Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 268 The coquettish Yukiko

The breakfast is very rich, with six dishes. Generally speaking, it is not so rich even during the Chinese New Year.

However, the four of them, plus the fact that they were mainly celebrating Akemi's discharge from the hospital and Yukiko who was still jet lagged and very hungry, could still finish the six dishes.

Four dishes, one soup, plus a glass of milk per person. Strictly speaking, it is indeed six dishes.

And such a breakfast is naturally inevitable, and it feels like a reunion dinner.

Koji Shimizu's mood was a little weird, while Yukiko was very enthusiastic.

"Haoji-kun, come and try it."

"This shrimp is very good." Following Yukiko's direction, Shimizu Koji picked up a chopstick, tasted it, and gave feedback.

"I did it!" Yukiko claimed the credit with bright eyes.

And Koji Shimizu is naturally not stingy with words of praise, even though he has no vocabulary accumulation in this area, he just says "oh vaguely" with full of emotion.

After just saying a few words, Yukiko stopped with a black line.

"Koji-kun, you can't do this. You can't please a girl like this." Yukiko looked serious.

The entire dinner table seemed to have become her stage, and she seemed to be able to enjoy the attention of being the center of attention without any scruples at any time.

"To please girls?"

Qingshui Koji repeated with a puzzled tone, and put a peeled shrimp on Haihara Ai's plate.

Haibara Ai was a little surprised, but when her sister and Yukiko looked at her, her face inevitably turned red again, but she didn't have time to be shy for too long——

"If Ms. Yukiko says that, the girls in school seem to be very happy if I can have a few words with each other."

Yukiko paused when she heard the words, and the smile on her face that was about to tease Haibara Ai suddenly froze. She looked at Shimizu Koji's handsome face with a smile on her face, which didn't look like he was deliberately trying to offend her.

Can we still talk today? !

And Koji Shimizu simply couldn't stand Kudo Yukiko's endless chatter. Among the girls he had interacted with in the past, this was the first time he encountered Yukiko's type.

You could say she was pretending to be cute, but her natural, sweet smile made it impossible to dislike her at all.

You could say she is overly confident, but she is also surprisingly reliable, very measured, and doesn't do anything rude.

If he had to say one word, the words "childish" suddenly flashed away in Koji Shimizu's mind.

"Miss Yukiko, let's talk about your request."

"Sister Mingmei, eat more protein."

As he spoke, Shimizu Koji took another chopstick of shrimp and fish to Miyano Akemi.

"Hey, thank you, thank you Koji."

Miyano Akemi was a little surprised. She was surprised by the changes in Koji Shimizu in the hospital, especially last night.

This move now made her even more flattered.

On the opposite side, Kudo Yukiko saw all this, and Shimizu Koji's questions were instantly forgotten by her. She pouted, picked up the bowl and put it on the table twice, "Koji-kun! Me too want!"

? ?

Koji Shimizu had a black line, but in the end he was defeated by Kudo Yukiko's terrifying coquettish gaze.

Kudo Yukiko seems to be a little too familiar with herself, but these actions, when applied to her, will not make people feel that there is anything wrong, let alone make people feel ambiguous.

Miyano Akemi just smiled slightly at this, and Haihara Ai was just a little speechless.

"Ahem, Miss Yukiko, let's continue talking about business."

He also picked up two shrimps for her. Koji Shimizu was really afraid that she would ask him to peel them, so he quickly changed the subject.

Fortunately, Yukiko was just teasing and joking. Koji Shimizu actually helped her pick up two shrimps, and her eyes did not hide her surprise and satisfaction.

"Entrust it."

Her tone suddenly changed, "When I talk about this, it makes me angry."

Yukiko said and stuffed a large piece of fish into her mouth. She seemed to have a good appetite, at least it wasn't as angry as she said.

Shimizu Koji and the Miyano sisters were eating slowly while preparing to listen to her attentively.

Yukiko had helped them a lot, and she was also their landlord. She asked Shimizu Koji to help. Regardless of her outrageous reasons or her rational personality, Shimizu Koji should also help her.

Therefore, everyone had no objections to this matter. Haibara Ai also felt that Shimizu Koji's request for leave was natural, but they were naturally quite curious about the content of the commission Yukiko said.

"He clearly has another woman's lip marks on his clothes! He's still arguing with me, which makes me so angry!"


"Gu——, uh, Ms. Yukiko, this, this should be your family matter, it's not appropriate, so just say it like this."

Miyano Akemi's smile was a little awkward, but there was inevitably a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

On the side, Haihara Ai and Shimizu Koji were sitting next to each other.

Haibara Ai just glanced at Qingshui Koji lightly, and Qingshui Koji was inevitably a little embarrassed and slightly guilty at this moment.

Haibara Ai acquiesced to their relationship, but Miyano Akemi was completely unaware of it. Koji Shimizu didn't know how to talk to Miyano Akemi about it at all. Moreover, there was another person at the scene who was complaining about her husband's cheating. poor lady.

"What does this have to do with it? If he is allowed to do it, why don't you allow me to say it! You said someone else accidentally rubbed it on at the party! Miss Mingmei, do you think I can believe this?!"

"Well, Ms. Yukiko, if I remember correctly, your husband is the famous mystery novelist. Well, if you are a fanatical fan, it is actually difficult to explain this situation clearly."

Miyano Akemi tried her best to comfort Yukiko, and Yukiko only looked angry, but she was eating and drinking, and she didn't seem to be affected at all.


"This is not the main point, it's just that I was very angry. He didn't want to explain to me at all in the end. I wanted to go back to Japan in a fit of anger, but he didn't react at all. He even gave me the phone and sent it to me, and he agreed on his own initiative. He asked me to help him investigate!"

"Such a man is so hateful!"

Yukiko gritted her teeth, but she still didn't look angry. On the contrary, she was still that cute and angry.

At this point, Miyano Akemi couldn't tell the situation and just smiled.

"So, what exactly is the content of the commission?" Koji Shimizu finally waited for the opportunity.

When Yukiko said that Kudo Yusaku didn't want to explain to her, for some reason, Shimizu Koji could vividly imagine what would happen if he and Yukiko quarreled after hearing her words.

I got in touch with her little mouth that never stopped as soon as it was served on the table.

This is understandable, although the specific relationship between the two is not known.

"The content, the content is very simple. It is that a wealthy man named Fujieda Mikio received a threatening letter and asked to help him find the sender."

Very good, after Yukiko finished speaking, Shimizu Koji didn't answer any more, and eating in silence became the tacit choice made by him, Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai at the same time.

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