Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 958: Enjoy the future

Chen Yuanping quickly got up and held hands to help Kang Yan. He said, "Well, good boy, get up and get up."

Qiao Xinmei also pulled Kang Yan aside. This man they like to see in their eyes and like in his heart. His past is miserable. It has been difficult for him for so many years. The old couple has always felt bad for him. When he was half a son, The son-in-law is also half a child. This child has no father and no mother, and he really becomes two parents.

Chen Yu looked at Kang Yan's behavior, and a little tear appeared in his eyes. He held his hand in the past. At this time, he was not covering his face with a shy, idol story that ran away. For Kang Yan, Chen Yu has always been You can catch as hard as you can, for fear that he will disappear from his eyes in the next second.

Chen Hao also stood up and said, "Okay, that's it. The old man arranged it. The two of you can wait. Lao Kang wants to follow me. I can't live without him now. He has no requirements anyway. It will be good if he gets married when he gets married, and my second sister will do the rest. Anyway, their family is also my second sister.

Chen Yu kicked his brother in a posture, full of joy, and Kang Yan's performance was more destructive than saying a lot of love to her.

This night, the big family is always filled with laughter and laughter. Although Xiao Di wants to be alone with his lover immediately, he still resents the atmosphere. The family sits around the sofa and chats with some parents. Even if they just joke with Chen Gang Everyone can laugh together, especially when it comes to trying to pull Chen Yu and the two of them together. Chen Gang obviously feels that his master ’s current partner Kang Yan looks in his eyes and has a murderous look. .

Xiaodi took a bath and saw Chen Hao standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the neon lights of the city in the distance, walking over, hugging him from behind, holding his cheek against his back, and holding it tightly, he felt that there was only In this way, there will be a sense of security, and love will be truly felt.

Chen Hao held her hand in front of her, stroking gently: "Is it better to be less or more, is it good or not?"

Are you tired of being together every day?

"How can there be real perfection in the world? I am very satisfied. Really, they used to say that I worked too hard and didn't take a day off in three years. I was afraid of rest. Now I am not afraid at all. I can't see you, it's good to be able to think about you. "Xiao Di changed her cheek to stick to Chen Hao's back.

Chen Hao pulled her from behind, holding her, sitting on a rocking chair, and letting him sit in his arms, watching the neon lights flickering out the window together. When you stared, you would find out, go and watch the neon lights outside, It's also addictive. You don't even know what you are looking at. You don't focus and you don't need to focus. What you fall in love with is the feeling of judging the city.


I was able to sleep until I woke up naturally. Both Chen Hao and Xiao Di were considered to be a little extravagance. The next day, until the afternoon, the two got up and actually woke up in the morning. The two simply brushed and brushed their teeth. After washing my face, I went to the kitchen together, made a simple breakfast, packed it in a tray, squeezed in bed and watched TV to eat breakfast. Then I shrank into a quilt, watched two comedy movies, and fell in love with bed feeling. At night, Xiaodi was a little embarrassed, or Chen Hao took the initiative to cook, wearing slippers and home furnishings, and went to the opposite side to tell a few elderly people. He had a day-long overseas phone call to talk about the script. People didn't sleep well. They didn't want to move at night.

There are only two people left, and they know that no matter whether they are elderly or who have fingerprint authentication to enter this house, no one will come over without permission, even Chen Yu respects their absolute Privacy.

I did n’t cook at night, it ’s snacks for dinner. It ’s considered that Chen Hao accompanied Xiao Di to a wayward way, and then accompanied her to watch the two-dimensional anime and accompanied her to a variety show. Laughter is still the theme. Since yesterday The night's family is happy. To the two-person world tonight, there is nothing that needs happiness. It is the happiness that everyone can easily get.

Happiness is sometimes really simple.

On the third day, I went to the company to have a chat. Xiaodi also arranged her next schedule. When she returned home in the afternoon, both parents returned from the mall. In the afternoon, the entertainment room at home was useful. Chen Hao Xiaodi accompanied the two. Mom, four people are sitting together playing mahjong, while Chen Gang and Kang Yan are playing poker with the two fathers. Chen Yu has always been the main force of various activities. This time, he took the initiative to take the task of "waiting the bureau" and washing fruits for everyone. Drinking tea and pouring water, sitting behind Kang Yan when nothing is wrong, according to her past temperament, must be a trick, today is not, just sit there quietly, watching Kang Yan lose there.

This mahjong poker battle directly turned dinner into a takeaway. Fortunately, roast duck and Tan's dishes are mostly the family's favorite, otherwise you have to blame yourself for not being serious. Xiaodi's mother won all afternoon. I did n’t cook at night, and I was a little embarrassed to see my future aunt. I was afraid the other party would misunderstand that my future mother-in-law was a good gambler. I tried to explain this several times. It ’s still the girl who understands her mother. "Mom, you and your aunt enjoy life every day, he is happy. I wish you were not tired every day and enjoyed every day so that he felt that his struggle was more valuable."

Chen Hao thumbed up at Xiao Di, who was sitting opposite him, "Know me."

Qiao Xinmei slaps his son's hand: "When you were young, you made money. You need to save money. Do n’t spend money. It ’s okay to buy a house. It is also an investment."

Chen Hao smiled and patted his head: "Mom, do you know how much money your son made last year?"

Qiao Xinmei muttered a few words in earnest, thinking that it was to calculate the business over Meicheng: "No, the money over there is not only for us and for the company, the rest will be for you plus what you earn, buy These two houses, are you out of money? "

This time, even Xiaodi laughed: "Auntie, you are so cute, let alone say that if he just shoots that magazine, even if he goes to pay taxes, he will have 100 million yuan."

Qiao Xinmei raised an eyebrow: "What, so much money, no, ca n’t put it all with you, take it, mom keep it for you, right, take it, put it in Xiao Di, your kid will waste money, home How long have those two cars been left, you will not drive at all. "

Chen Hao is a little speechless, but I can understand: "Mom, I have already given the card to her, Swiss bank card, domestic bank card should be given to me as a pocket change, OK, my wife."

"Ah." Xiao Di felt incredible, nothing happened, suddenly remembered something, ran back to his house, opened the safe in the room, took out the beautiful box containing the diamond ring, and took the soft cotton below Open, really, at the bottom of the box, I have my own domestic card deputy card and Swiss Bank account information, along with a line of small letters and two passwords, you guess, if you guess it, you wo n’t blame me.

After the two mothers came over, seeing this scene, Xiaodi's mother never had any worry. Her daughter met such a man, and her last self-care worries disappeared at this moment. Qiao Xinmei is also very happy. She is simple, and after seeing the photo, she will be sure that a woman's housekeeper will be responsible for money. Men spend a lot of money outside, and women need to keep these wealth at home.

The two passwords are all related to some of Xiaodi ’s information. The ID number is reversed and the birthday is reversed. Although Xiaodi has never thought of such a thing, but seeing Chen Hao can do this, his heart is still very, very happy. Full of satisfaction, even carrying, especially at night, Xiao Xiao satisfied some of Chen Hao's small-evil-evil thoughts.

The rest time is always short. Chen Yu is complaining that his brother is too busy, and even with Kang Yan, he must also be busy. This also strengthens her idea of ​​returning to Meicheng immediately to resign, for nothing else. Since Kang Yan's time Involuntarily, then try to cooperate with yourself ~ ~ When he is not in the country, he will do something he likes. When he is in the country, the two are together.

Chen Hao didn't even participate in the second season of propaganda, so he took Xiaodi back to the United States, and found the shooting location. He just moved the photo.

An old prison located in Utah. The previous prisons were all light-to-penalty prisoners. Many facilities were too old and could not keep up with the trend. The level of security was too old at the moment. The crew was looking for someone. After a chat, we provided millions of sponsorship fees for the inmates' relocation and receiving the renovation of the prison, so that the prison was vacated, and then researched and scrapped or used for other purposes after the crew completely finished filming.

At present, the people in the company are talking to Utah about the tax refund. The progress is not smooth. After all, Chen Hao ’s new film this time, he has made such a big battle. Do n’t watch the news, but there is still no way to get more trust. The people he can succeed in are few besides fans.

Chen Hao is not involved in this kind of thing. There is no need for him here. He cares more about the prison, the shooting of his new film, the actor, or the progress of the entire crew. After returning home for a few days, the whole person is like He returned with a full charge, making everyone think that it was the work of Xiaodi and resurrecting his nourishing blood, but I did n’t know that the warmth of the family also accounted for a certain proportion.

After getting off the plane, the first time I took a flight to Utah, I went to this prison non-stop, and at the first sight of it, Chen Hao was satisfied with eight points, looked back and forth for a long time, then stood at the venue and opened his arms , Make a pose to embrace the entire prison main building, closed eyes, raised his head, full of enjoyment.

At this moment, he is thinking about the future.

He is one step ahead of everyone and enjoy the future!

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