Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 154 Flattering the Wrong Person

"Even if there is, it is still resistant. What are you going to do?"

Hui Yuan Ai thought about it and did not reject Conan's request outright, because not long ago, she had secretly decided to speed up the progress of the research during this period, and Conan's cooperation was indispensable for this.

However, if Conan was planning to cause trouble, even if she did develop an antidote, she would not give it to him.

Because there is no need to think about it. Just by looking at Conan's current expression, Haihara Ai can probably guess what he wants to do.

Like Koji Shimizu, Conan's little thoughts are also invisible to her.


Hearing Haihara Ai's calm question, Conan was hesitant and speechless, but his little heart was beating loudly and he had become a little excited.

He felt a little lucky for his decision today. Sure enough, he was right. Huihara Ai must be much easier to talk to today than before.

At the same time, he naturally understood Hui Yuan Ai's concerns.

After hesitating for a moment, he straightened his face, nodded seriously and promised: "Don't worry, I will never be discovered. I just want to date Xiaolan. You should understand now, right?" , my kind——”

"I don't understand."


Conan was paused when he heard the words. He felt as if he had said something unnecessary.

But Haihara Ai's reaction seemed a little wrong, but it seemed like it should be like this, and Conan was a little confused.

After a pause, he scratched his head and smiled, "Well, in short, it will definitely not be exposed! Please!"

Conan clasped his hands together, lowered his head, and begged Haiyuan very piously.

And his behavior did indeed earn Hui Yuan Ai a look back at him.

Looking at Conan who was so humble and completely different from before, she didn't feel any sense of pride, but it was just like what Conan said.

Does she understand?

Haiyuan Ai's eyes moved and he looked away, "Well, I understand."

"Hey! Haiyuan, you agreed!? Red bean paste!? Arigado!!!"

Conan couldn't help but smile. Although he knew that Haihara Ai should be easy to talk to at the moment, he was still surprised and surprised by this breakthrough development.

He scratched his cheek and looked at Hui Yuan Ai who turned around and coldly switched the test tubes and ignored him. He felt that he was not so confident.

In other words, he felt that he had to say something nice to maintain the relationship.

With Conan's IQ, he had a flash of inspiration after three seconds. His smile was ambiguous but distant, and he asked casually, "By the way, it's almost Valentine's Day. Is Qing Shui there?" What gift does he plan to give you?"

Hui Yuan Ai froze when he heard this, but returned to normal in an instant.

If Conan were closer to her, you would find that Haiyuan Ai's little hand holding the test tube became quite strong in an instant.

"Haiyuan? Haiyuan?"

"Do you want me to help you remind that guy Qingshui? From what I know about him, he definitely doesn't understand at all -"

"Have you said enough?"


Haiyuan Ai didn't look back, but the cold air emanating from his body could no longer be suppressed. Conan shivered and didn't know what happened to him for a moment.

Isn't he very friendly and supportive and willing to help match others, so that the stupid junior classmate Shimizu Koji can also learn to be romantic?

He is sincere and sincere.

"We broke up, you can leave."

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Conan froze in place and stopped scratching his head. His mouth was also a little tired because he had closed his mouth from ear to ear too many times today.

He blinked his eyes, his throat rolled slowly twice, and he swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva with difficulty.

Although his heart and brain were confused, Conan quickly responded to a question.

He seemed to have flattered the horse's leg.

"Well, that Huiyuan, then my antidote——"

"Go back and wait for news."

Cold words of ice slapped randomly on his face. Even though there were a million doubts and annoyances, Conan knew that he definitely shouldn't stay any longer.

At the last moment when he closed the door of the underground research room, Conan finally couldn't help it anymore and reached out to slap his mouth.

"What are you talking about? What are you messing around with? Two monsters."


Qingshui family.

Shimizu Koji had just returned to the bedroom and not long after lying on the bed, suddenly the cell phone on the bedside rang and received a text message.

As for Shimizu Koji's number, only a few people know it so far, and he has long been blocked by the operator's spam messages, so there is no doubt that someone is looking for him.

Shimizu Koji stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, stood up and leaned on the bedside to pick up his phone. He really couldn't sleep anyway, so he wanted to see who sent the text messages, and then play Tetris to pass the time.

The screen of the mobile phone is a bit bright, at least in a dark room with no lights or curtains opened, the sudden light source is indeed a bit dazzling.

Koji Shimizu squinted and browsed the text messages, his eyes gradually showing a hint of surprise and a little bit of embarrassment.

Sender: Michiko Tetsumi

[I haven’t heard anything for a long time. Has Mr. Hao Er forgotten me? However, a while ago Mr. Hao Er ordered a lot of errands, and I also asked people to do them. Could it be that Mr. Hao Er was dissatisfied, why did he not see Mr. Hao Er say thank you, or did he come to fulfill the contract? 】

Across the screen, Koji Shimizu felt a little embarrassed.

Especially when looking at orders, words like dissatisfaction.

Because he must have really forgotten.

Although he still thinks of Michiko Tetsumi occasionally, he has been subconsciously forgetting about going to her house and the previous agreement. Just like the organization, he doesn't want to think about it.

However, compared to some misunderstandings when they first met, Michiko Tetsu's attention and help later made Koji Shimizu no longer have any bad feelings towards her. It can even be said that her senses are good.

Because although Michiko Tetsumi has a clear purpose, at least the other party is very sincere. As a wealthy tycoon who is supposed to be cold-blooded and ruthless, his treatment can be said to be a bit too good, although it may also be because The cost of what she wants to achieve is relatively high.

But no matter what, if it weren't for Michiko Tetsumi, something might have happened to them during the Kanto Competition even if Xiao Ai wasn't exposed.

Koji Shimizu later learned through the mouth of the female bodyguard Gardenia that the organization also had a large number of people who brought bombs into the arena. If those bombs exploded, the entire National Arena would probably be blown into ruins.

[Sorry, ma'am, I'll be there in a moment. 】

Not long after the text message was sent, there was a buzzing sound. Michiko Tetsu's reply did not continue to play word games like she did just now, it was just a very simple "ok".

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