Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 988: Travel story

After being stopped, several riding riders saw Chen Hao. They looked very excited. Among them, there were two girls. Because they wore hard hats, they did not pay much attention to personal appearance and did not wear makeup during the ride. Some are afraid to take off their hats and glasses.

"It's noon too. If you don't mind, let's have a meal together and take a break. We have a makeup artist in the car and let her clean up a little for you two."

Chen Hao's words are like an oasis in the desert, allowing the two girls to return to the little girls from their riding sturdy fighters.

The crew of the crew did not know why Chen Hao stopped a group of riders, but his order was paramount in this crew. Some of the pioneers arrived at the destination, followed by several cars of different sizes and more than thirty people. People in the era of gathering together have long been surprised at some of his sudden behaviors. If they are unchanging, they will not be Hao Zi, nor will there be the great film and television works of today's great songs.

Yes, great.

When half a month ago, someone called Chen Hao's previous songs and Xiao Shenke's redemption crown as great titles, they didn't receive much rebound, that is, their competitors faced the opposition, and the rest felt that way. There is nothing wrong with the title of the movie. The movie is indeed a great movie. The longer these songs come out, the more recognition they get. Now when you look back at those songs, each capital can withstand the test of time. More and more are applied to some public places, compared with those classic songs in history, they are even better.

People who think he behaves strangely are Chaotingtai. They have always been in the stance of a grandfather. Where they have been tossed so much, they are accustomed to what they say. Suddenly, they have no right to speak. Obeying others' orders, my heart is getting more and more uncomfortable. If it weren't for Chen Hao's fame, there might have been grumbles.

On the roadside rest area, buses and equipment cars are parked at the outermost area, forming a safe and clearly marked roadside rest area. Take out the folded pony, everyone sits together, cut two watermelons, take Make some mineral water.

Chen Hao talked with several riders about their trips, asked their original intentions, learned about their destinations, and asked them about the scenery they saw all the way.

The riders did n’t think much about it. They could chat with the big stars, take photos and take photos. Take a break and drink some watermelon and drink water during the ride. It is undoubtedly comfortable. It is lonely during the ride and it will become very chatty when you stop. Afterwards, Chen Hao didn't need to say anything, just listened to them rumbling.

"Okay, we have a good-bye, I wish you all the best." Farewell to the rider. After Chen Hao got on the car, he took the remote control and began to adjust the material shot on the TV. Fast forward to watch. Waiting quietly.

After a long time, Chen Hao patted his thigh. "Just it."

The next way, the entire crew did not stop, reached the northwest non-stop, and after a rest night Chen Hao held a meeting of crew members early in the morning.

"I decided that the entire movie will turn on narration from the perspective of a traveler. Many places before will go back to shoot some pictures, not many."

Everyone was waiting for him to complete the whole plan. Chen Hao took a sip of water, his face was slightly excited, it was very important to find a good entry point. He found the best entry point from those riders. point.


"In the conventional sense, we used to travel to famous mountains and rivers, and to tourist attractions. In recent years, we have started self-driving tours, backpackers, cycling, and hiking to see the scenery along the way. The motherland has more beautiful original ecological landscapes. Excavated by everyone, National Highway 318 and 317 became classic landscape avenues. "

"I myself am a traveler, I also like to see the nature of the original ecology, I like to challenge some uninhabited areas, and I like more unknown things. This time the shooting is great, my country, I have a different Feeling, that is, the modernization of our country and the construction of major projects, which are very magnificent and the senses are very strong. I found a very unique enjoyment in the process of shooting. "

"I met a few cycling friends on the road yesterday. They inspired me. Why can't we have a new travel mode? Let's take a look at the rapid development of the motherland and look at these developments that have shocked the world. Many Friends who traveled out said that I was used to the reinforced concrete in the city and wanted to see the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Now there are reinforced concrete that you have not seen before and there are modernization constructions that we will benefit in the future. You are willing to come out. Take such a special trip "

At the time when Chen Hao said, there were already people on the scene with eyes glowing, all the way to the modernization development of various countries, our big planes, our cross-sea bridges, our high-speed rail, our satellite technology, if these are compiled A tourist route, replaced by yourself, will be eager to participate in the overall visit and experience.

And this is the entry point for the entire documentary. After the various heads interspersed in the film as the first entry point, this second entry point is for the transition from documentary to film.

The traveler is Chen Hao. As a young man in the new era, he walked on the highways of the great development of the motherland to truly experience the rapid development of the modernization of the entire country. From the perspective of a Chinese citizen, he realized that The concept of my country is very powerful. Unlike the chief executive Gao Wujian, Chen Hao's perspective is the perspective of ordinary people, and the narration he plans to rewrite will add a stream of clear stream to the entire documentary.

It took Chen Hao and his team three days to complete the plan, and a few changes were made next to each other to form a complete proposal, which was passed to Yanjing.

The waiting process is long. In fact, everyone thinks this idea is good. There are few things inserted, and the subject will not change. It adds the most missing thing in the documentary, and it is Chen Hao's appearance or lack of more attention and influence. force.

Looking at the entire film, young people should be interested, and most viewers should not feel unable to sit still. The weakness of the documentary lies in this. Those who are interested are enthusiastically watching, and those who are not very interested are very It's okay to sit down at eight minutes. The length of a movie for more than an hour is the most terrible thing. The story line complemented by Chen Hao can continue the mood of everyone sitting down and watching a movie.

In contrast, it is the thinking of the staff of Chaotingtai, who also think that this idea is good, but they have no confidence in the proposal this time. How can they be allowed to change, you Haozi swelled, it is likely to reply to you With a rebuke, it may also be directly supervised by the shooting team.

The approval came back, and members of the reunion era team led by Chen Hao cheered. When the staff from the Chaotaitai made mistakes, the inner discomfort disappeared, and they knew exactly what the approved approval meant. Above, Chen Hao This person's influence has reached a certain level. He and others do not understand some seemingly weird behaviors in his filming. You don't need to find arguments to argue. It can be concluded that they and others are wrong.

The crew of the re-shooting was divided into two paths by Chen Haobing, and the large troops continued to move forward to the next location to dock some data and discuss some shooting areas. There were two people in Jing Tianlin's team. There were elders at home. Another is directly the leader of the satellite center where the film was taken. Chen Hao ’s style is what everyone has seen. I do n’t shoot. I really do n’t want to let anything new be taken out. Then I will directly connect your video materials and the information in the news, as long as it is not involved. When it comes to confidentiality, I have to shoot, so at each location, he will have the leading troops to dock this matter. After he came, he didn't want to bother talking, and started shooting according to his own wishes.

On the other way, he took a small team, UU Reading opened some remake pictures, as a director, he must have a complete picture of his finished movie, even a documentary, when he made the plan After that, I already have a draft of how to make up shots. What I have to do is to take a little more than these drafts for later editing.

When Chen Hao returned to Yanjing with all the good things about my country, it was already May. Yan Kyoto had begun to warm up, and there was still the coldness of winter when he returned. In the hot summer, he did n’t stop in Yanjing and flew directly to Cannes, France. He has missed the opening ceremony of the film festival. If he did n’t hold on, he might miss the final closing ceremony. As this year ’s super hit, many The awards can be predicted to fall into his family. He is not a family member, and media reports from various countries around the world in Cannes have made the audience around the world a little bit emotional. Chen Hao is non-stop, After returning with a few people and bringing all the materials back to Yanjing for storage, I didn't even have time to go home to rest, just rushed to the airport after taking a bath and changing my clothes.

At the Cannes Film Festival, although Shawshank's redemption has been shown, due to the new rules of the film festival, conflicts in many places have continued some of the past practices, and also made Shawshank's redemption to be shown during the film festival. Still, there are still some people who are willing to walk in and see this movie that has been popular all over the world two or three months ago.

The team of Will Smith and Paramount, and the team of the era of reunion, have been active since the opening ceremony, with limited effects, but finally everyone didn't feel that this film was going to defeat Cannes, and Chen Hao did not appear, it was easy to make people A similar misunderstanding has occurred, this film is not a movie, haven't you seen Haozi?

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