Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 239 Bathroom

After cleaning up Kid, he tried out the contact lenses sent by the witch on him. After confirming that there was no problem, regardless of the fact that his disguise was torn and he needed to touch up his makeup alone in the cold sea breeze, Kuroba Kaito and Shimizu Koji Just one person returned to the cabin.

He had already obtained Kuroba Kaito's identity information, so regarding the disguise technique, Shimizu Koji planned to discuss it with him later.

As for whether Kuroba Kaito dares to lie to him?

Thinking about the rather handsome headshot on his phone, Koji Shimizu felt that he didn't have the guts.

But at this moment, it was already three o'clock in the morning. After Kuroba Kaito clarified the incident and everyone left, the lively cabin suddenly became deserted again.

The corridor was deserted, with only the sound of his footsteps, but the lights were still on, so it didn't feel scary.

Walking all the way back to his room, the door was not even locked. With a slight push, Shimizu Koji walked in and saw Haibara Ai sitting on the sofa, packing his previous set of clothes.

Haiyuan Ai was sitting very upright. When Qingshui Koji came back, she just turned her head and glanced briefly, then withdrew her gaze again.

Shimizu Koji didn't take the initiative to speak because it was very late and very tight.

He smelled the salty smell of sea water on his body, which could even be said to be a fishy smell, and felt the sticky skin and hair on his body. He frowned, took off his coat at the door, put on sandals, and went straight Walk towards the bathroom.

Qingshui Koji walked into the bathroom. Haihara Ai raised his head in awareness and stared blankly at the frosted glass door of the bathroom that was then closed. She blinked, and her eyes that were pretending to be cold could no longer remain calm for a moment.

Unabashedly, full of anger.

But after taking two deep breaths, she calmed down again.

Perhaps it was the horrific wound on Koji Shimizu's arm that flashed through his mind, or maybe it was the thought of Koji Shimizu's troublesome and helpless character, but Haibara Ai did not choose to yell.

It was impossible for her to shout Shimizu Koji out of the bathroom, and Shimizu Koji wouldn't be such a fool as to wash his bandaged wounds.

Haibara Ai folded Qingshui Koji's clothes and put them aside, then sat silently on the sofa.

The rustling sound of undressing in the bathroom ended, and the sound of rushing water sounded. Her thoughts were wandering, but soon, her little face gradually became rosy, and she clenched her jade-like little fists, and she seemed to be talking to her. Your own thoughts do the most critical battle.

Finally, she gritted her teeth, snorted heavily and angrily, and stood up from the sofa.

Shimizu Koji!

you win!

"Dong dong——"


Hearing the knock on the door, Shimizu Koji thought he had heard it wrong for the first time. Looking back, although the frosted glass door was thick, a small black shadow could be clearly seen.

He lowered his head and glanced silently, then stretched out his hand to press it down hard, pulled off the shorts on the side and put them on at the same time.

Due to the evolution of the Sharingan, or some memories that just flashed in his mind, in short, his body was not very well at the moment.

Qingmizu Koji opened the door, and Haihara Ai's little face was filled with air-conditioning, as if the air conditioner was still on at 16 degrees in winter, but it only happened for a moment.

Haihara Ai had imagined many situations, well, in fact, she wouldn't be able to stand any of them.

Just the moment she saw Shimizu Koji's almost perfect figure, her whole body was shattered. Her little face turned red, maybe she could use it as an apple to take a bite.

Especially, when you see the bulging muscles that are only a little higher than her cheek, the obviously thin clothes cannot suppress it.

This was much more shocking than the sudden glimpse she had last time on the sofa at Dr. Ali's house, and her little head was immediately struck and dizzy.

Shimizu Koji, why don’t you know how to avoid this guy? !

In fact, if I have to say it, Shimizu Koji no longer treats her as an outsider, he treats her completely as his wife (the person appointed by the official).

"Turn around!"


"Turn around!" Haiyuan Ai scolded angrily, turned his face away, and stamped his foot angrily.

Qingmizu Koji originally didn't know what she was going to do, but seeing this situation, he probably had a guess.

I felt a little weird in my heart, but it was more of an expectation.

He turned around obediently, and sure enough, there was the sound of treading water behind him, and then he felt a clear air-conditioning stagnation, and the bathroom door closed.

"sit down!"

Haibara Ai's tone was as if she was taming an animal, but she could only speak like this, because in her opinion, every moment she spent with Qingshui Koji was no different from facing a beast.

This guy is not a normal person.

She, how could she...

Haibara's teeth itched in sadness, not only for Koji Shimizu, but also for himself.

Qingshui Koji pulled out the small stool under the sink and sat down obediently. Looking at his sleek but muscular back, Haihara Ai's eyes trembled slightly.

She thought she could face it easily, but her face was red, her face was hot, her heart was beating, and at this moment, her emotions were thrown into chaos.

She resisted the strong curiosity to reach out and touch it with her little hands.

A guinea pig, he is a guinea pig, and I am giving it to a guinea pig.

When Haibara Ai saw Qingshui Koji's wet hair, she felt relieved, because it would save her the effort of a sentence.

She reached out and picked up the shampoo on the side and squeezed it into the palm of her hand. The cool shampoo seemed to be her only source of cooling at the moment, and she was reluctant to apply it to Shimizu Koji's thick black hair.

She stood up on her tiptoes cutely. Even when Koji Shimizu sat down, she still had some difficulty.

And this action made her inevitably lean on Qingmizu Koji's back, of course, just a little bit.

But just this moment, Hui Yuan Ai's brain was completely empty, and only his instinctive consciousness and movements were left.

Her little hands were a little cold to Koji Shimizu, and the action of grabbing and rubbing her hair was not as convenient and quick as what he could do on his own.

But if he does it by himself, it will indeed be a lot of inconvenience, especially when flushing.

But this scratching and rubbing method is inconvenient and not very flexible, but it is like the soft pink paw pads of a cat. Every time you scratch and rub it, you can scratch it. Go to your heart.

Feeling the busy little hands on his head, this feeling of being carefully taken care of was something that even Miyano Akemi had never given him.

Well, I don’t even have my new girlfriend yet.

His heart felt warm, but also itchy. However, Shimizu Koji was still very restrained and did not make any move that would scare the cat behind him.

He just sat obediently, letting her rub his hair with her little hands and help rinse it.

"Lower your head."

Before he lowered his head, what flashed across Koji Shimizu's eyes in the mirror was a small, red face that seemed to be gritting his teeth because he was not tall enough and had difficulty exerting strength.


Haibara Ai quickly rinsed Qingshui Hao's hair, and before leaving, she also wiped Qingshui Haoji's back.

Then he opened the door as fast as he could and slipped out.

Qingshui Koji didn't say a word from beginning to end because he was worried that as soon as he spoke, Haibara Ai would not be able to stand the stimulation and ran out shyly.

That way, he wouldn't be able to enjoy those soft little hands.

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