Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 971: Impossible picture

An embarrassing provincial capital city is to let its little brother give him no place to stand. With only one flight information, the difference in passenger flow between the two sides really needs to be taken out. This big brother's face is even more unsustainable.

If the statistics of the information in Sanya still do not reveal the appeal of Chen Hao, then Haikou is significantly less in the number of passengers flying by air. The increase in this data is relatively obvious. A few percent of tourists, this is not even a car ride by ferry.

Once the news came out, many, many people did not believe that an artist can have such a large appeal. He can actually drive tourism data in a region, which is a bit ridiculous. Although it is only a small data growth point, it is barely able to stand out from the daily fluctuations, but it is also a special growth that is real.

When the live broadcast on the beach and the barbecue of the people began, the unbelievable remarks on the Internet gradually disappeared. If this is all arranged, what else can be trusted in this world?

More than 10,000 people, before you start broadcasting, it can be said that there are pre-planned arrangements, but after the live broadcast, more than an hour, this more than 10,000 people can guarantee the basic order, which is too terrible, especially When Chen Hao walked among everyone, there was no crazy crowding. At most, the fans around him were a little excited, and some girls could see the idols so close and cry out excitedly.

The feeling of excitement can't be installed, let alone some bridges arranged in advance for the picture. The audience who watch TV and watch the news is getting stronger and stronger. For them, they want to rely on some small By means of deception, it is almost impossible.

Ten thousand people open-air barbecues, ten thousand fan gatherings, the entire tourism bureau and related departments were intimidated. What they were most afraid of was an accident, and what they expected most was a call from a higher-level department to tell them to stop the event immediately. Although it is rare to see this event, if you are a bystander, as a responsible maintainer of order anytime, anywhere, the pressure will be too great, and even the thoughts of seeing this event are all gone.

The media is the happiest other than fans. They do n’t have to worry about shooting without a subject. Although it ’s difficult to get together with Chen Hao now, you can find some people to shoot the material. It ’s all over the place. You can interview several fans anytime, anywhere. , And occasionally meet very good fans, to give you a little surprise.

Order became the biggest theme of all the media that night.

Many people know that there is a tens of thousands of locomotive seafood plaza here. At peak times, it can really accommodate thousands of people to eat, and the picture is already very shocking.

Today's picture is even more shocking. Everyone is concentrated in a large area. The ingredients are adequately prepared, but the utensils are not necessarily sufficient. Many people do not receive the cooked food. Some people do not have the cooking tools. In the barbecue area, a team of chefs from nearly ten hotels gathered around. Since the evening, they have not been idle, regardless of a plate. It is completely self-serve. All seafood is cooked in the simplest way and then put in the buffet. You can use it in your dinner plate.

I thought this was an impossible task. They had seen hundreds of people who could make a self-help outdoor scene into a messy garbage dump. Everyone rushed forward to take food, regardless of hygiene. Some people returned after eating. Littering is even more irritating. Some people take food and don't like to eat it. It can be wasted, but you don't want to find any corners of the food that you don't want to eat, and at least you throw them in the trash.

Today there are more than 10,000 people, and there are more people when they eat. There is no verification. People who are not fans come and eat casually. There are always some people who like to take advantage of the small bargains, and they have joined the ranks. .

I can stick to it for more than three hours of meals. Hundreds of large red buckets serve as trash cans and have been replaced and cleaned several times. The entire barbecue area includes the beach. You will find that although it is not completely clean, but you are almost You ca n’t see large garbage or cigarette butts still on the ground. Those who come to take advantage of the small ones, you have to do immoral things. Fans are not polite. He may not know if you are a fan, but he will You as a fan, the so-called crowds of money, if there are hundreds of people around you who fully comply with the rules, even if you can shamelessly abide by the rules, they will remind you to even siege you with words, you are not ashamed Your own person, you are a fan of Haomen, you lose the boss's face.

What, you said that you are not a fan of Haomen, why do you have the face to come here to eat, drink, and come, everybody takes out their mobile phones to take photos and post them on the Internet, so that everyone on the Internet can take a look and ensure that Someone who knows them makes them famous.

A passerby fell and no one dared to help. If there were one hundred people and two hundred people passing by, everyone knows that two or three of them would stand up and help the old man. Will happen every time.

From a completely unbelievable perspective, the media faithfully delivered this picture to the Internet and was seen by audiences throughout the country and even in Southeast Asia.

Some people don't need to have a topic. Anytime he wants to be hot, he will be the hottest candidate.

After more than two months of shooting, the voice of controversy gradually dissipated. Many people think that Chen Hao is going to deal with it in a low-key manner. First, lower his position, and then let everyone ’s expectations lower. So good, he won't be too shameful. Who knows that people's post-editing has not been completed, and two live broadcasts can be opened to attract a tourist city. At the beginning of the peak season, within a few days, tens of thousands of people came in. The first purpose was for him, not for tourism. Tourists.

Haomen's brothers and sisters stood up immediately. After many years of harassment, many of the belligerent players have died down. One-on-one has found no opponents. They are the bosses who face a group of people. Do not speak, they sometimes do not have enough confidence. This is generally the case in the past two months. They just maintained their positions and did not make an attack. This time, the opportunity came and the belligerent players took on the armor. Remarks directly introduced the fighting into the fever.

"Some people, no matter what he does, are still the focus of everyone's attention. I am now looking forward to the release of the new movie of the boss."

"Boss, why don't you organize and develop a tourist attraction, that way, you will earn more money, and we will feel more comfortable."

"Those who say our boss Qianqi donkey is poor, please open your eyes and take a closer look. Does our boss need the kind of publicity you say? He said it will become a classic, that is, he is really confident to shoot the classic, he is quiet and quiet It took me two months to shoot, just to make better works for us, you guys, I do n’t understand at all, so just shut up? Otherwise, our boss just came out for a few live broadcasts, did you even lose the shadow? Where are people, come out, keep tearing. "

On the Internet, there is nothing to accept when you see a good one. It has always been too good to ignore people. It has always been to step you in the end once. If you seize the opportunity, you will be polite. If you do n’t step on you, I ’m sorry for such a good one. opportunity.

Chen Hao saw these remarks on the Internet, and of course he would not respond. All he could do was to urge everyone not to come. He would entertain all the fans who came in the hotel for several days, and I hope everyone would be considerate of him.

Instead of talking to others, you do n’t have to laugh at people who do n’t look down on you, the media will laugh at you first.

"Haozi, are you too arrogant, do you really believe in yourself? Do you still urge everyone to come, do n’t come, look at it, keep going like this, the number will increase in the next few days. Officials will come to force a stop. "

There is a kind of behavior called hi beating face. Some media ridicule Chen Hao's remarks in order to catch the eye, and they are waiting for the drama. The result is the evening of the next day ~ ~ It was already the clearest slap, and he was severely beaten on the face of this few media.

There are too many people, there are 20,000 people, but there are less than 10,000 people who actually stay on the beach and barbecue area of ​​the hotel. The remaining 10,000 people are standing, sitting, and playing in the beach a little further away. I did n’t mean to come here. I did n’t come to the center until Chen Hao came out, but there was no crowding. There are some old fans at the front of the fan club. They are maintaining order and calling on everyone to help Hao Zi and let him Being able to continue to meet everyone, so that more fans who have not seen him in the fan meeting have the opportunity to meet him.

Today, the hotel originally opened a large LED display screen on the small hotel square on the beach, and the sound was also turned on. It was originally used for some themed activities during the high season night. It was used by Chen Hao today, and his live video was also projected on the LED. The sound of speaking was not the kind of speaker that was brought in temporarily yesterday.

"Thank you all, I don't think it's possible to be with you in this life, I have no regrets in this life, thank you, thank you!"

He bowed deeply, and after seeing him straight up for a long time, he was really moved. There was no such thing as touching. Yesterday, the 10,000 people were able to sit down and maintain order. They were able to maintain a good personal quality in the later buffet seafood barbecue. These, He is not unusual. The fans have already given such surprises countless times before. Today is different. The more than 10,000 fans standing on both sides, he does not believe this picture, thinking in other places. I have never been here before. I can have a chance to take a closer look at you at the bottom, and then there is no good, there are barbecues to taste, but more than 10,000 people, although not all of yesterday, only 60% to 70%, even so, it is enough to form a special The energy rushed into Chen Hao's eyes, completely crushing his inner defense.

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