Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 964: The most powerful Andy


Chen Hao has always emphasized that in this film, he wants strength to always exist. In each group of shots and each plot, in a specific subject such as prison, it is unlikely to shoot too hard. The stories of the drama are indeed full of various powers. Even when Andy was just in jail, Rhett bet with others, saying that this young little white face would definitely not be able to stand here. The ironic power of emotion.

Yeah, here are two worlds that are completely different from the outside. Here, freedom is a longing dream. Being regulated is the normal state. It seems a normal thing to the outside world. It is really a dream here. of.

In all the videos, everyone yearns for freedom, feels that prison life is unacceptable, and thinks about how they left this unlucky place. First, let ’s talk about it with an old cloth. The feeling of this power is too strong. The interruption of the entire movie has supported a super peak.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this place is not human, but in the group of people who are not bound by the institutionalized life here, the outside is terrible. As long as you follow the arrangements here, you can eat and sleep and live. Every step is arranged, you don't even need to be motivated, and every day you open your eyes, you don't need to consume brain cells for life.

The old cloth in prison, from a certain point of view, he is happy, he does not need to do heavy physical work, and no one bullies him, do his own care work, he has a bird as a partner for decades, The prison is his home. He doesn't know what the outside world looks like and how to live.

In front of the whole movie, Andy used a variety of behavioral methods that subvert everyone's cognition. He has the opportunity to survive here, and he is completely different from others. Andy in Red ’s eyes is incompatible with here. He Has his own demeanor.

When Andy showed his talents, the drama of drinking beer on the roof, and laid the foundation for Lao Bu's release from prison, and later, Andy's life in the prison.

The prisoners don't care how much work they do. They are forced to survive every day. The worst food they eat is the unpleasant entertainment. One person drinks two bottles of beer and sits on the rooftop. At that moment, everyone is If you are happy, you will feel that you are in heaven all of a sudden. That kind of happiness makes Andy's existence of unthinkable value. After that, Andy is like a fish in this place where he paints a prison.

Lao Bu was released from prison and finally committed suicide.

"Lao Bu visited here."

How ironic, the actor who played the old cloth is an old Hollywood drama, not well-known, strong acting skills, many actors have played powerful roles.

After the start-up ceremony, Chen Hao had no harsh time requirements for the filming. Everyone relied on the feeling that whoever performed well in the past few days, then focus on shooting you. As the male number one and the director, I fully cooperate with your state.

The other dramas are all in line with the time of the big coffee. This drama is completely reversed. Whoever has his own time will have a very cool feeling right away. You have to be good to have the chance to be able to Become the focus in everyone's eyes.

Andre, the little old man who played Lao Bu, was fortunate to be the first.

The old cloth he played has been widely recognized by everyone, and the film that was originally intended to be shot in the back has been moved to the front. At the same time, Chen Hao also arranged for the final renovation to make the shooting area have a really good effect. If there is really no way to imprison, the possibility of setting up scenes will not be ruled out in the end.

It was in a small town near the farm, and the hanging room did n’t have a scene. I found a good shooting location in the small town. Chen Hao decided to use it. He was still discussing when to use it, and now there is no need to renovate it. If you change something, you will shoot the old cloth directly. At the same time, he also asked Will Smith to prepare, and the special effects makeup artist also began to set the makeup for Will Smith.

After Rhett was released on parole, he had spent 40 years in prison and needed to give Will Smith an old-age makeup.

It was such a heavy drama up there, Will didn't expect it, but he was also angered by Andre. If people can perform well, then I can definitely perform better. Lao Bu and Red are the same. Way, even if there is no sentence left by Andy, Rhett may not be the same as the old cloth in the final ending, the outside world has no expectations, the outside world is full of tension that should not be there at that age, There is no peace in the outside world, and life in the outside world becomes a struggle without 'hope'.

Two people are equal to performing almost the same drama, and the comparison is also very obvious. Without Chen Hao, he focused on being a director, putting himself in the perspective of an onlooker, and really taking the director's status to bring this The two big shows are good. No, it ’s three. Now that the makeup is set, let Will Smith finish his old movie by the way. Some have been asked to be released on parole, and he went to Andy to tell him the location. For the drama, there was no hope in life in the town. He didn't want to make himself the second of the old cloth. He resolutely embarked on the road to find Andy. Under the tree, he dug out what he thought was a joke, and then Go to the last location.

In the version in Chen Hao's mind, the last two people reunited at the seaside to hug the play, which is slightly different from the color of the whole play, giving people a slightly happy feeling. The audience may buy it very much. For movies, this seems to be a little less lethal.

He spent the last scene by himself, hoping to keep the reunion of his family, but also to have his own B.

At the seaside, Andy stood up, the setting sun shone on the sea and reflected on him, shining a unique golden light, and Rhett's smile also matched with Andy's smile. Although they were separated by a dozen meters The distance, but with this smile, completed the reunion of the last scene, the sunlight and the sea became the background curtain, and the moving steps became the final picture.

No hug is better than a reunion hug.

Freedom belongs to them.

In the future, with the arrangement of an old prison friend, Red's life will have sunshine again, and he will no longer be confused.

In prison, the most powerful is undoubtedly Andy. When he escaped successfully, all the inmates recognized the fact that Andy was by no means weak, and even if he was strong, everyone didn't see enough these years. Comprehensive, even Rhett didn't expect that there would be a passage to the outside of the poster in his cell.

After being released from prison, Duckbill is just a small tool. What Andy is doing these years is to ensure that he has enough survival resources after he is released from prison. He has completed the conversion of the virtual character and taken away the prison director. Money, reported that they completed revenge and harm elimination, and finally won a secure future for themselves.

Where is Red?

He just walked on a path without color. When he decided to give up the life in that small town to find Andy, he had the glory of freedom. Real freedom is not the imprisonment after changing places.

Physical imprisonment is far less terrible than spiritual imprisonment.


"Okay, everyone, please prepare. All the actors and actresses will cooperate. Let ’s do the old cloth scene again." Chen Hao took the microphone, and the voice can be sent directly through the supermarket broadcast. Everyone plays the ordinary person in the supermarket.

Filming in Hollywood is the most troublesome and awesome thing.

No matter where it is, no matter how many people are shooting the scene, as long as the person in the lens must be an actor, not a passerby, it is even more impossible on the street, in case someone is carrying a woman who is not his wife When you go shopping, you shoot the film and hold them together, that guarantees that the man can sue you, and won't let your crew pay a pricey compensation ~ ~ what may be called the mental loss in China The worthless things like fees and reputation are just false names. In the United States, you have damaged what belongs to me, and you have to pay the corresponding price for whatever you care about.

Another advantage of using actors from the Actors Guild is that these people all exist with a play. Regardless of whether the camera is exposed to him, he will be immersed in his role to perform, including expressions and eyes. Having the status that belongs to this role, not your own status, even if you only make the least money, you can't question the glory of the professional.

In this regard, Chen Hao admits that there is a lot less trouble than filming in China. You don't need to tell over and over for the actors and actresses. You also have to be afraid to wear out and worry about the performance of the lead actor because of their N machine. . All you need to do now is tell them what you want to shoot, and that's it.

This is a supermarket. You are here to visit the supermarket. Are you a man or a woman pretending to be a couple or a couple? Then you look at your age, as long as it is a person who exists in this particular environment, you own it. I want to wait for you. Ready, I'm going to shoot.

"Okay, come again, Andre, it's up to you, we'll fight over again, come!"

With an order from Chen Hao, the scene was quiet. There was no other sound except the sound in the scene. The machine was turned on, the lens was aimed at the place to be aligned, and everyone ‘lived’.

A scene where everyone was doing their own things, studying their roles, and discussing these words. As the machine began to shoot, everyone entered their own role. Before the cashier, Lao Bu entered the role, beside There are also some small supporting actors in the drama, but it is the most nervous on the scene ...

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