When he said these words, the whole person of the king was full of regret and longing.

Ying Qingxuan and Ying Zheng glanced at each other, and they both felt that the person in front of them was definitely a complete madman!

However, King Xuan didn't seem to have any intention of stopping at all, and continued to be arrogant.

"Indeed, this king is different from mortals, the so-called loyalty, kindness, benevolence and righteousness, as soon as this king hears it, he will be full of disgust

!" "The only unfulfilled wish in this life is to marry Nuwa as his wife and make her the queen of Yin Shang!" "

No, the queen is a favorite concubine, and Nuwa is only worthy of being a concubine!"

"Since you regret what happened at the beginning, then now that the Gate of Heaven is in the sky, you can enter the Gate of Heaven and go with Nuwa!"

Ying Qingxuan raised his hand slightly.


there was a soft sound in the sky, and the gate of heaven appeared.

Ying Qingxuan made a casual move, and directly shocked the King of Heaven, he didn't expect that Ying Qingxuan would have such a means, this is equivalent to the technique of breaking

the boundary, the upper realm and the lower realm are connected to the gate of heaven! Even if you reach the realm of land immortals, don't think that you can successfully break the boundary!

"Gate of Heaven......"

In addition to the initial shock, the king of the world is now looking forward to it, and even ready to move.

Obviously, the King of Zhou's heart was moved!

However, just before the King of Zhou set off to break into the gate of heaven, he stopped and turned his head to look back.

"You two listen well, this king is returning to the world after a thousand years, and the main purpose is not to let Yin Shang reappear

!" "This king wants to kill, simple killing, killing all living beings in Kyushu, as long as killing can make this king happy

!" "Pleasant things are good things, and they are great goodness in the world!"

In the face of King Xu's crazy obsession, Ying Qingxuan and Ying Zheng did not understand.

"Perhaps, one day, this king will kill all the living beings in the world, and in the face of the entire land of nothingness, if there is a trace of remorse, then it proves

that this king has done evil!" "If you kill all living beings, there is only joy and excitement, then it means that this king is the great good in the world

!" "Good and evil are never defined by others, I, Emperor Xin, King Yin Shang, have to make an attempt to redefine good and evil!"

Listening to these words of the King of Zhou, Ying Qingxuan suddenly found that this seemed to be the way of the Emperor of the Emperor.

As if he felt the will to fight on Ying Qingxuan's body, King Xuan turned his head with abusive contempt in his eyes.

"Young man, since you have also embarked on the path of the emperor, then this king will no longer show mercy to

you, and will not hesitate at all!" "Because this king will not kill you later, but on behalf of the good and evil in the world, judge you!"

Looking in the direction of Tianmen again, the king closed his eyes slightly, very intoxicated.

"Nuwa, you are a heavenly immortal and the master of creation, then, is it your definition of good and evil

!" "Then why do you want this king to experience the ultimate pleasure in the midst of endless killing

!" "Nuwa, you are wrong, this king wants to talk to you!" Indeed

, King Su has the idea of breaking into the gate of heaven, but he plans to calm down the battle first, and then go to the gate of heaven to find out!

So in a flash, the king had returned to the direction where the Eastern Expeditionary army was.

There are countless hostile qi in heaven and earth, and they are frantically gathering towards the king at this moment.

Ying Qingxuan stood up directly: "Father, this battle is enough for the sons to fight against the king, and the father can press the battle for the sons in the rear!"

Ying Zheng nodded and stepped back.

No matter when, he trusted Ying Qingxuan, even if the opponent was the king of the ancient Yin Shang!


"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly, there was a burst of explosions on the opposite side of Kunlun Mountain, and then, there was a blood mist slowly drifting away.

Among the Eastern Expeditionary Army, there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and their bodies exploded almost at the same time, and the entire mountain range was filled with blood.

This is the choice of the king, and he wants to use the blood of these living people to nourish his dry self.

More Western soldiers continued to choose to explode and explode, and a river of blood appeared in the entire mountain range in an instant.

In the middle of the river of blood, a mysterious bird that seemed to come from ancient times was condensed, hissing, and even rising slowly.

The Divine Destiny Xuanniao descended to give birth to Shang, which was the totem of the entire Shang Dynasty.

The king bathed in the river of blood and looked up to the sky and drank.

"Lonely is the emperor of the Shang Dynasty, dormant for thousands of years, born today, in order to welcome a carnival feast of slaughter and death

!" "Nuwa created things, but abandoned us, today, the banner is held high, rewriting good and evil, with the blood of millions of living beings, washing away this shame

!" "The blasphemous words of the lonely king are the most beautiful praise for the Creator!"

Millions of blood spirits, together with Gu, killed all the obstacles, stepped on the immortal gate, went straight to Bai Yujing, and captured Nuwa alive!"

Why do people in the world feel beautiful and happy in kindness, but they only need to kill.

But the way of killing must be the enemy of the world, pointed out by thousands of people, and scolded by the people.

Therefore, King Su has always firmly believed that he has been completely abandoned by Nuwa, and he has suffered the greatest injustice.

In this case, good and evil should be reversed, and he will become the next creator! In

a few breaths, more and more blood mist erupted from Kunlun Mountain, as if from the sky, three thousand rivers poured water.

Yin Shang Xuanniao was even more sad and chirping.

The entire northern border was completely shrouded in bloody aura.

On the other side, looking at the monstrous blood river in front of him, Donghuang Taiyi couldn't help but whisper.

"This is, the current ...... all the evils in this world

" Next to Donghuang Taiyi, Yingzheng turned his head slightly: "Why do you say this?" For Donghuang Taiyi, Yingzheng

no longer has the previous resentment.

The dignified ancestral dragon is now in the realm of land immortals, and the Eastern Emperor is just an ant!

What's more, how the Eastern Emperor will deal with it in the end, Ying Zheng has already handed it over to Ying Qingxuan, and he will naturally not interfere again.

However, for Ying Zheng, Donghuang Taiyi is still respectful, even frightened.

"Back to Your Majesty's words, once in the ancient Xia Dynasty, whenever something evil happened in a place, or an evil thing, it would be taken away by the high priest by a psychic technique!"

"This move is to let the world always leave only sincerity, kindness and beauty.

"But there are good and evil, and the sins of the entire dynasty that the Xia Dynasty sacrificed and collected now seem to have fallen on the King of Zhou!" "

After all, Donghuang Taiyi is a person from the Zhou Dynasty and knows some ancient secrets.

And these things, even Ying Zheng is the first time he has heard of them.

Nodding slightly, Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

"I see, no wonder the king has such paranoid madness about good and evil. "

The evil curse of the entire Xia Dynasty is all imprinted here!" However

, this is also some ancient historical records, and the truth and falsehood have long been traceable.

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