Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 276 Yukiko, have you cheated?

The color of Shimizu Koji's neck is distinct. His skin color is lighter. After all, he is still a young man.

And this is also the reason why Yukiko specially bought him a high-collar suit. Under normal circumstances, the possibility of Shimizu Koji being exposed would be almost zero.

But now, obviously, it was an accident, an accident that caught even Shimizu Koji a little off guard.

Fei Yingli's eyes were shocked, and she reached out to touch the brightly colored junction on Qingshui Koji's neck. Qingshui Koji grabbed her wrist, let go and put her down.

Fei Yingli was grabbed by the wrist, her eyes changed again, and she looked at Shimizu Koji in horror, "Who are you?!"

If it was just doubts just now, Shimizu Koji's actions instantly made Fei Yingli's unbelievable suspicion come true.

At this time, she was in shock, her mind went blank, and she couldn't even care about the murder case downstairs.

Because the person next to you is a pretender, this is obviously more terrifying to normal people.

It would be fine if Yukiko knew about it, but if she didn't, Fei Yingli didn't dare to think about it for a moment.

"Uh, lawyer concubine"

Shimizu Koji returned to his original voice, but before he could finish his words, Fei Yingli's pretty face was filled with frost and she took action instantly.

Shimizu Koji stopped speaking, and without even opening his Sharingan, he grabbed her left hand with one hand. At the same time, he clamped his legs together, and Fei Yingli's knee bump was directly blocked by him, and his thighs were tightly clamped by him. live.

"Wait, I'm Koji Shimizu."

Seeing Fei Yingli opening her mouth to shout, Shimizu Koji quickly explained.

Fei Yingli was stunned when she heard this, and Qingshui Koji, who was afraid of her shouting, took advantage of the situation and put her hand on her mouth.

Koji Shimizu felt helpless and suddenly exposed his identity. Such treatment was understandable. Fei Yingli's reaction was normal, but not very friendly.

But it doesn't matter who it is, the perspective of Shimizu Hiroshi's second-generation concubine Yingli is probably even more intense than her reaction.

And all of this is Yukiko's fault.

Time was very tight, and Shimizu Koji kept his story short. Fei Yingli was stunned, and after listening to Shimizu Koji's explanation of three times five divided by two, it was still difficult to recover.

It wasn't until Xiaolan's familiar scream came from downstairs that she heard "Ah!", then she shook her head vigorously and made a sound, and Koji Shimizu let her go.

"You, you are Xiaolan's classmate"

Fei Yingli remembered it, and time had not passed long. Shimizu Koji left a big impression on her. He was a boy who looked very handsome and elegant.

Compared to Kudo Shinichi's frivolous and pushy character, as an adult, Fei Eri naturally prefers someone like Shimizu Koji, who is more stable. She has also secretly made comparisons, but she will not mess around with Xiaolan. What kind of mandarin duck recipe should I order?

"Well, it's me, lawyer Fei, please don't get me wrong."

"You and me, Yukiko." Fei Yingli wanted to ask too many questions at the same time, but the murder downstairs also affected her thoughts.

However, soon, Fei Yingli's eyes changed, as if she had thought of something, "It is indeed something Yukiko can do."

She sounded a little headache, but her tone had calmed down. Seeing this, Shimizu Koji finally let go of her hand and her leg.

Fei Yingli's face turned red unnaturally, because during these actions, the two of them were in real physical contact. It was nothing before, but now, when she thinks of everything just now, especially being saved by Princess Shimizu Koji in her arms Fei Yingli felt her face getting a little hot.

"Thank you, Shimizu-san, I'm sorry just now."

"It's okay, it's understandable."

What are these things?

She lamented in her heart at the same time and quickly arranged her clothes.

Qingmizu Koji watched her movements, thought for a moment, and took the initiative to say: "Lawyer Fei, if you are short of money, I can help here."


Shimizu Koji's words obviously surprised Fei Yingli, and after a brief daze, Fei Yingli seemed to understand what Shimizu Koji meant. She smiled lightly and stretched out her hands to tidy up her hair, as if she had regained her previous confidence and calmness.

"Thank you for your kindness, Koji, but no, actually -"

Fei Yingli said, taking out a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolding it, a very formal letter of entrustment, "It does not say that we must ensure the life safety of the client, so as long as the murderer is found, this entrustment will also It doesn’t count.”

Ten million yen, even though it is cash, is really just water for Koji Shimizu now.

But for people in the 1990s, this amount of money was almost the amount of savings that a top student from Dongda University could save without eating or drinking for more than two years.

The words of the two people almost acquiesced to the fact that Mikio Fujieda downstairs was dead. After all, the shooting, as long as the murderer was a normal person, would not leave anyone alive.

Shimizu Koji didn't expect Fei Yingri to have such a skill, which made Fei Yingri more attractive, instead of the ordinary woman who would panic for money as Shimizu Koji had just thought.

"I see, that was my presumption."

"Hey, you don't have to be so polite. Although this is the second time I've met you, Haoji, you have left a very good impression on me. I'm very grateful that you have the intention to help me, but I can handle this matter myself. of."

Fei Yingli's words were very appropriate, and Shimizu Koji's behavior of speaking rashly would have made Fei Yingli feel a little uncomfortable or even embarrassed if it were an ordinary adult. But for a young man like Shimizu Koji, Fei Yingli would only think that he was warm-hearted and kind. Pure and simple.

As for pretending to be Kudo Yusaku, it is naturally Kudo Yukiko's own bad taste, yes, but she still has to ask questions later.

And Shimizu Koji also took all these into consideration. He was willing to help with this small favor, and he would definitely not put himself in an embarrassing situation.

After the two of them cleaned up, this sudden episode ended here. Feiyingli promised that Shimizu Koji would not tell his identity, so the two of them went downstairs and continued to the audio-visual room where Mikio Fujieda was.

In the audio-visual room, Mikio Fujieda's body was lying across the center of the room, the window was broken into a hole, and the night outside was deep and rich.

Seeing that Shimizu Koji was late, everyone was confused, but no one said anything. Conan and Fujieda Shigeru immediately surrounded Shimizu Koji as if they had seen the backbone.

On the other side, Fei Yingli, who walked in one after the other with Shimizu Koji, glanced at the corpse on the ground, frowned, and passed it over.

She went straight to Yukiko who was staying alone, "Yukiko, have you cheated?"

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