Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 210 Don't worry, I won't let you go

"Let's get the answer right? You say it first or should I say it first?"

Qingmizu Koji's relaxed expression still made Haibara Ai a little incomprehensible.

But she hesitated, nodded, and said: "It's a simple word trick. In fact, the clock without seconds is just a cover to hide people's eyes. Just count the preview date of the first sentence from the beginning to the tenth Two words and you’ll get the preview time.”

"へ, in Japanese, it means going. At the same time, it can also be seen as the dial of a clock."

"Twenty past seven."

Hui Yuan Ai said calmly.

At this time, Koji Shimizu made two cups of tea and placed them on the coffee table.

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes moved slightly, he reached out to pick up a cup and took a sip.

Although she felt a little awkward before the morning, after that, she subconsciously forgot about those chores.

Now, she couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded.

Haiyuan Ai raised her eyes and glanced at Qingshui Koji who was sitting next to her again. His eyebrows were still so calm, but he could always attract the attention of many people of the opposite sex.

She believed that if it weren't for Koji Shimizu's character, it wouldn't be surprising at all for this guy to be betrayed by a group of superficial girls just because of his face.


The situation the day before yesterday seemed to be almost the same.

And she

In fact, there was a reason why Haihara Ai stayed in the room yesterday.

Most people in power are obsessed with things like relationships, but for people like her and Koji Shimizu, who have a cold personality and have more time to think rationally, this may not be the case.

She could jump out of the relationship between the two and examine her relationship with Koji Shimizu, and then she would get the same answer as Koji Shimizu.

She couldn't leave him.

To be more specific, I can no longer think about my life after leaving Koji Shimizu.

got used to? Reluctant to give up? Or maybe it was because of her sister, Koji Shimizu, who saved their sisters, or because of all the things that happened afterwards.

Too much.

Haihara Ai is actually not strong. She realized this clearly when she lost her sister.

And now, although the weight of Koji Shimizu in her heart may not be equal to that of Miyano Akemi, it is not far away.

If she and Shimizu Koji had known each other earlier, if she hadn't turned into Haibara Ai now

Miyano Akemi's words telling her to find a boyfriend quickly were still ringing in her ears. In a daze, Haibara Ai felt as if she had known Shimizu Koji since then.

"Do you really have no idea about that young lady?"

"Aren't you curious why I didn't let you tell them?"


After the two of them finished speaking in unison, Qingshui Koji was a little stunned. Haihara Ai's thoughts jumped so fast that he thought for a while before he remembered who the eldest lady she was talking about was.

And Haibara Ai did not answer Shimizu Koji's mysterious question. It is easy to think that he probably thought those people would get in the way, which is very consistent with Shimizu Koji's character.

"Why do you suddenly ask this again?"

Hui Yuan Ai rolled his eyes and said, "That young lady doesn't seem like someone who will give up easily."

"Oh, come to think of it, I haven't told you about my acquaintance with her. Do you want to hear this?"

"Who wants to know this! It's just that you already have a girlfriend, and that young lady seems to be completely devoted to you. You'd better be careful and hope that she doesn't turn out to be a young lady with an extreme personality."

"Oh, then I won't say anything."

Qingshui Koji said "Oh" lightly, and Haihara Ai's face visibly stiffened.

Koji Qingshui actually saw all of this. Although he didn't know what Haihara Ai suddenly thought about just now, when observing Haihara Ai from his perspective, there were usually no blind spots and they would not be noticed.

And if Hui Yuan Ai wanted to observe him, she would have to raise her head and open her eyes wide.

"Actually, it's nothing. What you said about being completely determined is even more impossible. I just saved her once by chance a long time ago." Koji Shimizu explained.

"Huh? It turns out that the hero saves the beauty."

"To your sister too."

Before Haihara Ai finished speaking, he was choked by Qingshui Koji's words and found it difficult to control himself.

Damn guy (〃> dishes<)! ! !

She took a deep breath and calmed down again.

But before she could completely recover, Koji Shimizu suddenly grabbed her little hand, making her freeze.

However, when she turned her head, she found that Koji Shimizu was not looking at her at all. He was holding her little hand, as if it was a habitual action?

"As for what you said, I have no idea at all."

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

"You really just like big breasts, right!?"

Hui Yuan Ai could no longer hold it in any longer, and with a red face, she roared and complained.

"Um, actually the smaller ones are also very cute. Sister Shumei is like you - ugh! What are you doing?!"

Now that Koji Shimizu is talking about these things, he is actually very calm, because after seeing through the relationship, it is just the mutual needs of men and women, just like killing people, it is actually the same as eating and drinking water.

There is nothing to avoid or twist around.

So with the intention of opening up to Haiyuan Ai and telling the truth, he was very honest.

But now, seeing Ai Aihara losing control of her emotions and grabbing his arm and giving her a bite, Koji Shimizu had to admit that he still overestimated her psychological endurance threshold.

He thought that after the showdown the night before yesterday, Haihara Ai would be able to understand and understand what he meant.

After taking a hard bite, Hui Yuan Ai woke up immediately when she heard Qing Shui Koji's cry of pain.

But the shame and anger in her eyes only increased, and her little face was flushed, but she immediately let go and wiped her mouth expressionlessly.

Shimizu Koji, this bastard!

Why hadn't she noticed before that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was actually an extremely scumbag!

You can even say that kind of thing! !

"Say things like this again——"

Before Haiyuan could finish his words, his whole body froze.

Shimizu Koji didn't check to see if the tooth mark on her arm looked good, he pushed her down on the sofa, and then bit down on Haihara Ai's red apple flesh.

Haiyuan Ai's eyes became duller than ever before, because this was not like last time.

She was pressed on the sofa by Shimizu Koji, like a pitiful and helpless little girl. Of course, it was difficult to explain clearly what she was thinking.

After all, she is Miyano Shiho.

"It's a long and complicated process, are you satisfied? My answer."

Qingshui Koji slowly stood up and moved away from Hui Yuan Ai's face, but still stayed very close. He pressed Hui Yuan Ai's hands on both sides.

"Don't worry, I will never let you go."

Haibara Ai's face was already very red, and her eyes were shameful and angry enough, but Qingshui Koji could make her emotions reach a higher level, which she could not have imagined.

"Don't worry about your size! Go to hell(\u003eд\u003c)!"

She tried all her strength, but Shimizu Koji didn't move at all.

Huihara Ai was gradually frightened, because Qingshui Koji and her face were still very close.

"You, what do you want to do?"

She was really panicked, because Koji Shimizu was not a normal person at all.

Koji Shimizu can always do some things that make him incredible, including but not limited to holding her feet and asking her to date with a serious face!

That experience was terrible!

And after a few seconds of silence, just when Haibara Ai couldn't bear it and was about to close her eyes, Qingshui Koji finally let go of her arm, "What do I want to do? Ha, if you have to say it, just say it. Just to see what the puppy’s teeth look like.”

Shimizu Koji smiled faintly and sat upright.

When Haihara Ai heard his words, she was stunned. She lay on the sofa next to Qingshui Koji, and did not get up for a while.

Then, with a sudden movement, she kicked someone on the thigh.

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