Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 208 The principal culprit Xiao Ai and the accomplice Qing Shui

"Ahem, in short, we can discuss the egg matter some other time."

Suzuki Shiro's face was already a little ugly. For a few hundred million yen, he just invited these people to come over for valuation and then do some publicity.

But these people seem to have no idea.

Although Suzuki Shiro had a big belly, he still spoke with considerable weight. His intention to see off the guests was already obvious, so the four people present silently picked up their luggage.

"Wakali Masitah."

"Okay, I'll take my leave today."

As they stood up, the door to the room opened automatically, but only a man in a green suit holding a wooden box came in.

The man in a suit passed by a few people who were walking out. Suzuki Shiro had already entertained everyone and sat on the sofa.

Mouri Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro naturally took the main seats, while Sonoko was by her father's side. Xiaolan hugged Conan, separated him from Hattori Heiji, and sat next to Sonoko.

Hattori Heiji, Kazuha, Shimizu Koji, and Haibara Ai sat on one side of Mouri Kogoro's side.

"President, I brought the eggs."

"Ah, just open it."

"This is my secretary, Masato Nishino."

Suzuki Shiro casually asked Master Nishino to open the egg. It could be seen that he actually didn't care much about the egg. He took the opportunity to introduce Master Nishino to everyone first.

"Eh? Can we take a look at this egg now?" Xiaolan couldn't help but whisper softly. She obviously didn't expect that she would have such an opportunity.

Suzuki Shiro chuckled and was about to say a few words, but Sonoko wanted to get ahead of him, "Actually, it's nothing. On the surface, it looks pretty average."

"Besides, I remember when I was a child, I used this egg as an ordinary toy."

A brief silence ushered in the air, and Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai could not avoid it.

Haiyuan Ai's eyelids twitched, and in a voice that only Koji Shimizu could hear, he couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "The class gap is really ridiculous and suffocating."

"Huh? That's a bit heavy to say, but it's just worth a little money."

Qingshui Koji didn't take it seriously, but he just subconsciously wanted to find a balance in Haihara Ai's heart, although Haihara Ai definitely didn't care much about it.

"Is it just worth some money?"

But unexpectedly, Haibara Ai got into a fight with Qingshui Koji. Qingshui Koji turned his head to look at her in confusion, but he couldn't see any extra emotions.

"Then later, I'll let you play with it as a toy."

? ?

Haiyuan Ai was stunned, and He Ye, who accidentally overheard the conversation between the two, was also stunned.

And Shimizu Koji seemed to realize that there was an ambiguity in his words, and continued to add calmly, "I meant that egg."

Hui Yuan Ai came back to her senses, looked at Qingshui Koji's serious eyes, rolled her eyes silently, and shook her head.

The conversation between the two made Kazuyo beside him feel extremely weird, but in the end, it all boiled down to the fact that Koji Shimizu really doted on Haibara Ai.

Others were not shocked for too long by Sonoko's words, because Nishino's movements were very fast, and he opened the box, which was extremely poorly packaged and would have been shattered into pieces if dropped.

A green egg with beautiful and artistic silver metal patterns on its surface appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

A crowd of people immediately gathered around them. Koji Shimizu and Ai Haibara were naturally curious, and Kogoro Mouri was the closest one.

But after a brief silence, no one said anything, but silently agreed with Yuanzi's words.

Indeed, there is nothing to see.

Apart from the beautiful patterns and the flavor of Western art, there is nothing else worth noting. And for this reason, most of the handicrafts nowadays can even make them better than this egg.

"Nishino, please pour everyone a drink."


Master Nishino turned around and went out, and everyone on the sofa couldn't help but talk to each other and exchange opinions.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special."

"Well, it looks like an ostrich egg."

"This should be openable."

Haiyuan Ai spoke calmly, and Conan opened his mouth and looked at her and Qingshui Koji beside her in surprise.

For some reason, Conan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Huh? Yes, you are very smart, little girl."

Suzuki Shiro praised with a smile, then reached out and opened the eggshell for everyone.

"Inside this is a model of Emperor Nikolai's family, all made of gold by hand."

The golden light suddenly made the egg look more elegant, and the exquisite character models and the historical status of those people also doubled its value.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, this egg finally had enough dazzling value.

"so beautiful!"


"Haha, this egg also has a very interesting mechanism."

Suzuki Shiro picked up a key in the box and stretched it to the side of the egg. As he moved, everyone could clearly hear the sound of winding up.

Shiro Suzuki took back the key, and inside the egg, the golden model slowly rose up. It was a lifelike figure, and even the expression on his face could be seen clearly.

There was a man in the middle, holding a golden book in his hand, and he was slowly turning the pages.

If we look at it now, this kind of mechanism is not unusual, it can only be regarded as exquisite.

But more than a hundred years ago, when it was still a handmade craft, this was indeed an incredible treasure.

"This is.?"

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, and her hesitant words made everyone look at her again.

"What's wrong?" Qingmizu Koji asked.

After receiving Koji Shimizu's response, Haibara Ai seemed to have the intention to continue talking.

She brushed her hair from her ears, stepped off the sofa calmly, and walked over to the table near the egg.

Then, under the curious eyes of everyone, he picked up the other half of the eggshell, which should be the lid.

This surprised everyone even more, including Koji Qingshui, who also thought that Haihara Ai had discovered something again.

But in fact, it is also true.

"Magic Mirror."

"Magic mirror?"


Hui Yuan Ai's words aroused another wave of surprise.

Suzuki Shiro also looked at her steadily without saying anything to stop her.

Haiyuan Ai turned the eggshell over, and everyone saw a small lens on the top of the eggshell.

But no matter how you look at it, it is an ordinary lens. Yuanzi also corroborated it: "Huh? This is indeed just an ordinary glass, but Xiao Ai, do you think it is a magic mirror?"

"Can you please turn off the light?"

Suzuki Shiro hesitated for a moment and looked at the security guard at the door. Upon seeing this, the security guard nodded, walked to the light control, and turned off the lights in the room.

At this time, Qingshui Koji also walked to Haihara Ai and handed her his mobile phone with a small flashlight.

By now, Koji Shimizu had roughly guessed something.

In fact, the reason why Haiyuan Ai was able to notice that something was wrong was, firstly, because she had indeed seen it before and learned about the information related to the magic mirror, and secondly, because at her position just now, she could vaguely see to a little image on the lens.

After all, the magic mirror cannot completely hide the image.

When Haiyuan Ai used the flashlight to pass the beam of light through the lens on the eggshell, the light and shadow image behind it hit the mahogany table.

The reflection of an old castle appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Si, Si Guoyi!"

Hui Yuan Ai looked calm and revealed the secret to everyone, and she was ready to put down the eggshell.

But suddenly.


The lens on the eggshell fell to the table with her movements, rolled around a few times, and then fell at the feet of Koji Shimizu.

Principal offender, accessory offender.


In an instant, except for the Suzuki father and daughter, the faces of everyone else became ten thousand times more exciting than the images in the lenses!

Even Hui Yuan Ai's little hand was frozen in mid-air.

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