Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 212 Are teammates stupid enough?

"Hattori! Kidd's notice time is not at three o'clock in the morning!"


"Seven minutes left."

Shimizu Koji walked to the door silently and intervened in their conversation.

Hattori and Conan were stunned when they heard this, and both turned their heads, especially Conan who was interrupted.

He finally reasoned once, but was robbed again!

However, they can't care about that much anymore.

"From the lion at dusk to the girl at dawn, the twelfth character is へ, which is 7:20 later." Koji Shimizu's explanation was simple and clear.

Hattori Heiji's expression suddenly changed, and Conan had already run to the art museum with his skateboard still inside.

"Hey, Kudo?!"

"Hattori, you and Shimizu stay here, I'll go to the castle tower!"

Hattori Heiji was paused when he heard this, and Shimizu Koji passed by him at this moment and walked towards Nishino Masato who was still entangled with Kasaka Natsumi.

"Mr. Nishino, where are President Suzuki and Officer Nakamori?"

Shimizu Koji's voice was light. Although he was asking the question to Master Nishino, it also reached the ears of Hattori Heiji.

And Conan was also very fast. He stepped on his short legs and quickly rushed out with his skateboard in his arms.

"Hey, it's Shimizu-san. The president is out. Officer Nakamori, he..."

Because Nishino was suddenly asked and because he was entangled with Kasaka Natsumi, his brain couldn't handle it and he was speechless for a moment.

Kasaka Natsumi stopped talking blankly on the side, looking at everything in front of her, she was a little confused.

The reaction of Master Nishino also made Shimizu Koji's eyes become deeper, making his bad premonition become more solemn.

"Mr. Nishino, one thing I have to say is that according to our new reasoning, Kaito Kidd will start taking action in five minutes at seven twenty."

"Officer Nakamori's behavior of leaving his duty without authorization, I hope you can contact President Suzuki immediately and notify the security inside so that I can enter the exhibition hall now to carry out defense work."

This was the first time that Shimizu Koji was so solemn, or spoke seriously to others.

Because he was not only curious about Kid Kid's identity and coveted his miraculous disguise skills, but also because this elusive guy was related to the witch hiding in the dark and watching him.

When Master Nishino saw this situation, especially Conan and Hattori Heiji, who were attracted by Shimizu Koji's solemn words, he struggled for a while before saying in embarrassment:

"Shimizu-san, I'm sorry, Officer Nakamori has taken the egg to another place to hide it for protection. I don't know where he is now."


The one who exclaimed was not Koji Shimizu, but Conan and Hattori.

When Master Nishino saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Although the three people in front of him were all young students, for some reason, he always felt that these three people were more reliable than Mouri Kogoro, or in other words, they spoke more truthfully. Sex, because he also listened to Mouri Kogoro's detective story all afternoon in the president's room.

"Then I will inform the president now."

Kasaka Natsumi on the side had been ignored by everyone, and she was also stunned, not understanding the sudden emergency situation.

"It's too late." Koji Shimizu interrupted him calmly.

Conan and Hattori Heiji, after some exchanges, confirmed that the place where Kid appeared was not the castle tower, but Tsutenkaku, which is where everyone started the tour. Hattori Heiji had already driven a motorcycle over and took him there. Looking at Conan, he disappeared in a flash.

Conan habitually threw a sentence to Shimizu Koji and Nishino Masato, but no one responded to him.

After being silent for a while, Shimizu Koji turned around and walked back to the art museum.

He was in a rare bad mood now, and his face looked a little ugly.

After all, meeting a pig teammate like Nakamori Ginzo, and Suzuki Shiro being able to agree with Nakamori Ginzo's decision, made his heart filled with disbelief and silence at the same time.

Especially when Koji Shimizu subconsciously looked around and saw nearly a thousand police sentry posts inside and outside the art museum, he felt very complicated.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light.

If Nakamori Ginzo's 'ingenious plan' had not been leaked, it might have been a little better.

But now, not to mention Kaitou Kid's fame and connection with the witch, there are bugs everywhere, various mobile phone networks, computer technology, etc., this kind of news that even Nishino Master knows, the possibility of leakage itself Just extremely high.

And once leaked, this is an extremely stupid trick.

Even if Officer Nakamori came up with this plan, he had negotiated with Suzuki Shiro and had Suzuki Shiro's approval, but once something goes wrong, no matter how hard it is, the responsibility will be attributed to him alone. It's completely self-defeating.

Are there any such courageous and persevering people among the Japanese police?

After contacting the police he usually saw, Koji Shimizu could be 100% convinced that this was just pure stupidity and reckless recklessness.

Gambling his own future on whether he can protect the Suzuki family's egg, which is worth 800 million yen and is treated as a toy by Sonoko.

Is this Nakamori Ginzo the Suzuki family dog, or is he deeply in love with Kaito Kid? !

So, now, for various reasons, even Shimizu Koji can't help but want to find Nakamori Ginzo, grab his tie and ask him - is he sick?

It would be better to put it in the bank safe without making any noise.

Shimizu Koji was attacked by a surprise attack, and was originally thought to be a teammate.

In order to prevent unexpected situations, he came out to confirm at 5 pm, but obviously, the actions of these teammates were more hasty and decisive than he thought.

Therefore, at present, everything tonight has nothing to do with him.

You can prepare to pack up and go home, regardless of whether Nakamori Ginzo succeeds or fails.

"Wait, Shimizu."

Behind him, Nishino Masato suddenly called him, Shimizu Koji turned around, and Nishino Masato, Kosaka Natsumi and her housekeeper all followed.

Nishino Masato looked a little anxious, and cold sweat really flowed on his forehead, because the problem was really serious.

"Sorry, although I am very sorry, can you please help entertain these two guests first."

"Regarding the egg, this Miss Kosaka has something important to say to the president."

Kosaka Natsumi couldn't help but reveal her identity to Nishino Masato after seeing the emergency situation brought by Shimizu Koji and others.

Therefore, at this moment, Nishino Masato asked Shimizu Koji to help entertain them, because there was really no important person in the art museum now.

And because he couldn't get through to Suzuki Shiro on the phone, he had to drive over to inform them in person.

Shimizu Koji glanced at Kosaka Natsumi. The beautiful young woman had a steady gaze and did not flinch at all because of Shimizu Koji's calm and terrifying eyes.

"Well, okay."

"Red bean paste Arigato, then I'll leave it to you, Shimizu-san."

Nishino Masato adjusted his glasses and quickly turned around and ran to the parking lot.

Shimizu Koji and Kosaka Natsumi didn't say much, just a simple greeting, and walked in front to lead them, leading the two back to the lounge where he and Haibara Ai were originally.

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