Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 247 Senior’s Amazing Attributes

When this happened, Koji Shimizu and Naoto Nohara, who had originally planned to go to the kendo club for daily fun, took leave directly.

Of course, saying he is asking for leave is actually just saying hello.

After coming out of the gymnasium, Tsukamoto Sumi was standing in the corridor, staring at the drizzle. She seemed a little distracted. Maybe it was because of what happened just now? But Koji Shimizu didn't think so.

"Senior, do you like rainy days?" Koji Shimizu walked up to her and naturally held her hand.

Tsukamoto Sumi turned to look at him, shook her head slightly, raised the umbrella in her hand, clicked it, and the two walked into the rain side by side.

Returning to the teaching building, the two of them packed their luggage and met together downstairs.

In front of the corridor, it was time to say goodbye. Koji Shimizu looked at Tsukamoto Sumi carrying a bulging handbag, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He must have disturbed Tsukamoto Sumi's study plan, and it was a serious disruption.

"Feel sorry--."

But before he could finish his words, his mouth was blocked by a pair of Tsukamoto's beautiful lips.

Shimizu Koji was stunned for a moment. He was caught off guard, and "snap", he was pushed against the wall by Tsukamoto Sumi again.

However, in just a few seconds, the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed. Although he was carrying a bag, this did not prevent Koji Shimizu from wrapping his hands around Tsukamoto Sumi's waist, and then took advantage of the situation to switch their positions.

Although it is surprisingly good to be the passive party after being attacked by Tsukamoto Sumi like this, Shimizu Koji still prefers to control the rhythm by himself, and



Koji Shimizu licked his lips, and Sumei Tsukamoto looked up at him in slight confusion.

The cherry lips are moist and the water is visible, the pink face is full of spring, and there is still a hint of unfinished meaning in the eyes.

"Senior, you seem to like kissing a lot? Or do you mean, senior, do you like sesame things?"

Shimizu Koji spoke with a soft smile. His relationship with Tsukamoto Sumi was progressing smoothly and smoothly. He liked this way of getting along, but for a girl like Tsukamoto Sumi, Shimizu Koji felt a little strange. .

He was half joking, but there was also some seriousness in it. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, it would be a situation that he would have to face sooner or later, and it was difficult for him to deny that he also had those thoughts.

Tsukamoto Sumi's face turned red. There was no one in the corridor at this time, and no one would come, but despite this, she still subconsciously looked around.

Because it is no longer used in the usual situation of saying hello and farewell, the atmosphere between the two is much more ambiguous now, more like, no, just a couple in love.

Koji Shimizu's hand was wrapped around her waist, and the distance between them was very close, almost zero.

"Yeah, I like it. I like kissing Koji and I like Koji."

Faced with Koji Shimizu's less serious teasing, Tsukamoto Sumi still became serious as always. However, although she was serious, her eyes could not help but dodge a little when she spoke.

After all, in a sense, their kind of exchanges and conversations are actually rare among ordinary couples.

Oh, the ordinary couples mentioned here, of course, refer to the couples on campus who also just started falling in love.

Shimizu Koji also didn't expect that she would answer so seriously and without hesitation, and he felt a little hot for a moment.

But that was mostly because he thought of something else.

"Senior, are you a nymphomaniac?"

As soon as the words came out, Shimizu Koji felt something was wrong, and seemed to be disrespectful. This was a reflection that he had gradually developed while getting along with Haibara Ai.

But in fact, except for the sensitive and delicate Haibara Ai, ordinary girls, well, at least for Tsukamoto Sumi, this is nothing. Shimizu Koji did not have any disgusting tone. Of course she knew that Shimizu Koji was not scolding her again. , the ambiguous atmosphere between the two is still anxious.

".Do you like it, Koji?"

"Gu——." Koji Shimizu swallowed subconsciously.

Without him, only hands give birth to you.

Tsukamoto Sumi took advantage of the gap in her words to take one of his hands and put it in front of her.

So far, apart from the unexpected encounter with Kazuha last time, this may be the clearest, most concrete and profound experience Koji Shimizu has ever had.

No, it couldn't be compared to that time with Ye, because he was busy rescuing people at that time. Qingmizu Koji really didn't have any other ideas. He only felt that the hand felt cold because of the sea water, which was far worse than now.

Looking at Tsukamoto Sumi who was so bold and passionate about him, Shimizu Koji even had a feeling that if he said something about going to a hotel now, Tsukamoto Sumi would most likely agree. .

"I also like senior sister, cough, senior sister, let's go on a date."

After Qingmizu Koji answered decisively, he coughed slightly and quickly changed the topic, but his hand had not been moved yet. If the other hand was not holding the bag, he would have wanted to reach it up as well.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about, anyway, they are just a couple in a relationship.

Tsukamoto Sumi's face had a faint redness that looked like congestion, which was completely different from before, but as she said herself, she actually liked this feeling.

However, there is another reason, that is, under this situation, Shimizu Koji suddenly mentioned the date.

In fact, just as Koji Shimizu thought, Tsukamoto Sumi naturally thought of what he was thinking just now, because she had been dating from the beginning with the consciousness that she had been instilled with strange thoughts by her mother. Of course, Her own personality is also one aspect. She really likes it and doesn't resist physical intimacy.

In short, Tsukamoto Sumi is feeling moved now, because it means that Koji Shimizu is not only interested in her young body.

They are really in a serious relationship.

"Date. Yeah~, Koji."

"Uh, sorry--."

"It's okay, no need to apologize, I'm fine, just a little comfortable. If it's a date, I'll be fine."

Tsukamoto Sumi was very bold. Shimizu Koji had already wanted to stop, but she actually held him down.

And she looked like she was thinking, even though she was blushing, it seemed like she really didn't care about it and was just thinking about the date seriously.

"Senior, do you have any ideas?"

"Next Friday, Koji, do you have time?"

"Yeah, there is."

"Kosuke mentioned it once before. Their school will hold a 60th anniversary school festival from next Friday to Sunday. I really want to go and see it. Koji-kun, what do you think of us going there for a date?"

Tsukamoto Sumi is indeed very serious and very independent. In fact, under normal circumstances, Shimizu Koji, who is her boyfriend, must make plans, prepare carefully, and then carefully present a gorgeous performance with every step accurate to a few minutes and seconds. Performance.

But the most perfect date should actually be one that both parties go for together, a simple and free outing that can go anywhere and anyone can ask for it.

It is not a 'trap' carefully prepared by one party to please the other.

Shimizu Koji didn't think too much about it. He was also very interested in the school festival. Besides, it was Tsukamoto Sumi's suggestion, so he agreed immediately.

"Well, no problem. Then when the time comes, let's just ask for leave and go together."

"Puch~, Haoji-kun, what are you talking about? We will have a holiday next Friday too!"


"It's the Vernal Equinox!"

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