Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 279 It’s time to show real technology

Doi Kozao's sudden confession shocked everyone, especially the butler Naoki Sohachi who had just explained his identity.

"What? Mr. Doi, you said you killed Mr. Mikio?!" Officer Megure's eyes widened and he exclaimed. Officer Chiba and his men were very discerning and immediately caught Doi Kozo again.

Just when Doi Kozo was about to nod and admit, Koji Shimizu suddenly took a step forward and inserted himself between them.

"Mr. Doi, there is no possibility of you committing a crime."

"Nani?" Memu was shocked one after another, and the police officer Chiba who was arresting the person was already hesitating. Should this person be arrested or released?

On the side, Naoki Sohachi saw Koji Shimizu disguised as Kudo Yusaku standing up, and he swallowed the words he originally wanted to speak silently.

"Yes, it is true, Mr. Doi, there is no possibility that you may have committed a crime."

"Judging from the situation at the time of the incident, your location in the surveillance was quite a distance from the window of this room."

After Fei Yingli and Yukiko were surprised, they quickly figured out the reason why Shimizu Koji said this. You and I supplemented the reasons for Shimizu Koji with your words.

When it comes to observation skills, they are often on par with Conan.

Xiaolan may be the only one in their group who is confused at the moment, but this really highlights her simple character. Her confused big eyes are very clear, and she just looks back and forth at everyone.

"And, most importantly, Mr. Doi, do you know how many shots the murderer fired in total?"

If Fei Eri and Yukiko were just playing assists, Shimizu Koji's statement undoubtedly made Soichi Kozao instantly confused and confused.

How many shots, this?

"Two shots." Tufei Gengzao said in a deep voice.

As soon as his words fell, the atmosphere in the venue relaxed instantly.

Officer Chiba finally let go with relief this time, while Officer Megure looked at Shimizu Koji diligently at this time, "Brother Yusaku, 豼, have you solved the mystery of this murder case?"

"Yes." Shimizu Koji nodded lightly, and at the same time glanced at Conan aside without leaving any trace.

Conan was no different, but looked at him with the same curiosity. Like Officer Megure and others, he seemed to be expecting him to reveal the answer to this case.

It seems that this father's halo is much more powerful than Shimizu Koji imagined.

Yes, they look the same, have the same voice, and most importantly, his mother Yukiko proves it. As long as Shimizu Koji doesn't act too abstractly, such as performing a striptease in public, Conan won't know what to say. Doubtful.

Retracting this brief glance, Shimizu Koji looked at the somewhat confused Toi Kozo, "In a sense, you are right, it was two shots, but you only heard two shots, and Yukiko Xiaolan and the others Several are the same.”

Yukiko blinked her eyes, and her mood became more subtle when she heard Koji Shimizu mentioning her.

Does Shimizu Koji really know how to reason? She had never heard Conan tell her before. If Koji Shimizu was also good at reasoning, with Shinichi's character, it would be impossible not to tell them about it.

Therefore, up to now, Yukiko had not actually paid attention to Shimizu Koji. She was more concerned about Conan's actions. Originally, she wanted to wait for Conan to find any clues, then she would go up and threaten him, and then herself Let’s have a gorgeous mystery show

At this time, after hearing Koji Shimizu's words, Conan's pupils gradually dilated, revealing a look of understanding. This time, he really understood.

Not only him, but Fei Yingli on the side also showed a thoughtful look at this moment.

Two shots? Shimizu Koji specially emphasized this, plus the three bullet casings that Officer Takagi showed to everyone just now.

"Yes, it's the silencer."

Shimizu Koji saw the changes in everyone's expressions and revealed the answer with a smile.

"For some reason, the prisoner's first shot had a silencer installed on the muzzle."

"And this reason, according to my guess, is to make what I said before appear more true."

In fact, it was quite difficult for Shimizu Koji to understand why he had to remove the silencer after shooting. He had been thinking about this mysterious operation since he saw the three bullets, but he still couldn't think of it until now. A reasonable explanation.

"The prisoner misled us from the beginning. I think everyone still doesn't know this."

"Misleading from the beginning?" Xiaolan repeated softly, remembering.

On the side, Yukiko, who didn't quite understand, simply grabbed Conan who wanted to perform together and said, "Xiaoxin, explain to mom."

Conan was speechless and could only watch as Koji Shimizu walked up to him and picked up the key evidence that was close at hand.

"That is?" Shigeru Fujieda and Soka Fujieda, who were far away, asked in confusion.

"It's the book Mr. Mikio is reading tonight."

Shimizu Koji picked up the book and gestured to everyone. Except for Yukiko and Conan, who had formed a small circle beside them, everyone else still looked more or less confused.

However, Fei Yingli's quick thinking naturally ranks first among them.

"Wait a minute, Qing——, Yusaku, is this how you pick up the book?!"

"Well, that's right."

There seemed to be an encrypted conversation between the two, and with Koji Shimizu's approval, Fei Yingli's confusion finally became clear.

"I see."

"Yes, as you can see, the bookmark of this book is neatly tucked into one of the pages."

"Is there any problem with this?" Fujieda Soka became slightly anxious. She looked at Fujieda Shigeru aside with increasingly unkind eyes, because things seemed to be developing in a direction she didn't want to see.

No one cares about Fujieda Shigeru’s invalid alibi? !

"Mrs. Suhua, would a person who was suddenly pointed at a gun close the book so gracefully and put it neatly on the table? I don't think Mr. Mikio is a calm person in such a situation. ”

"However, these are just some supporting evidence, and the real evidence is in this cup of coffee."

Koji Shimizu tried his best to explain with the physical evidence at the scene, because even if he said that he knew Mikio Fujieda was not shot at that time because he saw from the surveillance camera that he did not bleed after he fell, I am afraid not many people would be willing to believe it, and also It will be very difficult to verify.

Now, as long as the incident is restored so that the real criminal has nothing to say and takes the initiative to plead guilty, it will be fine.

"Coffee, what's in the coffee?" Officer Megure quickly pointed to the two forensic investigators, and Shimizu Koji also handed the coffee to them.

"A drug."

"Isopropyl alcohol."

The person who explained it was Koji Shimizu, but the one who confidently revealed the name of the medicine was Conan, who had his hands on his hips and looked speechless, just like Yukiko returning from victory.

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