Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 226 Double Magatama!

Pu Siqinglan endured the severe pain in her abdomen, and bright red blood oozed from the corners of her mouth, struggling hard to turn back.

Qingshui Koji, on the other hand, had an expressionless and indifferent expression as he quickly drew the knife. Following his movements, Pu Siqinglan let out an indescribable gasp of pain.

Pu Siqinglan tightly covered the wound on her abdomen. She fell to the ground, and finally saw Koji Shimizu stabbing her to death like a ghost before her consciousness became blurred.

Qingshui Koji sheathed his sword. It cannot be said that he was not disturbed by Pu Si Qinglan's death, but it hardly caused any disturbance to him.

He was also a little confused about Pu Siqinglan's sudden behavior. However, judging from Pu Siqinglan's skillful committing crimes and this gun, this woman herself was not a bad person.

Coupled with Pu Siqinglan's poor Chinese and her insistence that she was from the flower-growing country, it is not difficult to guess that this guy has disguised his identity.

Qingshui Koji looked at the wide-eyed Pu Si Qinglan on the ground, turning a blind eye to her beauty. He reached out to pick up her still warm body and threw it into the sea along with the gun.

Then, he put Zhengzong aside, climbed over the railing, looked in the direction of Kazuya, and jumped down suddenly.

All these actions of killing people and dumping their bodies only took a few seconds, but it had been more than a minute since He Ye jumped into the sea.

The sea is vast and boundless, and under the pitch-black night, the entire sea area also looks deep and dark. As soon as you enter the sea, you are instantly enveloped by the cold and biting sea water.

Shimizu Koji swam in the direction of Kazuha. At this moment, Kazuha was still floating on the sea, but he had gradually lost his strength and consciousness. He was just struggling with his last survival instinct and feebly slapping the sea surface.

Shimizu Koji also jumped off the boat when he saw that she was still alive. Although his relationship with this girl could only be regarded as an ordinary friend, he was still willing to help if he could save her.


He Ye spat out a large amount of water and struggled with blurred eyes.

The gunshot wound on her thigh left her unable to move one thigh at all. The more she struggled, the more she felt like she was sinking.

The cold sea water had taken away most of her body temperature in this short period of time. It also took away her swimming common sense and rationality.

For people who are drowning, especially those who are drowning in the vast sea, from the moment they fall into the sea, their desire to survive will hardly outweigh the despair caused by facing the endless thick sea water.

That was the case with Heye. She was filled with despair and her desire to survive forced her to use up her last strength, and the little reason left in her heart also understood that her life had come to an end on this unexpected night.

But suddenly, something seemed to be holding her hand, and her fierce survival instinct made her subconsciously pull hard, trying to hold the unknown thing under the water and under her body.

"do not move!"

A stern cold shout sounded, and Koji Shimizu was caught off guard and was almost pushed into the sea water by Kazuha.

When Kazuye heard the voice, and Shimizu Koji hugged and lifted her tightly, she finally had a chance to get a brief breathing space. She first spit out two mouthfuls of seawater, and then took a big breath.

Shimizu Koji hugged Kazuha and felt relieved when he saw her reaction, but suddenly, the alarm bells started ringing in his heart!

Although it was pitch black where he saw it, in the water, Koji Shimizu raised his foot without hesitation and kicked it in front of him.

And almost at the same time, he opened his Sharingan, and his blood-red eyes seemed to see through the dark sea.

The resistance in the sea water was extremely high, but Koji Shimizu's full force kick in Sharingan state still made the shark that had smelled the fishy smell in the sea pounce away.

Qingmizu Koji felt the strong force coming from under his feet. With this force, he hugged Kazuo and swam forward two steps, but this did not affect his instantly sinking mood.

Heye took a few breaths, and her consciousness became slightly clearer. She vaguely saw the person holding her.

The cold and serious profile of Koji Shimizu came into her mind. Her mind was confused and she could only see that Koji Qingmizu suddenly took action and punched the water underwater.

The water splashed everywhere, and a few drops of cold seawater splashed on Kazuyo's face. She wanted to open her mouth, but she made a splash and was caught off guard by Koji Shimizu and was taken into the sea, and she choked on seawater again.

Most of the force of Koji Shimizu's punch hit the water, but with his unrivaled strength, he also blocked the shark's attack again.

His eyes were filled with blood, and the black magatama was spinning rapidly. His spirit was extremely tense, but he was also calm as never before.

Black shadows surged under the water, carrying a deep and pure bloodthirsty murderous intent.

What a beast!

He Ye choked on her saliva. She had already reached her limit, and her vision became a little blurry again.

In the blur, she saw Koji Shimizu, a shark's fin, a black shark's fin, a wisp of scarlet in the sea shrouded in endless darkness, and a pair of blood-red eyes like gems.


The shark's head jumped out of the water and bit into Kazuha. The single magatama in Koji Shimizu's eyes instantly exploded and turned to the extreme. He used his hand as a knife and struck out like lightning. From the shark's mouth, it penetrated straight into the shark's brain.

Almost at the same moment!

A sharp pain shot up from his arm, and even Koji Shimizu couldn't help but look ferocious and gritted his teeth.

The magatama in his Sharingan was spinning rapidly, but it calmed down as the shark's still warm blood gurgled out of his palm.

The black magatama gradually became fixed, but it suddenly evolved from the previous single magatama into a more weird and moving double magatama!

Because of this, Koji Shimizu felt a very vigorous force continuing to surge in his body, and most of the severe pain in his arm seemed to disappear in an instant.

Although the shark was not dead, almost at the same time, a bit of blood gushed out from a pair of small and penetrating fish eyes, and two small black magatama gradually took shape in them.

He Ye was completely unconscious at this moment.

However, the moment before she fell into coma, although her vision was blurred, her memory was definitely fixed on that scene——

On the cold and boundless sea, under the pale and dim moonlight, the shark opened its mouth ferociously and jumped out of the water to bite her head. One hand of Koji Shimizu, like lightning, inserted into the bloody mouth of the shark. In the middle, the front end of the palm instantly penetrated through the shark's head.

The blood-red eyes were like a beautiful evil curse, beautiful yet evil, and even more touching.

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