Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 206 The prologue begins

The second day's itinerary was very simple, there were no surprises, it was just fun.

However, Shimizu Koji was already a little uninterested.

Because traveling means going from a place that you are tired of to a place that others are tired of, especially in the city. There is really not much difference. It is like a shrine, which exists everywhere, just with a different name.

But in the end, Shimizu Koji went with him because he was sure that if he stayed in the hotel for a day, with Haihara Ai's character, he would not come out of his room even if he went on a hunger strike.

Tsundere to a certain extent, oh, not necessarily all of them are tsundere.

However, Koji Shimizu feels that for Haibara Ai, sometimes it may be more appropriate to describe her as arrogant.

And one day passed, and the time came to the third day, which was August 22nd, the day when the Suzuki Museum of Art officially opened. At the same time, it was also determined to be the day when Kaito Kidd would appear.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yuanzi went downstairs to the hotel to pick someone up.

In the suite of Koji Shimizu.

"Dong dong——"

Shimizu Koji knocked on the door.

Yesterday, if he hadn't happened to see Haihara Ai going back to his room after dinner when he came back, neither of them might have seen each other yesterday.

There was no opening the door or not saying anything. After a slight rustling in the room, Haihara Ai put on the clothes she brought with her when she came to Osaka, a red coat, and stayed with Shimizu Hiroshi for two or three days. The clothes she didn't change into were very family-friendly, and she also liked them very much.

But now, maybe she still likes it very much. Even when she opens the door and sees Koji Shimizu wearing the same red coat, she has no intention of turning around and changing it.

"There's no need to lock yourself in the room."

"Wulusai (talkative)."

"If you do this, I will give a report to Sister Mingmei when I go back."

Qingshui Koji said casually, while reaching out and closing her door.

Hearing this, Hui Yuan Ai's cold and taut little face suddenly froze, and it was obvious that he was getting into the mood of Qing Shui Koji again.

Hit or snitch? !

Although she couldn't imagine what Shimizu Koji would say to her sister, she felt that it was ridiculous for Shimizu Koji to be able to say such things with confidence and without changing his expression! Ridiculous!

This guy! This guy!

Hui Yuan Ai's power was instantly broken.


She snorted coldly, finally reacting to Koji Shimizu.

Shimizu Koji was not surprised by this. After all, what happened the night before yesterday would make him feel strange and maybe even worried if Haibara Ai suddenly became the same as usual.

The way she is now just shows that she is very good, she is just showing her attitude with a cold face.

Even if she has recovered well, she is not shy like ordinary girls. In fact, if she is still shy after one day, it would be a bit pretentious.

"Let's go, you don't need to bring your bag today."


There was only a faint response, but it was a little better than the cold snort just now.

Although she had a tough mouth, her body was still very honest. Koji Qingmizu was walking in front. He just lowered his hand and shook his fingers, and Haihara Ai subconsciously stretched out his hand to take her.

This kind of subconscious action has become a habit between the two of them. When Haihara Ai reacted, it was no longer something she could break free from.


There was no conversation all the way in the Rolls-Royce limousine.

I just woke up in the morning. Except for Yuanzi who got up earlier and was still enthusiastic, everyone else seemed to lack interest, especially the two little adults sitting next to Sister Xiaolan and Brother Haoer.

In short, after half an hour of driving, the car finally arrived in front of a very artistic venue. About ten meters away from the main entrance of the venue, everyone got off the car.

After getting off the car, everyone went into the venue in no hurry.

Because even Shimizu Koji was a little shocked by the vigilance here, or the Suzuki family's skill.

Several police helicopters have been hovering in the sky since early in the morning, and the whirring sound of the propellers is almost endless. There is no doubt that just flying for a day costs a lot of money.

What surprised Koji Shimizu even more, or what made him want to complain a little, was that he saw the real five-step one post, ten-step one sentry, the legendary most heavily guarded defensive method, the human sea tactic.

There were all policemen wearing Japanese police uniforms and police hats standing guard. From the entrance of the gate to the venue, on the roads outside, there were even three policemen standing in front of a statue. These The police number was at least in the thousands.

Is this really necessary?

Koji Qingmizu felt something was wrong, or in other words, he had felt something was wrong for a long time.

In this world, the amount of attention paid to detectives and thieves seems to be surprisingly high.

"The security is really tight."

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh softly. She and Yuanzi were dressed similarly today. They wore a single coat and a short skirt, one in light cyan and one in orange. They were all dressed up as young girls.

"Well, I'm afraid not even a fly can fly in."

Mouri Kogoro and Conan also nodded in agreement.

"Haha, of course, because the opponent is————"

Just as Sonoko was about to introduce him, the sound of a motorcycle rang out. When everyone heard the sound, they looked around and saw Hattori Heiji and Kazuha getting out of the car wearing helmets.

Hattori Heiji's eyes were sharp and confident. He took off his helmet and answered coolly: "The opponent is an elusive and free-changing Phantom Thief Gentleman. He can miraculously move quickly under strict security and in a solid vault. He can even imitate anyone's appearance and voice perfectly. He is a super powerful cross-dressing master."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, and Hattori Heiji's pretense was always so simple and unpretentious, but it also made people feel inexplicably in need of a beating. Others didn't know it, but that was how he felt anyway, especially after Hattori Heiji said these words every time - —

"How's it going? Has the code been solved, Kudo?"

"???Eh?!" Conan's eyes widened on the spot, and he was sweating profusely.

Haihara Ai looked away silently. She now deeply felt that letting Conan know her identity was a mistake.

This guy turned around and sold both her and Shimizu Koji to this Osaka black chicken on his own initiative.

No need to compare, Koji Shimizu is indeed the most reliable.

And the reason why she was willing to follow was also because of what Shimizu Koji said before.

Kaitou Kidd is a master of cross-dressing.

'I'm going to catch him and make him hand over his magical cross-dressing skills. ’

'Eh? Why? ’

'For your sister. ’

Shimizu Koji, he is always thinking about them no matter what time he is.

That is, if not then

Hui Yuan Ai frowned slightly, but secretly sighed in his heart.

In short, she would never agree to it now.

And if, if it were even earlier, at that time at Dr. Ali's house, she might really be able to...

Damn Koji Shimizu.

"Eh?! Hattori, why do you have to call Conan Kudo every time?"

"Ah haha, Simimasai, it's just because this little guy's eyes look like Kudo, so I screamed out without even realizing it."

"Uh-huh, is that so?"

Xiaolan's eyes flashed with confusion, but she still nodded hesitantly and did not dwell on it any further.

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