Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 236 Playing with Kidd

The police investigation, no, there was no investigation, they just went through the motions.

The forensic personnel clocked in for work as usual, and washed up in the room. Officer Megure and others stood at the door as supervisors, and Suzuki Shiro and Maori Kogoro were responsible for repeating Shimizu Koji's previous reasoning to them.

Officer Megure was surprised after listening to it. On the one hand, it was Shimizu Koji's reasoning ability, and on the other hand, it was the unprecedented speed of solving the case this time.

But it was mainly Shimizu Koji's reasoning ability. He also had an impression of the boy, who was in the cafe with the lawyer Queen Eri Kisaki.

But he didn't realize at that time that the boy was actually a figure of Kudo's level!

His heart became active, but on the surface, Officer Megure was still in his usual style.

However, according to the previous script, after the reasoning was over, they should take the prisoner back to the Metropolitan Police Department, but today there was no prisoner to escort them.

"The police officers are tired from traveling late at night, why don't you rest on the boat."

At the right time, Suzuki Shiro laughed.

Officer Megure and the policemen behind him all had their eyes lit up, but they still had to be polite.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you like this, and we have to go back and report to the headquarters immediately and request to dispatch personnel to search-"

"No need, no need, Officer Megure, you can just rest here, which is also considered as escorting us. As for the escaped criminal, he may have already escaped from the Japanese waters on the sea."

After Officer Megure's polite words, Suzuki Shiro naturally couldn't really let him go.

But if it was Sonoko, maybe she would really give in and agree to it.

After a conversation, the atmosphere of the crowd suddenly became harmonious, and there was no seriousness and tension in the face of the murder case just now.

After all, searching for someone in the vast sea in the middle of the night is really like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is meaningless.

Under Suzuki Shiro's kindness, Officer Megure and his group did not return tonight and stayed on the Suzuki Maru smoothly.

Shiro Suzuki, Inspector Megure, and Kogoro Mori, three middle-aged men, had a lot to talk about. On the one hand, they talked about the case, and on the other hand, they talked about other things. It was natural for them to chat.

And Shiratori and Takagi naturally took on the responsibility of going to the lounge to explain and inform everyone about the case.

Takagi Wataru walked in front, and when he pushed the door open, he immediately stuck to the door and made way.

Although he was honest, the strict hierarchy in the workplace was engraved in the blood of the Japanese.

"Thank you, Inspector Takagi."

Shiratori Renzaburo, also known as Kuroba Kaito, smiled and nodded, and walked past him into the lounge.

In the hall, seeing someone push the door in, everyone looked over.

Kuroba Kaito faced the eyes of the crowd, he was not in a hurry, with a smile on his face, raised his fist to his mouth, and coughed lightly like Inspector Megure just now.

He was going to speak.

It was also a novel experience for him to pronounce the result of a murder case as a criminal policeman.

Especially among the people here, there is also the little ghost who followed him deeply——? ! !

Suddenly, Kuroba Kaito glanced and saw the pigeon that stayed obediently on Shimizu Koji's shoulder. In an instant, his eyes were straight.

Shimizu Koji naturally found something wrong at the moment they met. Although the pigeon was temporarily controlled by him, his consciousness would not affect the original consciousness of the pigeon.

Although Kuroba Kaito trained the pigeon very well and could make it obedient with just a glance, the closeness from the bottom of his heart could not be erased by Kuroba Kaito.

He, or the vast majority of people, 9999 out of 10,000, would not have thought that there were still people who could see through the inner thoughts of the pigeon.

Kuroba Kaito was just a little panicked in his heart, and he was completely unnoticed. He was relieved again, but on the sofa, Shimizu Koji saw all the changes in his eyes.

It can't be said that it is hard to find it, but it is indeed effortless to get it.

Is this Kaito Kidd? This face really looks flawless - Shimizu Koji narrowed his eyes slightly.

His mind moved, and the pigeon on his shoulder seemed to have received some kind of call. Although it was still injured, it fluttered and shook its wings, and took off from his shoulder.


"Excuse me - eh!?"

Kuroba Kaito just felt relieved, but he didn't expect that the pigeon he had carefully trained would be fed so quickly, and this time, it became a traitor!

At this critical moment, it actually flew directly up!

Kuroba Kaito's heart almost stopped in a moment, he couldn't help but scream in surprise, and he almost turned around and ran away, because if he was discovered and exposed here, his glider would only be inserted straight into the sea.

There is no way to the sky, no door to the ground, and no escape!

But, the pigeon flew halfway, and it turned around and flew to Takagi Wataru next to it.

This made Kuroba Kaito feel deeply puzzled, but at the same time, he was also deeply relieved.


The pigeon ran towards Takagi Wataru, who was also startled, but then he smiled and wanted to touch the pigeon that landed on his shoulder.

After all, pigeons are so cute, who wouldn't like them?

But where he didn't notice, in full view of everyone on the other side, Conan's eyes widened and he suddenly jumped off the sofa and hid in the blind spot of Takagi Wataru's sight.

Koji Shimizu didn't expect that it would cause Conan's stress reaction, but it was too late and there was no reason to stop it. Conan just reached out and pressed his waist, and a football was born from his waist in an instant.

"Pa!", Conan did not hesitate, with a cold face and a cool smile, he suddenly flew up with a kick.

The black and white football also drew a dazzling arc at a speed exceeding the speed of sound in an instant.


Hit the target! (Takagi Wataru’s front face)

"Catch him! He's Kidd!!!" Conan shouted, unable to conceal the excitement in his voice. He opened his short legs and ran up immediately.


Conan shouted and stunned everyone who was already stunned, but Chennikov and Kuroba Kaito, who acted according to the situation, reacted the fastest and acted fastest.

In an instant, all three of them pressed towards Takagi Wataru who fell to the ground.

The pigeon fluttered and flew again when the football came. Kuroba Kaito tried to catch it but failed.

And when the two big men were pressing on the unconscious Takagi Wataru, and Conan was trying to tease Takagi Wataru with a cold face proudly, Shimizu Koji on the sofa slowly raised his hand, and the pigeon also slowly landed. On to his fingers.


Kuroba Kaito had been paying attention to the pigeon from the corner of his eye. When he saw it flying back into Shimizu Hiroshi's hand, he was startled and quickly looked away.

He was very sure that it was absolutely impossible for his pigeons to be tamed so easily.

Moreover, the strange and familiar feeling in Koji Shimizu, but the feeling that he couldn't remember, made him very uncomfortable and a kind of fear of facing the unknown.

This was just like how he felt when he first became Kaitou Kidd a while ago, nervous and uneasy.

"Not Kidd?!"

Conan grabbed Takagi Sheba's face for a long time, but couldn't move it at all. His face turned pale, and he said something very certain in an unbelieving tone.

After hearing his words, Kuroba Kaito immediately let go of his hand, stood up instantly with a solemn expression, and restored the elegance that Shiratori Rensaburo should have.

Chennikov was stunned for a moment, and the look he looked at Conan gradually became a little unkind. In other words, he disliked himself.

He had been impressed by Koji Shimizu and Ai Haihara just now, but they were really capable. He subconsciously regarded Conan, who was playing football randomly, as a reliable guy.

This is obviously a naughty brat!

"Conan, how can you accuse someone of being innocent out of thin air?"

"Officer Takagi!"

"Officer Takagi! Are you okay?!"

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