Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 146 Same Dream

When Shimizu Koji returned to the room again, he decided to take a closer look at the situation. The two people on the bed were already asleep.

One is his own body, and the other is Haihara Ai, who has her back turned to him, curled up into a small body, with only short brown hair exposed outside the quilt.

Her two small hands, as pink and white as warm jade, were placed in front of her face. Her sleeping face and hair on her forehead were slightly messy.

Her breathing rose and fell steadily, and her current appearance was softer than usual, or much cuter.

But Shimizu Koji didn't look much, he just slowly floated towards his body.

"elder sister--"

Qingshui Koji stopped. He lowered his head and looked at Haihara Ai, who was just floating above the bed.

Although the girl's expression did not change, the soft and sorrowful call did make her look a little pitiful.

"Isn't your sister fine now?"

Qingshui Koji's eyes narrowed slightly. He probably guessed that Haibara Ai was probably dreaming, and coincidentally, he had never used his other ability, falling into a dream.

"Just let me test my abilities."

Shimizu Koji adjusted his position and aimed at Haibara Ai's forehead. Like a diving team member, he plunged directly in with one fierce move.


In a dream.

An unknown street cafe, this is almost anyone's must-choice place for a date.

There were very few guests coming and going, and their faces were blurry, but everything in the dream was going on like normal life.

Miyano Shiho is still a big one.

She wore a white coat with a red lined knitted sweater, just like she did when she was the director of the research institute in the organization.

At this time, she was sitting alone in the corner of the coffee shop, silently, with just a cup of steaming coffee in front of her.

She was waiting for someone. She looked intently at the transparent glass door and window of the cafe, but she was not in a hurry to check the time.

Although she had only returned to China a few years ago, she was already used to the waiting process and was enjoying this anticipated moment.

And soon, as the wind chimes at the door rang, Miyano Shiho raised his eyes, smiled, straightened up, and waved gently to Miyano Akemi, who was looking at the door.

"Sorry, Shiho, I'm late."

Miyano Akemi put her handbag inside the seat and sat down with a gentle smile. Her movements were like a gentle breeze, natural and harmonious.

She looked at Miyano Shiho with an indescribable affection, or doting, which was a complex emotion brought about by the blood ties between biological sisters.

In addition, Miyano Shiho has always worked for the organization as an eldest sister and mother, so when Miyano Akemi met, she showed her emotions without any concealment.

The same goes for Miyano Shiho. Her ice-blue pupils are trembling slightly. There is no ordinary coldness at all, only a beauty that makes people's hearts beat and can't take their eyes away.

Koji Shimizu was sitting on the table next to them. He appeared in this position as soon as he entered the dream.

At this moment, he was paying attention to the encounter between the Miyano sisters in the dream, while looking at the dream world.

Everything here should be constructed from Miyano Shiho's fantasy. Anyway, Shimizu Koji's own fantasy cannot make any changes here.

But dreams generally exist based on reality. In other words, the current scene may also be Miyano Shiho's own memories.

"Sister, have you been busy recently?"

"Nothing busy, everything is fine, we're just stuck in traffic. Where are you, Shiho, are you still doing those researches recently?"

Miyano Akemi asked casually, but before Miyano Shiho could answer, Shimizu Koji noticed that the two men in black sitting in the seats behind Miyano Akemi immediately became alert.

Miyano Shiho glanced at them coldly, shook his head at Miyano Akemi, and continued to chat about their recent lives.

Time passed quickly. Shimizu Koji clearly felt that the world seemed to be accelerating. The chat between Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi was like a slideshow. It seemed like an hour had passed in an instant.

Dreams are truly amazing.

"By the way, Shiho, do you remember the boy I told you about last time?"

Miyano Akemi suddenly smiled and changed her voice, and her voice became clear again.

Obviously, the memory of this dream is a relatively clear part of Miyano Shiho's impression, or it may be the source of her dream.

Miyano Shiho's eyes showed some memories when he heard this. He took a sip of coffee and then said hesitantly: "Sister, what do you mean, clear water?"

"Yes, that's him, Shimizu Koji. I recently discovered that the child's personality is actually somewhat similar to yours, Shiho. They are both cold and indifferent on the surface, but on the inside..."

"Sister, if you say that, I'll just--"

"Hmm~? Are you ignoring me?"

Regardless of the confrontation between the Miyano sisters, Koji Shimizu was already slightly distracted.

This was a situation he didn't expect, but it seemed to be a reasonable situation.

Listening to Miyano Akemi's words, it was not difficult for Koji Shimizu to deduce that this conversation should have happened not long after Miyano Akemi moved next door to him.

It turns out that at this time, Miyano Shiho actually knew him?

No wonder Haihara Ai was able to realize something was wrong so quickly later on. Perhaps this guy had paid special attention to him since he knew his name.

"By the way, Shiho, have you found a boyfriend recently? What kind of medicine have you been studying in that research institute? Sister, I'm very worried."

"Eh, boyfriend?" Miyano Shiho was slightly stunned.

When Miyano Akemi saw this, she immediately showed a helpless expression, "No, Shiho, I just said that last time."

Miyano Shiho pursed his lips slightly, "As long as I have you as a sister, that's enough. Boyfriend-"

"It's time." Suddenly, a cold male voice interrupted the conversation between the two sisters.

Miyano Shiho looked at the two men in black standing next to him, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "Isn't there still five minutes left?"

"Sorry, Director Miyano, it's time."

Miyano Akemi was a little silent, she was just a phantom in a dream, while Miyano Shiho struggled with his eyes, sighed slightly, and was about to stand up and say goodbye to his sister.

But - Koji Shimizu on the side had already frowned and couldn't stand it anymore.

This guy, even if he was bullied outside before, he was bullied in his dream.

Then you are not dreaming in vain! ?

There were two bangs, and suddenly, the two men in black standing in front of the Miyano sisters' table fell straight to the ground.

While Miyano Shiho's eyes were shocked, he also looked at Shimizu Koji with vigilance for a moment, who took action brazenly.

"You! Are you -?" She felt that Qingshui Koji's face was hazy, but his figure was somewhat familiar.

Miyano Akemi also stood up at this time, but she could not see Koji Shimizu who should not appear in the dream.

"Shiho, who are you talking to?"

"Ah I?"

Miyano Shiho obviously has some brain downtime, which cannot be avoided no matter how high his IQ is.

She looked at the man in black on the ground, then at her sister, and finally at Koji Shimizu, a figure she was wary of at first, but who instantly felt at ease.

"Go shopping with your sister. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."

Shimizu Koji spoke calmly, and then dragged the two men in black out of the cafe.

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