Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 156 Just a poor young lady

Cupido Town·Tetsu Manor.

No matter how many times I come here, the majestic scenery here always makes Koji Shimizu feel like his eyes are shining.

Unlike before, this time he took the main entrance.

The car was also driven by itself, and as we walked slowly and leisurely, we could see many landscape creations more clearly.

For example, the fountain sculpture in front of the square is not marble, but a large piece of pure white jade.

Koji Shimizu couldn't recognize the green plants in the courtyard and couldn't name them, but they were definitely rare ancient tree species. If he looked carefully, some of them were as thick as a three-person hug.

Most of the ordinary landscaping in these yards will only look good and good to most people at a glance.

But if you think about it carefully and convert it into money, you really don’t know how many people will be stunned.

Shimizu Koji drove the car to the Tie family's mansion, and a bodyguard in black who had obviously been waiting for a long time walked up.

Koji Shimizu lowered his car window. He didn't know this person, but others already knew him.

"Master Qingshui, you can get off the car here and I will help you park the car."

"Oh, okay, then I'll trouble you."

"You're welcome."

Koji Shimizu got out of the car, handed the key to the security guard in black, and walked straight up the steps of the palace without asking his name.

It was indeed a palace. When Koji Shimizu stood in front of this large mansion for the first time, this feeling was particularly clear.

If seen from the sky, he almost looks like a black spot the size of an ant. The more than 20 steps that are wide enough to accommodate dozens of people walking up at the same time are much larger than him.

The front door is five meters high and should not be open under normal circumstances. Koji Shimizu caught a glimpse of a small door on the side and prepared to walk through it.

But what he didn't expect was that before he could take action, the heavy door in front of him slowly opened, silently and without any noise.

The golden and red carpet on the floor of the hall is the first thing that catches the eye, forming a sharp contrast with the flawless white door.

The hall is very empty, as if you have walked into some cathedral. Brown-gold crystal lamps are hung one after another. The huge lamp in the middle will definitely smash people into meat pie if it falls.

The surrounding walls and walls are also decorated with various gilt and jade patterns, famous paintings of various styles, or some collection display cabinets that look very strange and rare.

This was the first time for Koji Shimizu to come to this hall. It was much more heroic than what he had seen in the narrow corridors and stairs before. It was a pure impact of money without any unnecessary elements.

However, for Koji Shimizu, these things only make him look good.

He just took a few cursory glances and walked in. At the same time, he also cast his gaze towards the back of the hall.

On the fiery red carpet, Michiko Tetsu, wearing a cyan kimono, walked calmly from the stairs to the platform in the middle of the steps, changing her usual style.

It seems like she made a special trip to meet Koji Shimizu?

But Koji Shimizu didn't think so. Let alone why he had such a special encounter, Michiko Tetsu's cold expression as always made it difficult for people to have any idea of ​​getting close.

"Eh? Haoji-kun?"

As expected, as expected, Michiko Tetsu was quite surprised by the appearance of Koji Shimizu.

She raised her brows, but she didn't have the same coldness that kept people away from thousands of miles away like last time.

"I thought you were joking just now and were already planning to go out."

"Well, since you're here, Haoji, I won't go out. Come with me."

Although there was a distance of about thirty meters, Michiko Tetsu's voice was still clearly audible, and her subtle changes in tone could even be heard.

Although she didn't show any welcoming emotions, but she was secretly nudging her words, it can only be said that she was a little dissatisfied with Shimizu Koji's forgetful behavior, or was she complaining?

Overall, her attitude this time was much better than the last time we met.

Shimizu Koji quickly followed her, and the two of them didn't stay in the luxurious hall for more than a minute before walking to the relatively ordinary corridor.

Michiko Tetsumi did not look back at Koji Shimizu. She just walked quietly in front, and then handed the expensive and beautiful handbag to the maid who happened to be passing by.

It seemed that she was indeed planning to go out just now.

Koji Shimizu just silently followed Michiko Tetsu, even though the two of them had exchanged text messages (instructions) several times in private.

But once face to face, Tetsumi Chiko didn't speak first, and Shimizu Koji didn't intend to say anything on his own initiative.

It would be wrong to say more, but the impression Tetsu Michiko left on Shimizu Koji was that she was graceful, noble, cold, arrogant and elegant, but not very 'beautiful'. Her inexplicable sword attack has always been lingering in Shimizu Koji's head.


For Tie Zhuyu, today was a very peaceful and peaceful day, and it was also a day when she was completely relieved.

It has been more than a week, and Michiko Tetsumi has not talked to her.

This also means that her mother really probably shouldn't have heard about the last time she disguised herself as a boy and secretly participated in the Kanto Competition.

But in fact, when those rumors spread on the campus of Aido High School, Tie Zhuyu was furious at the time. While furious, he was also extremely panicked.

She once thought that Tanaka Hirato, that honest guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, had betrayed her, because it was unbelievable that Michiko Tetsumi would go to the kendo competition.

But later she learned that the mouth of a melon eater cannot be blocked.

At that time, she naively thought that she would just give everyone a little hush money, but those guys took her money and spread the news much faster than gossipy news such as a romance in the principal's office!

For this reason, she racked her brains for a day and a night before she asked the three evil forces of the Student Union, the Department of Discipline and the School Board to come forward at the same time and completely block any discussion about Hanyu's interception in the school.

Although the effect is still not obvious, it will be considered a success as long as Michiko Tetsumi doesn't trouble her.

Although until now, she still hasn't figured out why Michiko Tetsumi went to watch the kendo competition that day.

This matter has almost become a worry for her during this time.

I can’t understand~.

Tie Zhuyu sat silently on the luxurious sofa in his room. Her movements were very polite as a young lady, but her eyes were melancholy. After two bites of the summer smoothie filled with fresh jam flown in, she mercilessly threw it away. garbage can.

Tie Zhuyu was so bored, everything felt so boring.

She has lived this kind of life for more than ten years. Now she just wants to practice swordsmanship, because only when she practices swordsmanship can this boring time pass faster.

Because she is born with a lot less fun than most girls.

Just like the smoothie that she just threw into the trash can. The ice is not valuable, but it is also a refined smoothie that the maid has carefully ground.

The jams on it are basically the fresh special products of a noble farm in other countries that day. If you have to give a number, a small box of 30g is probably about the same as the high-end caviar on the market, costing about a few hundred dollars.

But this does not include the most expensive shipping fee, which is delivered by a dedicated plane on the same day.

And there are dozens of beautiful, gorgeous, simple, and plain items in her wardrobe, whether they are skirts, sportswear, or even dresses.

She has no pleasure in shopping, let alone shopping.

Most of the time, Michiko Tetsumi has already bought whatever she needs. Even if she doesn't, she only needs to tell the maid, and in one day at most, even products from the other side of the ocean will arrive as scheduled and be in her hands.

But the bottom line is that she has no friends.

But she had never realized this, and neither did Michiko Tetsumi, who had her own career and circle of friends.

Therefore, Tie Zhuyu only felt that he was bored, but he didn't know why.

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