immediately stood up from the sofa with Haihara Ai in his arms.

He didn't give Haiyuan Ai any option to refuse, and Haiyuan Ai's eyes widened immediately and he began to struggle.

"Don't move~, you don't want your sister to know about it, right?"


"If you wake up Sister Mingmei, I will tell you that you came to me in the middle of the night."

Although Koji Shimizu's words could not withstand thought and scrutiny at all, his shamelessness succeeded in making Haibara so sad that he became confused.

However, Shimizu Koji really doesn't plan to do anything to her tonight, at least that's what Shimizu Koji thinks now. He just wants to find a warm harbor to rest in. Although Haibara Ai is a little small, she can still hold her to sleep. It's very comfortable, at least it can be considered a qualified pillow.

But at this time, he can't go to Mingmei, what is that?

Although Hui Yuan Ai still speaks harshly sometimes, one thing cannot be denied, that is, he has already fulfilled Hui Yuan Ai's previous requirements.

Therefore, they are now in a real relationship, not forced by him~.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to bed, it's already so late."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't speak, but she didn't struggle anymore. Anyway, it wasn't once or twice. In fact, it wasn't that hard to accept. Moreover, with her like this, even if Koji Qingmizu had any ideas, humph, there was no way.

"I feel like you're thinking about something bad."

As they went upstairs, Qingshui Koji was talking. When Haihara Ai heard this, his face suddenly turned red, "What a bad thing! I still have to go to school tomorrow."

"Shh, keep your voice down."

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