"Prometheus, are you willing to bow down in the future?"

"If you tell me who else hasn't made a move from the West, we should make some preparations.

Ying Qingxuan looked at Prometheus with a determined face, and saying these things can be regarded as the best proof of his intentions.

"Back to Your Highness, the leader of the Western gods is Zeus.

"Apollo and Athena just now are both sons and daughters of Zeus, if Athena is really wiped out at this moment, then it is estimated that Zeus should not give up.

"There are many other gods up there.

"Each god has a different source of power, so you should be cautious.

"You can rest assured that there are no cowards in my Kyushu land at all.

As soon as Ying Qingxuan's words fell, the cloud ladder on the side of the sky spread out again.

"Prometheus!" Prometheus

couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the man in front of him.

"Why are you here?"

the man in front of him was none other than Atlas.

Prometheus's brother is one of the tallest and most powerful gods in the Western Residence, and he once rebelled against Zeus because of Prometheus, but the result was not satisfactory.

In the end, he failed and was punished to the sky.

"Brother, how can you do something against your soul!" may

be because of anger, the figure of the man in front of him seems to be a little taller.

"Atlas, have you forgotten what Zeus did to our two brothers!" Although

he had just been seriously injured, Prometheus still stood resolutely in front of everyone.

"You've disappointed me so much, are you going to protect these people from the Eastern Nether now

!" "How can you be worthy of what we have endured before!" Atlas

became more and more excited after seeing this scene in front of him, and directly lifted the boulder on Mount Tai and threw it at everyone.


Prometheus roared, and then scorched the massive rocks with flames.

"If you repent now, I may also consult with them to take you with me in the service of the East.

"Zeus has never taken you and my brothers into account, to be able to achieve today's position, to get to this point, we have also undergone the baptism of tens of thousands of years

!" "Anyway, my mind has been decided, whether to come or not, follow your own heart!" The

flames around Prometheus were burning, as if they were going to fight Atlas to the death.

"Atlas!" Zeus' voice rang out from the sky again.

"I command you, completely eradicate Prometheus now, we don't need a god like him in the West anymore!"

Zeus's tone was not the slightest possibility of negotiation, and his eyes were burning with anger against Prometheus.

"Zeus, if I persuade him to come back, would you be willing to give him another chance?"

Besides, these two are also biological brothers, and Atlas still can't be so cold-blooded and kill Prometheus.

"Atlas, I've made up my mind!"

Prometheus interrupted before Zeus could speak.

"Zeus, now you're just someone who wants to kill me?" Ying

Qingxuan, who was standing on the side, was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Now Prometheus can be regarded as a member of my Kyushu land, if you want

to kill him, then pass me first!" "Ridiculous

!" "In such a short period of time, this master-servant drama has begun to be staged!" Zeus

looked down with cold eyes, he didn't believe what kind of splash these mortals in the nether realm could make

!"Atlas, this king ordered you to kill him!".

"As long as you kill him, Prometheus' place will be yours!" Although

the two brothers are both working for the West, Atlas's ability is still much weaker than that of Prometheus.

So for so long, he only did some small things assigned to him by Zeus, and he never sat in the position of a god.

This is why Atlas was so angry after Prometheus decided to merge into the Nether.

In his eyes, Prometheus's divine position was very difficult to obtain, and it was true that he should not be buried for such a reason.

"Brother, you don't have to be obsessed anymore

!" "Otherwise, I won't show mercy to my subordinates!" Atlas's

eyes were scarlet, and now the balance in his heart was shaking, and the two sides could not balance at all.

On one side is his dear brother, and on the other side is the throne of God.

If Prometheus had even the slightest intention of repentance, Atlas would not have suffered so much.

But if you defeat your brother......

Thinking of his humble status for millions of years, as well as the reputation and status that may be imminent, Atlas was no longer able to control the devil in his heart.

"Everything you have is beyond my reach, and what is there that you are not satisfied with!" "I have

also gone through all the suffering you suffered yesterday, why can you sit there and become a god admired by everyone, while I can only stand from a distance and watch all this!"

"How much can you understand about the suffering I suffered later!".

The more Atlas spoke, the more excited he became, and his body grew larger, and finally it looked like he was about to be on par with the heavens and the earth.

"Prometheus, are you okay?" Ying

Qingxuan glanced at Prometheus with some concern, he had lost a lot in the battle with Dayu just now, and now it looks like he is a little struggling even standing there.

"Your Highness, rest assured. "

Let me discipline him well."

Prometheus straightened up, and then began to move his luck in his body.

Originally, his body was different from ordinary people, and after a few lucky times, the wounds on his body were almost healed.

"It's been a long time since we've had a good fight, so let me take a look and see if you've grown over the past tens of thousands of years!"

Prometheus summoned the dragon again.

"Against me, this thing is still a little tender!" Atlas

expanded his palm outward, and a huge aura was created.

The aura was getting bigger and bigger, and the Yan Dragon looked much smaller in comparison.

"Xuan Lone!"

Atlas put his two big hands together, and finally the ring expanded outward at an extremely fast speed, and the energy that erupted directly cut off the flame dragon.

"It's not over yet!" Although

Atlas looks tall, his attack speed is very fast, and there is no sluggishness in the slightest.

"You forced me!" a

huge shadow unfolded in the air, and at some point Atlas had already leapt over the heads of everyone.

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