Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 975: The winner is king

Knowing that the Shawshank Redeemer created a hall to watch the premiere, the media rushed over the first time, blocked all the roads, and the machinery and equipment were ready. As soon as they gathered, the audience who came out immediately knew that. It ’s all around, you do n’t need to know the specific information, you just need to know where someone is and there will be a lively event.

Will Smith was dressed in a trendy dress, and was informed by the cinema staff in the channel that it was lively outside. It was only when I came out that I underestimated the effect of the film after the movie was released. Not so crazy rushed directly to swallow Will Smith.

The Rhett he played completely conquered the audience with the personal charm of the role. It is no longer the feeling that everyone has watched his blockbuster movies in recent years. Not only is he not handsome, but he has no action. He is decadent and old. Hope always lies in Behind disappointment.

His struggle is in stark contrast to Andy's struggle. Rhett has been applying for parole and has been working for freedom. Despite repeated failures, it seems that he is basically I did not give up, but I did n’t realize it. Repeating again and again is just insisting on a belief. Actually, I have already deviated from the line of working for freedom. I am parole for parole. The true meaning of parole is free. The real purpose has long been forgotten.

Andy is completely different. It seems that he is familiar with the life in the prison. It seems that he has accepted the destiny. It seems that he just wants to live better here and give himself a little comfort in the cage. .

At first, the two people felt that Red sought to be truly free, and Andy wanted comfort in a limited space.

It was discovered that Andy spent twenty years preparing an escape route for himself, and all the audience realized that the previous cognitions of the two people were all wrong.

The vast world outside is still a cage for Rhett when he goes out, a larger cage, a cage that is completely unfamiliar, and what happens when he comes out of the prison. Here, you still do n’t have the so-called freedom.

The limited space inside the prison is just a paper house for the powerful Andy. When he wants to go out, the paper house has no way to restrain him. The vast outside world has the ability to control him. .

Some people have already thought of expressing this film in the form of comics, and that is the true state of two people, Andy.

The vast world is a cage, and a large proportion of Rhett is still trapped here. In the extension of this painting, Andy, who has a small proportion, breaks through the cage of the paper house and runs to his freedom.

From watching the premiere to enclosing Will Smith, it was only ten or twenty minutes. Many people ’s brains did n’t stop thinking at all, always thinking about the plot in the movie, one by one story, one by one point. It ’s not jerky at all. The content of the whole film is rich and powerful, and it ca n’t be added. Do n’t look at it for more than two hours. Do n’t look at the calm surface of the water. The seemingly strong defense line is enough to destroy the self-protection defense line built by all viewers.


Destined for classics.

The crazy words that oe originally released are not at all arrogant now. He used absolute strength to show everyone what it means to make you speechless.

The media conducted an interview with Will Smith. At this time, the interview had no previous problems of gunpowder smell and fat selection and digging pits. All the media focused on the formal issues. The power of the film is so powerful. Look at the audience ’s response. Got it, they are already fanatical supporters.

oe is amazing.

Senior journalists who can do movie media and entertainment media are all very quick in their brains. When they see the reactions of the audience around them, they know why Chen Hao took the initiative to expose his shortcomings before it was released, claiming that this is a special effect without action. No heroine movie.

Directly put some viewers who are looking forward to the big picture, and blocked them outside the cinema before you watch it. You ca n’t come. Do n’t come in with my mentality of watching a wonderful special effect movie. As a result, you do n’t read the content at all. Connotation, when it comes out, this movie is like a running account, so you do n’t have to come, just do n’t come, even the movie ticket money is saved, and we are both comfortable.

Those who can walk into the cinema to see the premiere are either looking forward to the actors or watching the excitement. They have long been mentally prepared for this movie without a dramatic special effects lens, and never thought of seeing one of them. In this way, we can find those stories with powerful power in the plain story.

"Shawshank's Word of Mouth Explodes"

"30 Million Word of Mouth at the Box Office on the Day of the Premiere"

"A powerful man, responding to plagiarism with his works."

"The number of films has increased significantly, and the North American Art Academy Line has also fully launched Shawshank's redemption.

"A powerful movie with no special effects, no action, and no heroine."

"Movies that really conquer the audience by story."

When it comes to Huaxia, all kinds of news have given Huaxia more color.

"The Birth of a Divine Comedy"

"Hao Zi used a play to prove his strength to the world, and his word of mouth burst."

"Super God Dramas, Conquering the World"

Compared with the word-of-mouth outbreak of normal and good dramas in North America, Huaxia's side is completely different, especially when domestic fans learn that this film has set off a huge wave of good word of mouth in North America and Europe. The admiration and praise for it will go up to the next level. The most powerful part of this movie is the seemingly flat water story. You do n’t get tired of looking at it, and then the powerful energy contained in it does n’t require you to dig deep. All of them are summed up in a humanistic way, and everyone is easy to understand. Even the things that go deep into the core of the movie, you can see them. At the same time, several outbreaks are just right, and they are always deep-water bombs. Everyone can not feel the enthusiasm, and occasionally there is an explosion on the water, splashing.

The whole Huaxia, starting from noon on New Year's Day, until the third day of New Year's Day, the row size has been rising all the way, other New Year's cards are also good, you go to squeeze others' row size, at best you will reach 50, so The result is that you can buy tomorrow's tickets today, but you can't buy them.

Online ticket purchase is becoming more and more convenient, with a mobile phone, and online ticket purchase is also cheaper. More than 80% of the audience are online ticket purchase. In the message one by one, all the tickets cannot be purchased, and all the seat information is displayed. Yes, tickets have been sold.

Occasionally, the cinema will leave some tickets to avoid the audience who can not buy a ticket. It is no strange picture to queue up to buy tickets. The number of people in the waiting hall of a movie theater reflects the next time period in the movie theater. The best way to show movie attendance.

Everyone was discussing Xiao Shenke's redemption, and he compared other new year-old blockbusters. The investors behind many blockbusters were very unhappy. The film company that you issued was very upset. You Haozi made a film, which is not purely made in China. Why do you want to grab our golden date? The above is the same. Why do you want to make a film for him? He is a Hollywood movie, so you should treat it with the introduction of the film and put it on a bad date for screening. This has affected us too much.

The king is defeated, and the winner is king.

This time, Chen Hao was not required to respond. All the fans of Haomen gave a response. Among them, the chairman of the fan club sent a pinning message on the fan's official website, which is the title of these eight words. It is also perfect, showing off the arrogance of Shawshank ’s redeeming lord by offending everyone in the same period.

"Why compare? The market is so big. I heard that many people have a good schedule and they will choose two or three movies to watch. I hope everyone is fine ~ ~ More good works will be presented to the audience. Let them see one at a time during the Spring Festival. "This is not Chen Hao's suggestion. He doesn't want to offend other people's words of weakness. This is a true portrayal of many domestic senior directors.

It has been compared for many years, and various hatreds have been pulled out throughout the year. In fact, there is no hatred. In addition, the current Chinese movie market is really large enough to accommodate several popular blockbusters. At the same time, watch one today. It ’s not unusual for young people to watch a movie or two or three movies tomorrow.

In the final analysis, quality depends on the end. As long as you have real quality and the audience really like it, then you will not lose the box office. Sooner or later it will be yours. People who can go to the cinema to watch movies will not With pirated piracy, give up in the cinema.

Domestically, it is difficult to get a ticket, and internationally, it has received rave reviews. Relying on word of mouth, the redemption of Shawshank, which has been screened all over the world, has gradually increased the number of films and the box office has continued to rise. A movie more like a literary film , Can get very good results at the box office without winning prizes and the blessings of many big names, rarely seen in the history of Hollywood movies in recent years.

A good art film may only have a few million box office.

A special-effect blockbuster scolded as a dog can get hundreds of millions of box office, even if it is a flood of scolding.

Shawshank's redemption has become one of them. More and more posts are posted on the discussion forums of various websites. This film is analyzed from multiple angles. Everything that the entire film wants to express is interpreted. What those audiences who can only see a part of the content can do is to brush, and then experience the huge amount of information in this story.

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