Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 285 Finally caught by Yumi!

Regarding Belmode's notice, Shimizu Koji said his heartfelt words and was a little caught off guard.

The sun was shining brightly, and less than an hour had passed since he sent his concubine Yingri and Yukiko to the hotel.

After getting into the car, Koji Shimizu looked at the map and after clearing the direction, he concentrated on driving.

But in his heart, he kept recalling the brief words that Belmode just said, "Sake? Is there a code name?"

According to Xiao Ai, organization members who have received code names are basically the core figures of the organization. More or less, they will have their own voice and corresponding power in the organization.

But now, he actually doesn’t know anything. Originally, Koji Shimizu thought that Bellmod was planning to let him be her bodyguard for one-line communication that day, but now it seems that he It seems not.

Did Belmod directly help him get the code name?

It is undeniable that the five billion he has not yet received should be a big credit.

But Koji Qingmizu still felt a little unreal. After all, according to Xiao Ai and Mingmei, this process should be difficult and very strict.

Ming Mei is indeed an ordinary person, but because she is Haihara Ai's sister, I'm afraid the organization will take extra care of her.

As for the genius——, Huihara Ai said it herself, the code name was already ‘Shirley’ when she was ten years old.

And he himself is a swordsman genius with an equally innocent life experience, and he even has one more condition than Haibara Ai, and that is Belmod's support.

With his thoughts spinning, Koji Shimizu was slightly looking forward to the meeting later. Are there other members of the organization?

So far, he has met four people: Gin, Vodka, Belmod, and Calvados. The members of this organization do have their own characteristics.

Shimizu Koji was a little distracted, but it was not a big problem. He drove slowly.

However, when a black shadow suddenly rushed in front of his car, he couldn't help being startled. He braked suddenly and tightened his seat belt.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Open the window, pull over and check!"

Along with the sound of knocking on the glass, you could faintly hear the shouting of the female police officer outside.

Shimizu Koji turned his head and glanced, his face couldn't help but look a little weird, but he still obeyed the command, drove the car to the side of the road, and then slowly lowered the glass.

Miyamoto Yumi had a sullen look on her face, but there seemed to be a little fear in her eyes. If he hadn't seen the fear in her eyes, Koji Shimizu would have really suspected that she had some illness.

He was in the second lane in the middle. His speed was not fast, but he was still traveling at 40 yards per hour. Yumi Miyamoto was able to accurately stop him from a large amount of traffic. With such a desperate look, he could definitely be called a role model traffic policeman.

"Hello, Miss Police Officer, what can I do for you?"

"Huh? Is it you?!"

Miyamoto Yumi blinked, and almost instantly, she recognized Shimizu Koji.

Shimizu Koji gave a rare smile, and Miyamoto Yumi had an impression of him. This was a bad thing, because he remembered the last time he met the female police officer. He seemed to be wearing a school uniform.

"Um, I met the police officer again. What's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, Shimizu Koji's set almost didn't gain any favor from Miyamoto Yumi. Instead, it directly made Miyamoto Yumi look a little ferocious and terrifying.

In fact, Miyamoto Yumi was taking a lunch break at the moment. She had just walked out of a restaurant on the street after eating, and at a glance, she saw Shimizu Koji's car in the traffic.

She was deeply impressed by this. After returning to the police station and watching the surveillance camera carefully twenty-seven or eight times, the car was engraved in her mind.

Last time, she almost flew into the sky!

"Huh——, it turns out it's you——!"

Almost gritting her teeth, Miyamoto Yumi pressed the police officer's hat tightly on her head, as if she was afraid that it would be blown away by the wind accidentally.

Shimizu Koji is a little confused. Who is he? What did he do again?

Miyamoto Yumi watched the surveillance camera dozens of times and recorded him, but his impression of Miyamoto Yumi was still the time when he and the 'new doctor', Belmod, were stopped for examination.

"Stop the engine! Get out of the car! Please show your driving license!"

Miyamoto Yumi has a pretty face and doesn't give Shimizu Koji any chance to argue. The reason why she can remember Shimizu Koji is actually because of Shimizu Koji's face. But at this moment, it is obvious that he is not handsome. What's the use?

Miyamoto Yumi looked angry, while Shimizu Koji was a little nervous.

The car he drove has not been inspected. Even if it is inspected, he would normally only need to show his driver's license. But now, for the only time, Miyamoto Yumi knows him and knows his true age. .

This this--

There is no doubt that if he stops the car now, he will probably not be able to leave today, or even within a day or two, seeing that this policewoman is almost ready to kill others.

At that time, how long it will take for him to get out of the Metropolitan Police Department depends on how quickly Belmode and Michiko Tetsumi act after receiving his call, and how strong their relationship is.

But Koji Shimizu has never had the habit of completely handing over his freedom into the hands of others.

"Ah, okay, Miss Police Officer, please step aside and I will park the car."

Koji Shimizu was very honest, and he looked like a frightened, obedient boy. The fear and fear in his eyes did not look like he was pretending at all.

Miyamoto Yumi saw all this in her eyes. She frowned deeply and turned around to look at the situation. Shimizu Koji was suddenly stopped by her. The entire car was too huge and now it was causing some traffic inconvenience.

"Hmph!" With a heavy snort, Miyano Akemi glanced at Koji Shimizu in an intimidating way, then moved to the side and gave way to her position.

Even Koji Shimizu, who was used to seeing beautiful women, had to admit that this police officer was very cute, but this sudden attack did not make him feel so happy.

Moreover, it has nothing to do with him.

"Zzizi!" He pushed the accelerator to the bottom, and it only took six seconds to accelerate to 100 kilometers. Fortunately, his car occupied a lane, and there was a large gap in front of him. Everything was coincidental, and it was definitely not what he had started with. After seeing Miyamoto Yumi, he had already envisioned a plan to run away.

Shimizu Koji left in an instant like a whirlwind.


After two seconds, Shimizu Koji's car had already driven dozens of meters away, and Miyamoto Yumi came back to her senses in confusion, and let out a soft sigh.

Not just her, but also the passers-by on the street were stunned.

However, for passers-by, this incident is not that unusual, because Shimizu Koji's car.

It's not unusual for a rich man to run away after being checked. It's highly likely that nothing will happen, unless the female police officer wants to put her own future on the line.


With a "pop", Miyamoto Yumi slammed her hat to the ground. In her big, bright eyes, there was no clear and cute look in the past, only strong murderous intent filled the air.

She was fooled! !

She, Miyamoto Yumi, was tricked by a high school student!

Originally, she was still a little full from lunch, but now, Miyamoto Yumi felt full and full of energy.

However, she still had to pick up the hat.

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