Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 215 Taking over the game

Suzuki Maru, this is the name of this cruise ship, simple and direct.

As for why the word "maru" has been widely used on Japanese ships, Koji Shimizu, who doesn't like history classes very much, got an authoritative explanation from the genius female scientist Ai Haihara.

"Maru means 'round' and unsinkable."

"After the Meiji Restoration, the government stipulated that all ships must be preceded by the word "Maru". Although there have been various changes since then, this habit has been retained."

While boarding the gangway, listening to Haihara Ai's explanation in a faint voice, Qingshui Koji held her soft little hand, and with the gentle sea breeze blowing on her face and carrying the faint fishy smell of sea water, I have to say that it was indeed a kind of A different kind of enjoyment.

Immediately, everyone, led by Masato Nishino, put away their luggage, then met up with Suzuki Shiro, and then went to a heavy safe deep in the cabin.

The thick alloy iron door, if it weren't for the electronic driving force, Koji Shimizu couldn't say whether he could push it.

In Nuoda's safe room, a table was set up in the middle. On the table stood a solitary egg of memories that had been moved there for some time. It was as if this safe room was specially built for it. generally.

Outside the door of the safe room is a conference room that is a little smaller than the president's room of the art museum, so many people are standing at this time.

The young people who were walking behind Yuanzi and Xiaolan along the way just now became the group who were lucky enough to sit down.

But Qingmizu Koji was an exception. It wasn't that he didn't want to sit, it was true that he couldn't squeeze in. Haibara Ai simply followed him and refused Xiaolan's offer to give up his seat.

As for the others who followed, Chennikov, Gan Jiangyi, Samchuan Ryu and Pu Si Qinglan, the four of them were just standing silently beside the sofa, quietly watching Nishino take the egg of memory. Come out and put it on the coffee table.

The protagonists this time are naturally not them. On one side of the U-shaped sofa, next to Kazuha, the urban beauty Kasaka Natsumi is sitting upright.

After Nishino put the egg of memories on the table and saw the emerald green Faberge egg with silver threads, she spoke softly and told the story to everyone.

Among the main seats, Mouri Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro also listened carefully, because they didn't come back until very late last night. Kasaka Natsumi only revealed a little bit of information to them on the way.

But now, facing all the people here, the story must be told carefully from the beginning.

"My great-grandfather, named Kiichi, worked as a worker in Faberuge's workshop and married a Russian woman there."

"The year after the Ten Moon Revolution, he and my great-grandmother returned to Japan together. After my great-grandmother arrived in Japan, she gave birth to a daughter, but she passed away shortly after giving birth to her daughter."

"Nine years later, my great-grandfather also passed away. At that time, he was only 45 years old."

As Kasaka Natsumi spoke, her tone became lower unconsciously, and she also lowered her head silently, seemingly feeling sad because of this.

She has long, smooth brown hair. Whether it is the volume or the hairstyle, it makes her quiet and reserved, which makes people want to protect her. She is not like a lady like Suzuki Ayako or Ooka Momiji, but just an ordinary rich lady.

"What about that daughter?"

"Well, it's my great-grandmother."

Kasaka Natsumi nodded and admitted, and Suzuki Shiro also showed an unexpected look of surprise. When they were in the car, time was tight, and Kasaka Natsumi simply told them about her great-grandfather.

Naturally, this more profound kinship origin was not mentioned.

"Later, my grandfather and my parents died in a car accident when I was five years old. I was raised by my grandmother."

"Eh!?" Xiaolan and other girls couldn't help but cover their mouths.

"And the old lady unfortunately passed away last month."

Sawabe Kuranosuke, the old housekeeper who had been following Kasaka Natsumi, added immediately.

"I used to work as a pastry chef in Paris, and I came back to China last month to sort out my grandmother's belongings. While sorting out, I accidentally discovered this picture drawn by my great-grandfather."

As Kasaka Natsumi spoke, while everyone was watching, she took out two old and yellowed papers from the side pocket of the handbag in her arms, spread them out, and placed them on the coffee table.

Everyone looked around, Qingshui Koji took a step closer curiously, and Haihara Ai followed suit and walked towards the coffee table.

"The middle of the picture is a bit broken." Natsumi Kasaka turned to look at the two of them, smiled sheepishly, and explained to everyone.


Hui Yuan Ai softly read out the English text on the corner.


Shimizu Koji followed the translation and said that the two of them snatched up many people's words, but no one cared about it.

Suzuki Shiro took a look at the picture on the blueprint. Although it was broken into two halves, it was not difficult to see that the picture on it was indeed the Egg of Memory.

"It is indeed an egg of memories, but this egg is obviously inlaid with gems."

"Maybe there was a gem before, but then it fell off." Mouri Kogoro said tentatively.

Conan walked down from the sofa and came to the coffee table, but before he could speak, Haihara Ai took action, put the two fragmentary pictures together and released them.

Conan suddenly had an idea when he saw this, but there was still someone who was one step faster than him.

"Maybe there are two eggs?"

Shimizu Koji made a rare gesture of thinking. He put his hand on his chin. Haibara Ai, Conan, and everyone present were shocked when they heard this and looked at him.

Especially last time, Chennikov and others who were not present when Haibara Ai showed the magic mirror were completely confused.

Including Natsumi Kasaka, she was a little stunned, "This Shimizu-san, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Qingshui Koji turned to look at her.

Looking at the exquisite mixed-race faces of Natsumi Kasaka and Shiho Miyano, combined with her life experience

"Xiao Ai, please demonstrate the magic mirror to everyone again."

"Huh? Oh."

Koji Shimizu and Ai Haibara took over the game. Conan stood beside him, at a loss. He also wanted to take over the game, but they were usually two people who lacked interest in cases and the like, but today they directly excluded him. There is no room for performance at all.

And the reason, he actually knows, is that primary school students are prohibited from performing reasoning

But, Haihara Ai

Conan actually wanted to be Koji Shimizu's assistant. He had a disease that no one knew about, but that everyone could see, which was called being uncomfortable without being in the limelight.

Pu Siqinglan and Master Nishino stood next to the light switch in the room. Haihara Ai picked up the egg and just glanced there calmly. Master Nishino turned around consciously and turned off the light.

This is a secret room in the cabin. If the safe next to it hadn't been open, I'm afraid the room would have been so dark once the lights were turned off.

Fortunately, the brightness in the room was good, it just darkened, and everyone could still see each other.

Following the instructions of Shimizu Koji, Haibara Ai once again showed the magic mirror to everyone, using half of the egg shell of the egg of memory.

The walls reflect the castle, like an old film from more than a hundred years ago.

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